
After clicking on so many links on this site I've noticed my computer started slowing down. Can anyone recommend anything to help me keep my computer clean. I'm currently using spyware and I have it check my comp pretty often but my peer guardian is usually disabled. I've also stopped clicking on links and going to sketchy sites...

I'm assuming you're willing to pay for a program, and if that is the case SpySweeper is a damn good program to use.


Closed Account
After clicking on so many links on this site I've noticed my computer started slowing down. Can anyone recommend anything to help me keep my computer clean. I'm currently using spyware and I have it check my comp pretty often but my peer guardian is usually disabled. I've also stopped clicking on links and going to sketchy sites...


Diluted windex with water on a damp cloth :hatsoff:
After clicking on so many links on this site I've noticed my computer started slowing down. Can anyone recommend anything to help me keep my computer clean. I'm currently using spyware and I have it check my comp pretty often but my peer guardian is usually disabled. I've also stopped clicking on links and going to sketchy sites...


Actually, I reload the entire C-file in the computer hard drive and delete everything in Drive C ! (But it takes me 4-5 hours to reload all the programs. I do this every 1-2 months to cleanse up all the hidden files, viruses, trojan horses etc spywares, etc)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
After clicking on so many links on this site I've noticed my computer started slowing down. Can anyone recommend anything to help me keep my computer clean. I'm currently using spyware and I have it check my comp pretty often but my peer guardian is usually disabled. I've also stopped clicking on links and going to sketchy sites...


Use opera or a mac to skip the whole spyware protection thing.

Internet explorer bad.. and hoping you can get the job done with firefox not as bad.(AND THE DOZEN PLUGINS YOULL NEED TO GET FULL FUNCTIONALITY)
Actually, I reload the entire C-file in the computer hard drive and delete everything in Drive C ! (But it takes me 4-5 hours to reload all the programs. I do this every 1-2 months to cleanse up all the hidden files, viruses, trojan horses etc spywares, etc)

You could probably easily snag a job at Best Buy's tech dept.
Use opera or a mac to skip the whole spyware protection thing.

Internet explorer bad.. and hoping you can get the job done with firefox not as bad.(AND THE DOZEN PLUGINS YOULL NEED TO GET FULL FUNCTIONALITY)

What exactly does changing your PC or OS or browser have to do with it ???
That's like saying I get in car accidents all the time, if I buy a new car, I'll stop smashing it up. Ever think it's a user thing ?? People need to understand and learn to maintain their computers more if they wanna play.
install some linux as secondary os, for starter i'll recommend ubuntu. and remember, because linux is open source, it's free!
And of course it's better than any windows :) There is no viruses or spyware for linux and there is no blue screen of death :)
and it can also emulate windows if needed. it's perfect and it's free and there is all ways some one wishing to help you with problems with the os 24/7. and why don't everybody use it? Well that's because still few years ago it was *ucking hard to use. :( But those problems are gone now <3
install some linux as secondary os, for starter i'll recommend ubuntu.

Migrating or using Linux is a step by step process, there is no silver bullet. It's still command line driven and you can easily wipe your entire directory structure with one keystroke. It won't even ask if "are you sure?" Driver support is weak and mostly a manual process.

and remember, because linux is open source, it's free!

true...there is a vast library of open source apps covering every conceiveable niche, the trouble is that quality can vary hugely.

And of course it's better than any windows :) There is no viruses or spyware for linux and there is no blue screen of death :)

If you're still experiencing the blue screen of death in Windows, maybe you should consider an upgrade from Windows 98.

and it can also emulate windows if needed.

If you want to emulate Windows, then why not just use Windows??

it's perfect and it's free and there is all ways some one wishing to help you with problems with the os 24/7. .

Yes, techno geeks lurking the forums giving the most complicated advice they can, crushing noobs hopes like cans of Red Bull.

and why don't everybody use it? Well that's because still few years ago it was *ucking hard to use. :( But those problems are gone now <3.

Yes....why?? because the 90's were good, but some people want to move on, you hear about all those new fangled kernels...but why change a good thing?

:2 cents:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
1: What exactly does changing your PC or OS or browser have to do with it ???

2: That's like saying I get in car accidents all the time, if I buy a new car, I'll stop smashing it up.

3: Ever think it's a user thing ?? People need to understand and learn to maintain their computers more if they wanna play.

1. Internet explorer has always been the most bloated, unsafe browser. Unless you count when it was mosaic. Why the hell are you calling me on that? Changing the OS? A program designed to rape a windows install doesnt rape a mac. You dont find adware on a dreamcast or PS3 browser do ya? But that's a bit extreme of a comparison.

2. For one.. you have to be licensed to use a car. Any dumbass can buy a computer and spyware it up without real consequences. Not any dumbass can get into a car, crash it up and then ask the officer that shows up.. "hey how do I fix my car and drive it correctly?" Your comparison = fail.

3. Oh please. As much as I hate with every fiber of my being to say this.. the computer isnt for intelligent people anymore. The same as the nintendo wii isnt a gaming console, it's a CULTURAL SYMBOL. Everybody has one even if they dont know how to use 50% of the possibilities it offers right out of the box. The user doesnt know shit, doesnt know how to learn shit, and most likely doesnt WANT to know anything except how to GET SHIT! 70% of internet usage is for browsing porn and people dont want to defrag their hard drives, foolproof their registry and lock down their program configurations inbetween looking at tits.

But hey, you know how people learn? THE FRIGGIN' hard way. You can offer them advice, sure. But that's the same as going to american schools. They only keep it in their head as long as they have to. (The test, the finals, whatever) and then it's gone. You wanna be on-call for people, go right ahead. I already put my customer service time in at 2 computer shops and verizon DSL. People dont want an education, they want quick results that ARENT GONNA HAPPEN!

Sorry for the pessimism. Ahem, I mean realism.
Basically my computer now takes 3-4 minutes to start up/shutdown/restart when it used to be seconds. Everything seems to be slower as well. After running scans, I manage to catch a few things but nothing seems to be affecting the speed of the computer.
used the spyware tested free software and prevent youurself from installing any screensavers, desktop backgrounds, etc..that you downloaded from internet..
always update the windows..and install the latest version of antivirus...
right now, i'm using softwin bitdefender...kill all the spywares..:thumbsup:


Postal Paranoiac
You need to run several programs. No one program EVER gets it all. I run Spybot Search & Destroy 1.4 and Ad-Aware routinely. Plus I run Trend Micro Internet Security 2008 weekly. TMIS is one of the best anti-virus programs available.
install some linux as secondary os,

While I think your suggestion is valid, I wouldn't suggest right off the bat going straight for Linux. I've been working with Linux for about 10 years, and I don't think anyone other than those who really know what they are doing really should be using it.

If you're still experiencing the blue screen of death in Windows, maybe you should consider an upgrade from Windows 98.

I wish Windows 98 was the only version that had problems with the Blue Screen. Hell my Inspiron 9100 still occasionally gets it and it's been running XP.

If you want to emulate Windows, then why not just use Windows??

:2 cents:

For me personally, there are still driver issues with some of my hardware components and Vista that it just isn't worth it. Problem is, the computer I use is what I use for work, and in my line of work I need to be able to run both OSs. At least if I have issues with Linux I can open up the command line and take care of business. Often with Vista I'm left trying the command line only to find that everything is proprietary and runs with a Wizard of some sort, which only adds to my frustration.