Starlets you wanna see swallow, and stop the cum dodgeing!

Strange as it sounds, my all time favourite porn star Michelle Wild is a non swallowing pain in the arse.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's great but to my knowledge the only time she swallowed was in 110% Natural 4. She could have managed more than once plus that's not exactly her best scene.

To me that's the only chink in the armour for her. In some of her scenes she spits it out faster than the guy can squirt it in her mouth which looks silly.

Concidering all the other adventures she got up to infront of a camera I can't see why swallowing a bit of sperm was such an issue for her. Come on girl you should have done alot better!

Still think she's the greatest and at least she was no cum dodger!
All these posts and nobody even brings up P.J. Sparxxx. There have been movies where she has warned guys about cumming anywhere near her face. I know there's one video out there where Peter North gets 1 or 2 shots on her face and she goes ballistic. I wish I could find it because it is absolutely hilarious.


Prince of the Rotten Milk