Socialized Medicine Does Work


Don't patients with prostate cancer in the UK have an 80% greater chance of dying than do stateside patients in the same predicament?

The imperative to create a socialized style of universal healthcare was built on the premise that everybody deserves equal quality healthcare no matter if they have the ability to pay or not!

. . .what they meant was equally poor quality . . .
Yup, thats why lots of people in the UK are heading to Eastern Europe to have much needed surgery done!

Can't wait for Socialized healthcare to happen here, Mexico here we come to have life saving surgery!!
Yup, thats why lots of people in the UK are heading to Eastern Europe to have much needed surgery done!

Can't wait for Socialized healthcare to happen here, Mexico here we come to have life saving surgery!!

Of all the fucking ironies in life... :cool:
I don't think one random case can be the deciding factor over free healthcare. We do have the OPTION of private healthcare if we want it and can be seen in private hospitals so those that want an American type of service can get it. Admittedly the NHS is struggling at the moment and needs a lot of reform, the economic crisis as well as the billions we've wasted in Afghanistan and Iraq could have given the NHS a much needed boost. Call it socialised or whatever but we as a nation have no problem helping one another out even if some abuse the system and get a free ride, people fall on hard times for all sorts of reasons and helping them get better will unltimately help the nation as a whole, this me me mentality of the US shows why you're so divided which was highlighted during Hurricane Katrina, I don't care if my tax money goes to help poor people get medical health, when I need help I can get it too. Anything involving insurance always gets scammed anyway, the insurance companies want to make money and that's about it, Bloodshot started a thread about that very problem. The NHS can be improved by charging non UK residents for usage, not funding free boob jobs and making people who put themselves in hospital through drinking or drug taking pay for treatment. At least we don't have people dying like animals on the street because they couldn't afford healthcare or were too broke to go to the hospital, now that really is sad for a G8 country. ps I had an operation in that very hospital :D
In theory, Socialized anything sounds really good, almost like Star Trek, all of us working for the common good, the problem is that all the money we work hard hard making and use towards the common good is usually taken by those we put in charge to make sure things run smoothly!!

So no socialized anything will never work because us as people are a bunch of greedy bastards and if it means postponing someones life saving surgery so we can get a bigger bonus, we will choose the bigger bonus!!
Haha. I'm really enjoying you finding examples of failures in Socialised medicine. For every one you find, I could find a comparable American scenario.

But I won't. I'd prefer to bang my head against a wall of my choosing, and you're not looking for discussion. You've made up your mind, and you're just stating your vitriolic, not terribly educated, one-sided opinion.

Good luck with that.
Socialized Medicine In the UK Does Work


Posting a few examples from around the world of ways that this medical system has failed clearly shows that it can't work anywhere ever. Anything you see that is negative from any example can be applied to every single situation everywhere and any time.

Come on, Shifty. Keep up.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Forget the cancer, did you see her teeth!

(And for the record, old people in really bad shape regularly die.)
If someone wants socialized med. then pay for it yourself, but don't ask me to do it.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Socialized Medicine Does Work.

That's why Canadians live longer than Americans.
Do you have to get out of the rocking chair to reload, or are you able to do so seated?

Hey you guys wanna play socialist wear Chairman Mao outfits, have drum circles, pay extra taxes, pretend to be Swedish Socialists, drive Volvos, Sing O Canada, read Pravda, go right ahead knock yourselves out but do it without me and my money.


Hey you guys wanna play socialist wear Chairman Mao outfits, have drum circles, pay extra taxes, pretend to be Swedish Socialists, drive Volvos, Sing O Canada, read Pravda, go right ahead knock yourselves out but do it without me and my money.

Fine. Stub your toe and die.
