Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
If you want sure to make scum dead then there are seven big game calibers to consider: 44 magnum, 454 casull, 475 linebaugh, 460 s&w magnum, 478 wildey magnum, 50AE and 500 s&w magnum. The guns that fire them are heavy and recoil is important but one shot with them in the heart of in the head assure imediate death. When you go to kill some scum, always aim at the heart or the head and only use big game cartridge with the heaviest loads.
Had I to work in the police,I would pick a 500s&w revolver over a glock
I can't remember which movie it was from, but one of my favorite lines is, "AK-47: when you have to kill everybody in the room, there is no substitute." That still cracks me up when I think about it.
I'm going to a gunshow tomorrow. One of the people going with me is a state trooper. I guarantee you that he'll buy a(nother) big bore revolver that he won't be able to shoot accurately. He has a gun safe full of stuff that is about as practical as a Ferrari in a school zone. This guy has more shit and talks more shit than anybody I've ever known when it comes to guns. When we go to the lake, he'll bring his .454 or his .50 AE and my buddy's wife will out shoot him with my Glock 22/.40 S&W.... just like she always does. 20 some years on the force and a girl who doesn't even like guns out shoots him without even trying.

But people (mostly guys) fall in love with the Dirty Harry hand cannons and run around quoting ballistics stats, when the most important thing is that you be able to place your round where it should be placed. As USMC snipers say: One Shot... One Kill. If you're firing wildly into a crowd, whether you have a 9mm, an AK-47 or a 50AE you don't need to be a cop to begin with. And if I'm not mistaken, this is one of the reasons that New York was one of the last cities to adopt semi-auto handguns and move away from revolvers.
Not all of them, but I've often been amazed at how bad many of the cops I've known over the years are at the range. They talk a lot of shit, but they can't hit shit to save their lives (or anybody else's for that matter). And that's in the relative serenity of the range. Imagine how bad they'd be once they're in a tense situation with the adrenaline flowing. :eek: