Haha yeah, any sort of rewriting could have made it more consistent with the universe in the original trilogy - still enjoyed the Disney movies, but had to force myself to imagine them as totally separate from the original Star Wars universe to keep from getting too annoyed.
Overall, just like other Disney cartoons geared towards little children and teens, like Mulan and Pocahontas and Aladdin and Beauty & the Beast etc - to enjoy Disney films you have to not know anything about the original universes the they've stolen or purchased their ideas from, because Disney refuses to respect and stay consistent with the ideas they are building off of, instead Disney wants to appropriate ideas they've stolen or purchased as their own so they can assimilate everything into the Disney universe not unlike what the Borg do to civilisations they conquer.
Mulan and Pocahontas are my favorite Disney movies, also because I force myself to not be reminded of all the inconsistencies from actual historical stories, and instead enjoy them as stand alone silly child and teen marketed Disney assimilations - or else I would be too annoyed to watch anything Disney ever again.
All the criticisms by the Drunk Fixer are valid, but mostly children and teens won't notice or be bothered because they won't know any better since they've not seen the original trilogy as adults, and are blank slates to the Star Wars universe - that's what Disney aspires towards in order to market their products, blank slates to be imprinted only with what Disney says is correct, history means less than nothing to Disney.
Other things that annoy me especially that the Drunk Fixer mentioned already are how now anyone that picks up a light saber can use it expertly as if this were the Matrix universe, and also that Han Solo looks like a deadbeat dad - I won't go into how annoying that Luke Skywalker ends up running away and Leia seems to have become a weak figurehead without any allies left, other videos similar to this Drunk Fixer one say it better than me.
The light saber in the original trilogy used to be exclusively the weapon of Jedis, a sophisticated device, not just a flash light anyone can pick up and flick a switch and use like a toy - then again, Disney wants to market their toys just as such so it's easy to see why they do this, it's for the children of course.
Same with the way others want to turn every lightsaber battle into scenes from the Matrix universe, they even want to rewrite the original trilogy to have these Kung Fu light saber duels with old Ben Kenobi and Darth Vader flying around - just like some of the other videos posted above, thereby taking any realism and sophistication out of the original trilogy, and replacing it with Lego Star Wars cinematics.