ok, that makes no sense whatsoever :rofl2:
i do speak a wee bit dutch and the title says: Where to go with the captured Somali pirates? :hatsoff:
piracey has come along way, from the oceans to the PC. Capt. Blackbeard would be proud.
The article is written in German (but I assume that was just a typo)...
Anyway, please consider the following...
1. Even though their original intention was to attack (probably anyway), the Somali pirates
didn't as soon as they found out they made a mistake.
2. The ships were in international waters. This means that if the Dutch catch pirates, dutch laws apply & in the Netherlands someone is innocent until proven guilty (& the pirates didn't do anything to them).
3. These people were & are technically civilians, not military personell.
So, keeping these little facts in mind, if the dutch had attacked & killed these people they would have been tried as soon as they got back home for killing civilians without provocation. If they had taken them to the Netherlands they would have been free in no time & probably would have demanded their skiffs & weaponry back as well.