Star Trek wins, in both "which is better" and "who would win in a war" terms.
Everyone who says the Force will make Star Wars win forgets that Luke can't do shit if Q turns him into a turtle.
oh two can play that game
Meh vulcan neuro pressure points you say?![]()
Resistance is futile!![]()
Thank you for bringing up two reasons I stopped watching Star Trek shows.
Bimbos with fake tits have no place in the Star Trek universe.
Seven of Nine? Please explain to me how she could've been assimilated into the Borg as a child but manages to look like a porn star with a blue tooth on her face. And she wears a spandex body suit WITH HEELS!!! That makes total sense because heels are so good when you're on away missions to new alien planets.
And T'Pol? Puh-leeeeeeeease. What purpose could that belt halfway up her abdomen possibly serve other than to make her fake tits appear to stick out even more?!?!?!
Those were two of the weakest characters ever produced in the Trek world and were only introduced to get 15 year olds to watch the show.
but manages to look like a porn star with a blue tooth on her face.
This thread reeks of virginity.
since i cant stand the whole "force" part of star wars, ill just say this:
star wars would kick the holy living shit out of star trek in a full blown war.
lets put the Empire against the Federation, shall we?
1) the Empire, spanning an entire UNIVERSE is numerically superior to the Federation which only spans a quadrant of their universe, with outlying colony worlds and space stations. the empire had upwards of 25,000 star ships at its height and the federation cant even meet that without becoming allies with numerous other kingdoms, planets and the like.
2) a single Imperal Star Destroyer is 1600 meters long, compared to the Enterprise E's 685 meters. the Impstar Duece has upwards of 26 turbolaser cannons, 10 tractor beams, and 72 starfighters. The Enterprise has 12 phaser arrays and 5 torpedo tubes, and no fighters(unless you count the shuttles). i wont get into shielding. i think the sheer size of the destroyer explains that.
3) the destroyer has thousands of ground troops, numerous walkers, med bays, and transports. the enterprise has its main crew, and one sick bay.
side note: i read a lot of the star wars books when i was a freshman and sophmore in high school, and it never really left my head. so thats where this info came from.
case in point: Star Wars wins
Especially the post below. Why does anybody know all that? Anybody?
yup, knew this was coming. no, im not a virgin. havnt been for 5 years, i lead a rather fun sex life if i say so myself. even past nerds grow up to be sex havin, party goin peeps.
and like i said, i read a lot of the books my first two years of high school. what can i say...
[B][URL=" said:Elektra Knight[/URL][/B], post: 4269204, member: 376878"]I was just kidding. Please don't take offense to my post.![]()
none taken ms knight. i was simply clarifying. i probably should have explained the reason of that knowledge in a little more detail. but hey, once a fanboy always a fanboy i suppose eh
yea most of my friends are fanboys, comic freaks and anime fans. Oh and as a profession I dress as comic book and anime characters. LOL! :hatsoff: