You'd think that, since it's Xmas everybody will be in a joyous mood? Well it's not happening to my wife and now I am not in a holiday spirits either.
My wife is always so annoyingly and frustratingly naggy. For example, if I pick a clothes for my son to wear, she'll complain that it's too small or not right for that time. She would pick the smallest things to argue with me, with her reasons that she had told me a thousand times and I would still do the same thing over and over, or that I should have know what she wants and do accordingly. Excuse me? How the hell do I know what she wants? Yet she keeps using that to accuse me of doing things wrong.
Just 30 mins ago she came downstairs (where I was having breakfast) and gave me the evilest stare, while telling me I put the wrong socks on our son again. I knew she cleaned the shelf where we put the baby's clothes and put the ones deemed too small away, so I picked a pair of socks from that shelf on the baby, and yet she still says it's too small, blah blah blah. So I told her I think it's the right size, and she insisted that that's not what she would have the baby wear, so I told her she always complain too much and that she's way too picky about everything. When she shot back that I am picky too, I almost told her that if I was picky I would never have married her, but held my tongue. After calling me an idiot she stormed back to the room where the baby is sleeping and closed the door, so I guess she don't want me to see the baby for rest of the day.
I've just about had it with her. She wants everything done to her liking or she'll raise a stink about it. She says I don't take care of the baby but I work full time while she's a house wife and I had to spent nights and weekends helping her with the baby and she's still not satisfied. I am very tempted to call a divorce lawyer and see what my options are. I took tomorrow's off from work and she rather have me go to work so she don't have to see me, well I may just leave to see a lawyer instead. What should I do to make her understand it's not just her way or the highway. I am sick of always having to defend myself about the things I do around the house. Nothing is good enough for her unless she's the one doing it. Help.
My wife is always so annoyingly and frustratingly naggy. For example, if I pick a clothes for my son to wear, she'll complain that it's too small or not right for that time. She would pick the smallest things to argue with me, with her reasons that she had told me a thousand times and I would still do the same thing over and over, or that I should have know what she wants and do accordingly. Excuse me? How the hell do I know what she wants? Yet she keeps using that to accuse me of doing things wrong.
Just 30 mins ago she came downstairs (where I was having breakfast) and gave me the evilest stare, while telling me I put the wrong socks on our son again. I knew she cleaned the shelf where we put the baby's clothes and put the ones deemed too small away, so I picked a pair of socks from that shelf on the baby, and yet she still says it's too small, blah blah blah. So I told her I think it's the right size, and she insisted that that's not what she would have the baby wear, so I told her she always complain too much and that she's way too picky about everything. When she shot back that I am picky too, I almost told her that if I was picky I would never have married her, but held my tongue. After calling me an idiot she stormed back to the room where the baby is sleeping and closed the door, so I guess she don't want me to see the baby for rest of the day.
I've just about had it with her. She wants everything done to her liking or she'll raise a stink about it. She says I don't take care of the baby but I work full time while she's a house wife and I had to spent nights and weekends helping her with the baby and she's still not satisfied. I am very tempted to call a divorce lawyer and see what my options are. I took tomorrow's off from work and she rather have me go to work so she don't have to see me, well I may just leave to see a lawyer instead. What should I do to make her understand it's not just her way or the highway. I am sick of always having to defend myself about the things I do around the house. Nothing is good enough for her unless she's the one doing it. Help.