Hiliary 2020
Yeah, you are. And it's really disturbing that you don't see it.
So am I. 50%.
Sadly the half of that 50% that was Jewish all perished in the death camps, except a mere 2 souls.
Oh well, maybe those two survivors just made up all the stories about their experiences in the camps, right? Maybe they got those tattoos to be stylish. Maybe they just imagined seeing other members of their family publicly executed. Maybe all the ones they never saw again are actually vacationing in Palm Beach right now, yeah?
C'mon. I'm probably the most anti war person here.
I am because I hate to see human beings suffer, especially children who are completely innocent.
Dying, starving, living in hell because of wars which are all about money and nothing else.
I simply don't believe the number 6 million and honestly I dont think the real number is even close.
I also don't believe there was ever a systematic slaughter.
I don't believe the Germans were the monsters that the winners of that war portray them as which has become common belief.
This is not me spitting on graves or denying innocent people were killed and so many suffered.
It is just simply what I believe.
And I am sorry that you feel that way and I do feel for your family members who suffered and died in that war.