i have a busty girls blog and i promote some sites like danielle ftv 18 and busty hannah hilton busty.pl and also promoted Denise Milani. Many of my visitors clicked on her site, despite her banner was not placed in a good position cause i prefer to promote other girls that show tits or fuck on camera.
Well yeah, they probably clicked because she has a great rack. Clicking a link doesn't mean they immediately paid to join her site. If anything, half the people probably thought "Oh, she doesn't do nudes. Well, at least now I know not to even waste my time searching for pictures or videos of her." I don't blame them for doing it, though. There's a sucker born every minute. Why waste time trying to leech money off guys by stringing them along on dates that end in nothing if you can just take a few pictures and get them to give you the cash without even having to deal with them in person. Shoot in 12 different outfits in one day and you have your next year's worth of content done. I'm generalizing, but you get the idea. A past flame of mine worked as a dom and escort (in the strictest sense of the word, basically hot girl for rent, no sexual contact), but was complaining about the sleazy customers. She was thinking of doing a site, but hesitant. I told her to go for it because you get all the money and affection from the creepy mid-life crisis crew but with none of the human contact. Probably not a bad career move, in the past year she got into Penthouse and featured twice on Howard Stern just by making public the type of nude shoots she was already doing privately. Of course, in the first day her site went up she was already showing more than Denise ever will. She's a smart girl, she knows what she's doing, she has no moral hangups about showing off her body. Which leads to another point, if you're chatting up girls online, it should be as a means to an end. Nothing wrong with a little flirting, but if you make it a habit, you better capitalize on it like I did. If you're sending daily messages to a model about how she's the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen and only getting comments like "oh, that's so sweet!" in return, it's because she figures her fans are probably creeps and would never like to meet them in real life. If this is how you're wasting your time, you're a loser and deserve to be ripped off.