It was accociably taking the wrong way. It was meant to set up a bowlwing date. Or that is just the way that it sounds.
I personally know a little girl who bowled higher than a 129...but that's not important.
Obama had no business being on a Pop Culture tv show-off show...he's a sitting President. It doesn't matter how anyone "feels" about it, there is a certain protocol attached to the office of President of the United States, and publically hanging out where crazy movie stars put in nightly appearences alongside balloon-biting dogs and "who's the stupidest person we found walking around" contests isn't a proper venue for the President of the US.
That may be why he's the first... PRESIDENT I'VE EVER FELL IN LOVE WITH!
I know what you were trying to say!:thumbsup:
You know very little, and you don't seem to have a good grasp of grammar, or the English language...
I will say this now...say what you want, that's what we do here. But...
You know if any Republican had said that every other person in the US would be calling for impeachment.
So, don't get all wadded up over Palin. She's just being political, like all other beaurocrats do.
Politicians being venomous is in their DNA.
Yeah, I am the one "wadded up".
Perfect example of you trying to start an arguement with me. I was making a valid point and you get elementary school.
You ask for others to be more cordial to you and yet you act like a child.
*shakes head* grow up.
Well, maybe if you wouldn't have posted that BULLSHIT earlier I wouldn't have said anything!
It's just fitting you would get upset over something so minor! :thumbsdown:
Arguing on the Internet is like bowling in the Special Olympics.
Even if you win, you're still retarted.
Come on, give it a rest stampede. As you can see, you took things into the personal realm with your "don't get all wadded up" remark - and don't try to tell me it wasn't directed at me... I simply questioned your unsolicited advice (because I WASN'T getting "all wadded up"/upset about Palin) and then you accuse me of trying to start an argument?That's absurd.
I personally know a little girl who bowled higher than a 129...but that's not important.
Obama had no business being on a Pop Culture tv show-off show...he's a sitting President. It doesn't matter how anyone "feels" about it, there is a certain protocol attached to the office of President of the United States, and publically hanging out where crazy movie stars put in nightly appearences alongside balloon-biting dogs and "who's the stupidest person we found walking around" contests isn't a proper venue for the President of the US.
Hmmm...did he use your name when he made the remark? Another case of overblown self-importance, assuming a statement must be addressed directly at you 'cause you're the most important poster in the thread. Tsk tsk...
"and don't try to tell me it wasn't directed at me"...why would he need to?
Just try to assume the remark was a general point to all the Palin haters who lurk ever vigilant in the background and never miss a chance to diss her.
Instead of assuming it was only directed at you...
If the remark was a "general point to all the Palin haters" then why did he quote me?? (See the orig. post..... dickhead! And it is awful sweet the way you rush to your butt-buddy stampede's aid, too!)
Hmmm...did he use your name when he made the remark? Another case of overblown self-importance, assuming a statement must be addressed directly at you 'cause you're the most important poster in the thread. Tsk tsk...
"and don't try to tell me it wasn't directed at me"...why would he need to?
Just try to assume the remark was a general point to all the Palin haters who lurk ever vigilant in the background and never miss a chance to diss her.
Instead of assuming it was only directed at you...
This post, however, you can correctly assume is directed at you...:rofl:
If the remark was a "general point to all the Palin haters" then why did he quote me?? (See the orig. post..... Fellow FO'er! And it is awful sweet the way you rush to your good buddy stampede's aid, too!) - FIXED!