Some jews can be just as fanatic.

Every major religion has it's fanatical extremist. The difference is that every one other than Islam doesn't have huge segment of the people that practice that religion that act that way, at least not for hundreds of years now. With the other religions they are an extremely small percentage and they are looked down upon by the vast majority of people that practice it. I don't see too many Christians, Jews, Hindus, or Buddhist dance in the streets for the death of their enemies. I don't see too many of those religions other than Islam directly control totalitarian regimes or governments. I don't see too many of them other than Islam calling for a Jihad every other day. Suicide bombers and terrorist don't seem to be a problem for the other religions either. The other religions don't have people in power actively destroying works or art made of the other religion or make it illegal for people to practice other religions. With the other religions it's not like a great many people help or look the other way when the extremist go to work.

As far as how bad some religions are Islam is definitely worse than the others. Pretending it isn't true isn't going to change that reality.

religion's done as much harm as good, but yeah kind of like what i said before all religions have sects of the "extremists" they make up a minority, they in NO way represent the face of their religion. i have friends who are muslim, i was raised christian, i have jewish heritage, of all these religions i have had no encounter with an extremist

as for islam being the worst i disagree, but you'd better run like hell because it's the worlds largest and fastest growing religion
I think what Bootbabe is talking about is a double standard that is rampad in society now a days.


If a catholic, christian, jew, mormon or a member of another religion says it's ok to kill people based on their beliefs people say, it's just one person and we shouldn't judge followers of the same religion based on what this nutjob says. When a single muslim says it's ok to kill infidels people yell that all muslims are the same. People seem to forget that the vast majority of muslims are normal people like you and me who want to have nothing to do with fanatical muslims but those fanatics are the only ones shown by the media. People are being scared into hating muslims when instead they should be building bridges and form allies with the peacefull muslims because they are the ones who can change how the younger generation of muslims view the world.

Perhaps you should look at who contribute in the western societies economically and socially, the jews have always more contributed than the muslims, want it or not. Most of America's famous artists, economists, financial people and highly influencal people were and are the Jews. Even Europe without Jews wouldn't be where it is now.

And that makes it ok? Seems to me like you're making excuses for Yitzhak Shapira .
.......I understand the need to make sense of our lives and the world we live in but in my experience I have seen there are no absolutes and the only thing that is real is other people. Religious fanatics claim they are doing God's work and believe that their way is the only way and they know better then the rest of us...... These fanatics seem to forget the shared experience in life we all have with one another and as a result they turn into what their God is supposed to be against.

Anyone can turn anything into a fanatical cult.
Richard Dawkins turned science and evolution into an Atheist Religion.
Elvis and Michael Jackson are gods who if you dare say anything less than divine about will get your head torn off by their followers.
Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Michael More, Democrats, Republicans, Anna Nicole Smith......
I recently had encountered an overly Devout member of a Christian sect (not mentioning the well known group)
Who explained to me that Hell was invented to scare people into becoming Catholics, and that God will not send the disbelieving to Hell but will simply let them die and that there was nothing to fear, and then followed with, so you had better become one of us or loose the chance for eternal life and just die.
I didn't say it, because there was no point but I thought it, "Oblivion or Hell, which is scarier? hmmmmmmm, a needy self centered jealous God is pretty fucking scary to me, so it looks like in any case I'm screwed so I choose to live it up while I can, Dumb ASS"!
just because the fanaticism is about something with a long history doesn't make it any more intelligent, or because it's from any particular group makes it OK, or any more wrong.
It's asinine fear based on willful ignorance because a group of people decided they did not want to face their fears and think they have cleverly disguised them selves from being uncovered as ignorant fools.
I'm starting an Apathetic Chia Pet Cult, who will join me and avoid a justly deserved death, by not caring about Chia Pets.


Closed Account
religion pisses me off. it's the cause of 90% of the world's tension. we kill each other over who has the best imaginary friend. it amazes me how people can be such sheep.

Will E Worm

religion pisses me off. it's the cause of 90% of the world's tension. we kill each other over who has the best imaginary friend. it amazes me how people can be such sheep.

Come on now. The Catholic cult and Muslims are the main instigators.
Most wars have been over land, not "gods."

It's better to be a sheep than a goat.