Sotomayor nominated to high court — first Hispanic

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama chose federal appeals judge Sonia Sotomayor to become the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court justice on Tuesday, praising her as "an inspiring woman" with both the intellect and compassion to interpret the Constitution wisely.

Obama said Sotomayor has more experience as a judge than any current member of the high court had when nominated, adding she has earned the "respect of colleagues on the bench, the admiration of many lawyers who argue cases in her court and the adoration of her clerks, who look to her as a mentor."

Kudos Mr. President.:hatsoff:
Argggghhhh.... another action by the "president" to try to destroy America. I'm sure he's hoping that she'll just work to make illegal immigration legal, and then all the wetbacks will be allowed to invade our towns and take our homes right out from under us!

(okay, now that we got the obligatory right-wing rant out of the way, commence intelligent discussion! ;))

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Anyone know where she stands on the Second Amendment?
I'm sure she wants to blow up the 2nd Amendment with her RPG

the 2nd, the 3rd, the 4th....whatever it takes:dunno:

She was a nominee of George H.W. Bush which basically confirms, for me, that H.W. Bush was the only Bush with any brains.

I would've preferred a much more Liberal judge but I trust President Obama, himself a Constitutional Law Professor, for identifying a qualified CENTRIST nominee.
Great and logical choice, but it won't stop the conservatives and religious right from trying to block her nomination. She will get confirmed regardless though. Hooray to the first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice!
I will withhold judgment until I have time to read over her judicial record.
A great choice. She is qualified beyond a doubt.

I agree she is qualified....however, how many other qualified were passed as I believe President Obama was looking to fill a quota requirement in his mind. Female, minority and who came up earning where they are today. Still think she is a good choice.
She's had 80% of her decisions that were appealed to the high court overturned. Strike one.

She admits to wanting to "make policy" from the bench. Strike two.

She made a rather racist remark about her background allowing her to make "better decision than some white male." Strike 3.

You're out!! :thefinger

She obviously doesn't understand the basic Constitutional edict of Separation of Powers, and that's really the only strike you need IMO to be axed from the Supreme Court. Kids in 6th grade learn that... :rolleyes:
She's had 80% of her decisions that were appealed to the high court overturned. Strike one.

She admits to wanting to "make policy" from the bench. Strike two.

She made a rather racist remark about her background allowing her to make "better decision than some white male." Strike 3.

You're out!! :thefinger

She obviously doesn't understand the basic Constitutional edict of Separation of Powers, and that's really the only strike you need IMO to be axed from the Supreme Court. Kids in 6th grade learn that... :rolleyes:

All good points here. #2 is the most important though, as she tends to make a ruling based on what she wants as opposed to what the law is. But that is what Obama prefers, so he went with her. It was a smart pick though, b/c of HW Bush nominating her back in '91.
She made a rather racist remark about her background allowing her to make "better decision than some white male." Strike 3.

I guess you chose to omit the relevant parts to that circumstance.

In her speech, Judge Sotomayor questioned the famous notion — often invoked by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her retired Supreme Court colleague, Sandra Day O’Connor — that a wise old man and a wise old woman would reach the same conclusion when deciding cases.

“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.
when i was 17 i worked at a burger shop where a hispanic lady was manager, she was very nice but also very lazy and incompetent HTH
when i was 17 i worked at a burger shop where a hispanic lady was manager, she was very nice but also very lazy and incompetent HTH

Unless her name was Sonia Sotomayor how is it relevant to this thread?


She won't be the first Hispanic if she makes it...but don't let the Obama sideshow get interrupted.
How does the whole quote make her sound any smarter or wiser??

Because she was responding to a question with a statement consistent with other women justices.

Different people see things differently....hence the reason for 8 Supreme Court Justices and 1 Chief Justice.

If it's just as simple as looking at the Constitution and not having different perspectives...why not just have one guy do it??