Spider Man 3

Its kinda crazy that the guy who played the Crow was killed on the set. Never knew that until i wikied it.

No offense but are you kidding!That "guy" just so happened to be Bruce Lee's son and they made a huge deal out of it because they both died while filming a movie.
I don't think Raimi did the villains justice this time around. Doc Oc was so bad ass in the last movie that I thought Sandman would be the same.As far as Venom goes,he was accually in it longer than I expected but they could have done a better job with him,and I think Raimi might be losing it a little because some of the fight scenes weren't as tight as the other two movies.


They can always bring Carnage into the mix...


Has anyone noticed Kirsten Dunst's acting keeps getting worse instead of better? When she was younger she was a much better actress.


Has anyone noticed Kirsten Dunst's acting keeps getting worse instead of better? When she was younger she was a much better actress.

Why did they try to turn this into a tear jerker? Pete gettin all emotional. She couldnt sing for shit. "That was our kiss". He was more bad ass wit the symbiote suit on. Movie was kinda corny at times.
i just saw it. It wasn't as bad as The Incredible Hulk but it could have been about an hour shorter. WTF was up with the jazz club scene, that was gay as hell. Harry's face looked fucked up, good thing he died cause his ass would never see a pussy again! Overall, could have been better but not the worst.
Saw it this AM at 10 and the theater was almost packed. I'm a fan of the series and think that 2 was better than the first. I really enjoyed part 3 but would still rank 2 as my favorite.

There was lots of good stuff in this installment though. Lots of action, lots of great character interaction and a satisfying ending if they decide not to do a fourth. I plan on catching this again in IMAX. Anyone see it that way yet?
Seeing it Sunday afternoon, can't wait, will post my thoughts after I see it
i just saw it. It wasn't as bad as The Incredible Hulk but it could have been about an hour shorter. WTF was up with the jazz club scene, that was gay as hell. Harry's face looked fucked up, good thing he died cause his ass would never see a pussy again! Overall, could have been better but not the worst.
Thanks so much for the spoiler genius...
i actually thought it was really good. for all the action in it and to carry a pretty complex story is quite impressive. i thought the jazz club was hilarious. and al of them have had tear-jerker parts. thats part of spider-man. always has been and always will. thats all ill say about my opinion of the movie, i don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.
they made him so over the top thank God my b/f actually read the comics or Id be completely lost, guess what not everyone who sees the movie goes out and reads all the comics first ya know?

THe only way Im going to 4 is if Carnage or Rhino are in it or because my b/f tells me I'm going.
well, considering that the movie has nothing to do with the comic and the storyline is compltely different, you shouldn't have a problem there.

I think my favorite review is:

mitch clem said:
Choose your own adventure:

1) Bruce Campbell has a cameo as the Rhino.

2) Peter Parker turns into Connor Oberst halfway through the movie.

One of these statements is true. The other should be.
Minor spoilers ahead so don't read if you haven't seen it already.

Spiderman 3 was the most disappointing movie EVER. It was so boring I actually considered walking out towards the end.
It's like they decided to develop multiple characters rather than just show us some kickass action. I don't give a fuck MJ's career sucks or that she's jealous of Spidey; I don't give a fuck that this escaped convict is trying to save his sick daughter, all I want to see is some spidering action.
Ok.....saw it today, and it was just as good as the other two....regarding the Jazz club scene everyone is complaining about....it was showing what a prick Peter was becoming because of the symbiote, it may have a bit corny and they could have shown him being a prick in a bit a different way but so what. As far as conforming to the comics, it's a movie for god's sake, a comic is a continuing story over time, a movie can't be. They balanced the villans well in my opinion, although more Venom would have been cool. People are complaining they wanted more action, yet people are always complaining there isn't enough story in movies, christ make up your damn minds. Too much character development? Most movies don't have ENOUGH, i'm glad they did that in this movie. What action there was was really good, I know I will catch hell for this but you people who hated this movie or thought it was corny or whatever are nuts. I went with a friend of mine which is a hardcore comic reader and has been reading Spidey for over 20 years and he loved the movie. I think everyone is being overly critical IMO. The movie was not perfect, but god one thing it wasn't was boring.
that movie was completely hilarious. the background music was screwed up for me.
it would either go down or up dramatically in pitch whenever something bad happened like when harry died