Star Wars: The Force Awakens


Bronze Member
The new trailer looks awesome. I'll definitely see it in the theaters. Did you guys hear about this stupid boycott some racist assholes are doing online since they think its anti white since the lead actor (John Boyega) being black. It fucking ridiculous.
I may have been one of the first people to see the original Star Wars when I was a kid. Then I discovered girls.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I was amazed by it.



First 3 trailers:

Latest trailer:

I gotta say that trailer makes me nervous. The cinematography doesnt match the first 6 films at all. Im also noticing some over acting in those trailers. I know you guys didnt like the acting in the prequels but the fact of the matter is that it was consistent with the acting in the original trilogy. This is something I was always nervous about when Lucas sold the company. Funny how it has very similar designs to the original trilogy in terms of the vehicles and uniforms and even having the same lead actors, but in spite of that it looks completely inconsistent. Oh well, I had low expectations for the prequels and they completely blew me away. Maybe this trilogy will do the same.
I watched this for the 2nd time on Vudu. It's like the three prequels never existed. I'm no Star Wars fanatic (not that there's anything wrong with that), I loved it as a kid then moved on, but this film is the best of the Star Wars series, including yes, Empire. Rey is the Luke Skywalker of this generation but more compelling. That moment she turned on the blue lightsabre framed against her face, that moment just represented all that was good.

Speaking of, I have a problem with the whole "balance" of the force thing The dark side doesn't subscribe to this ying and yang and would wipe out the jedi if it could.

There needs to be a balance. So if the light side of the force prevailed and everything was hunky dory then there would still be an inbalance in the force that needed to be addressed?

thanks George Lucas, for this eastern mysticism b.s. So the force isn't a force good, it's a force for equilibrium. Inspiring.

but I digress.
I watched this for the 2nd time on Vudu. It's like the three prequels never existed. I'm no Star Wars fanatic (not that there's anything wrong with that), I loved it as a kid then moved on, but this film is the best of the Star Wars series, including yes, Empire. Rey is the Luke Skywalker of this generation but more compelling. That moment she turned on the blue lightsabre framed against her face, that moment just represented all that was good.

Speaking of, I have a problem with the whole "balance" of the force thing The dark side doesn't subscribe to this ying and yang and would wipe out the jedi if it could.

There needs to be a balance. So if the light side of the force prevailed and everything was hunky dory then there would still be an inbalance in the force that needed to be addressed?

thanks George Lucas, for this eastern mysticism b.s. So the force isn't a force good, it's a force for equilibrium. Inspiring.

but I digress.

As far as I can remember in most of the media the setting has appeared in and from Lucas himself the lightside was the "balance", and the darkside was the balance of the force being thrown off. Of course there was some goofy stuff some authors came up with throughout Star Wars history on the subject, but I think for once that was a bit of Star Wars stupidity that didn't come from Lucas.
As far as I can remember in most of the media the setting has appeared in and from Lucas himself the lightside was the "balance", and the darkside was the balance of the force being thrown off. Of course there was some goofy stuff some authors came up with throughout Star Wars history on the subject, but I think for once that was a bit of Star Wars stupidity that didn't come from Lucas.

So then what is balance?
As far as I can remember in most of the media the setting has appeared in and from Lucas himself the lightside was the "balance", and the darkside was the balance of the force being thrown off. Of course there was some goofy stuff some authors came up with throughout Star Wars history on the subject, but I think for once that was a bit of Star Wars stupidity that didn't come from Lucas.

But wouldn't the light side be diametrically opposed to the dark side by definition? So those who would be for "balance" would be neutral? Jabba the Hut was truly for balance in the force. Han Solo was too until he got involved with the light side and ended up gettting killed in the process.

Thanks George Lucas :thumbsup:

Those who advocate moral relativism can't even follow their own rules.