Spider Man 3


Goin to see this tonight. Just got my tickets and the parking lot was full. Mufuckas takin off work to see this shit. :rofl: Post your thoughts on the movie. I'll post mine tomorrow.


i wont be seeing it for at least a couple of weeks. i hate crowded theaters.

I love crowded theaters, especially opening night. It's a unique experience home viewing can never capture.

I'll be seeing it tonight, around 11pm, I really want to see black Spidey.
There's nothing like a crowded theatre for going to see a movie, especially on opening night, and ESPECIALLY if it's horror or a comedy.

Spidey3 didn't get such good reviews in the paper here this morning, but that's usually a sign that I'll love it! Critics loved the second one, and I thought it was crap. Whiny crap.

Spiderman 3 is awesome. I think the other two should've been more like this one. It actually had things happening during the whole movie.
I just saw it. It was a pretty good flick. Good characters and plot. Wish there were more venom scenes though.
I thought that this movie would be better than it was.I did like it better than the first one and not as much as "2",but over all it was somewhat mediocre and uninspired.Also,I have grown very tired of the "camp factor" in some of the scenes.

You would think that after Batman Begins came out that when they make a comic book movie they would try to make it better if not as good as that.But so far,IMO,nothing even comes close.Batman Begins continues to be the gold standard of comic book movies.
Well, if you look at my sig and avatar you can see what I think of the movie. ;) Won't say much more than that so as not to spoil anything for those who've yet to see it.
Katie Holmes kinda ruined batman returns for me. I just do not like her acting and her pudgy face.

I think you mean Batman Begins not Returns.
I kinda agree with you a little.I can't stand Katie Holmes either but it's still the best comic book movie ever with the Crow in second.



This shit is aight. I dont think its better than 300 or Planet Terror. I got really tired of all the emo scenes in this movie. Venom only got like 20 minutes of screen time. Wtf. I'm glad Pete and Harry cleared everything up. The fight scenes were dope. Wtf @ Spidey runnin in front of the US flag? I didnt like the wack dance scenes. There were alot of immature high school kids in the audience that really made the experience lame. Why dont people leave their fuckin babies at home? I'm not payin to hear those fuckers cry.


it makes me really glad to read your spoilers pimpin. fuck yes, venom has just a cameo. part 4 will be all venom, all the time. woohoo!!!:)

I wont completely ruin the movie but its up in the air if Venom will be makin anymore SPidey sequels. :rofl: