Spider-Man death 'changes everything' for Marvel

Not since Arthur Conan Doyle killed off Sherlock Holmes has such a dramatic death hit the pages of fiction.
Really? If I remember right, the death of Superman was a fairly big deal. :dunno:
Oh its for the Ultimate series, so its not that big of a deal.
oh man, i used to really love watching the Spiderman cartoon too -- on the weekends .


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
maybe the comics were used to introduce the idea of parallel universes to the masses, then in 2012, unveil that all we have known so far has been a tip of the iceberg to what is reality


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I hope that they let The Amazing Spider-Man comics remain the same.

Will E Worm

When comic book sales decline kill off the main hero....when they decline again bring him back...:yesyes:
Thought Spider Man 2099 was the next Spider man? I collected those comic books in middle school 18 years ago.


Ultimate Spiderman isn't the "next" spiderman, he's a different version of the existing Spiderman.

Marvel started the Ulimate Universe to try and attract new fans who are maybe intimidated by the long, sometimes confusing history their characters already have. They started all the series over again at #1 and re-told their origins in a more hip fashion. An example would be, the Ultimate Peter Parker works on the Daily Bugle's website rather than being a Bugle photographer like the original Peter Parker. It makes him more hip and modern so todays young people will relate to him more than the version who's been around since the 1960's.

The Ultimate Universe is also the reason Samuel Jackson plays Nick Fury in all the Marvel movies. The Ultimate version of Nick Fury is a black man who just happens to look a lot like Jackson.


The regular versions of all the characters still exist in the mainstream Marvel Universe. The Ultimate Universe is entirely seperate. So killing the Ultimate Spiderman has nothing to do with the regular spiderman.

As a long time Marvel fan, I've not been into the Ultimate Universe because it's a lot different than the mainstream Marvel Universe. A lot of the rules are different and I've never found it appealing. Classic Marvel for me!


Will E Worm

Thought Spider Man 2099 was the next Spider man? I collected those comic books in middle school 18 years ago.

2099 was great.

Did you see the Exiles: World Tour: 2099?

In 2006, the Exiles visited the Marvel Universe 2099 in Exiles #75-76 as part of the "World Tour" arc. This future had split apart from the mainstream 2099 fairly early, as Doom 2099 had not yet met Spider-Man 2099. Spider-Man 2099 joined the Exiles and left with them.

Marvel 2099


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Meh no one stays dead in comics, except lame characters like Nomad.