so, whos the best choice for president



McCaskill, Claire, the junior Senator from Missouri, will or probably
be the VP Vice-President candidate instead of Hillary Clinton if she continues to play dirty, fillty shit, dirty trick !

McCaskill won't be VP. She doesn't have enough name recognition outside of MO. I live there, and she's a pretty divisive figure among Dems here...conservative Dems don't like her much. A lot of historically Democrat-supportive newspapers endorsed Jim Talent when she ran against him for her senate seat. She only beat him 50% to 47%.
I found so many ignorant people in West Virginia by using race as a factor.

Senator Clinton's campaign manager Maggie Williams is 100% black !

Obama's campaign manager Axelrod is 100% white !

So when I hear I won't vote for Obama because white looks after the white and black looks after the black is non-sense !

And the Democrats in New York, California, Penn., will continue to support the Democratic nominee whether it is Clinton or Obama !

But in reality, Obama needs Clinton because in the General Election it is winner takes all but Obama will capture California, Texas, New York, Michigan, Ohio, and even Florida but with little help from our HIGHEST HER MAGESTY HILLARY RODHAM QUEEN CLINTON !

I really want to know the truth is Hillary Rodham Clinton moved the goal pole in Michgian and Florida earlier than Super Tuesday and now bite the dust.

Did Clinton really want to capture as the presumptive nominee even before Super Tuesday by moving Michigan and Florida Primary earlier.

No nominee is on the ballot in Michigan except Clinton.

Is she that evil or a devil that came back and bite her
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I really want to know the truth is Hillary Rodham Clinton moved the goal pole in Michgian and Florida earlier than Super Tuesday and now bite the dust.

Did Clinton want to capture as the presumptive nominee even before Super Tuesday by moving Michigan and Florida Primary ealier.

No nominee is on the ballot of Michigan except Clinton.

Is she that evil or a devil.

Jeez talk about conspiracy theorys.It was the states themselves who moved their primaries up as wanting to be early in the process and have more relevance.It was no advantage at all to Hillary espeically knowing that the party would penalize the states for doing so which they did.And Obama removed himself from the ballot in Michigan,that was his choice,blame him if you think that was a bad idea.
lovejoy, why are you so obsessed with Hillary Clinton? Did she anally rape you or something? I've seen people before make posts supporting a candidate, but it seems to me that all of your posts bash Hillary and support no one.(either right from the beginning or you juxtapose the subject to include Hillary bashing) And you think she's evil? Who's doing all the mudslinging on this board? Doesn't that make you evil?

It is sad when someone's reputation can be found in their hatred.
Jeez talk about conspiracy theorys.It was the states themselves who moved their primaries up as wanting to be early in the process and have more relevance.It was no advantage at all to Hillary espeically knowing that the party would penalize the states for doing so which they did.And Obama removed himself from the ballot in Michigan,that was his choice,blame him if you think that was a bad idea.

Neither candidate showed up Michigan in the primary.. Hillary does not deserve the delegates.. I voted none of the above... :mad:
Neither candidate showed up Michigan in the primary.. Hillary does not deserve the delegates.. I voted none of the above... :mad:
Your right neitheir campaiged in Michigan or Florida.But both were on the ballot in Florida and it was Obama who removed himself from the ballot in Mich.Nobody expected that even after the people were told in those 2 states that your vote won't count that there would be record turnout anyway.But there was, at least in Florida there was.And it has been Obama who has opposed another primary which would seem logical at least in Mich.Give Obama the none of the above vote in Mich,Hillary still would be the winner.And to me the real issue is the popular vote from those places not the delegates.If neitheir has the required delegates who had more popular vote is something to consider.But rest easy right now it seems likely it will be Obama as nominee.But Florida and Michigan have to be seated at the convention somehow.Dems need those two states to win in Nov.
i am totally with what you said in the first part but to say that it is media that got Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to where they are now i am going to have to disagree with you there.
For all intents and purposes...the Dem race is over. Hillary has been brushed aside by the Repubs and they're trying to take early shots at Obama.

President Dubya made some incredibly stupid remarks in Israel yesterday. Did the world really want to listen to President Dumbass moan about Barack Obama? Whatever dignity remained for this president was quickly shredded when he foolishly tried to smear Obama. And to launch that attack on foreign soil...nothing but Cowardice. Pure yellow-belly coward our president is....

I think Bill Richardson is a viable candidate for Obama's Veep...
[/QUOTE]I think Bill Richardson is a viable candidate for Obama's Veep...[/QUOTE]

Yea he would be a great vp, since he supported obama early even though obama has not done well with the latino vote.
i don't wan to see any republican in office this term....Obama for president.....i cannot let this country be waisted away and the feeling of being an amrican diluted anymore by the republican party...

President Obama, Vice President Edwards or Clinton


45 Questions For Obama -

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

the other 35 [/url.

Trouble is, academia never focused any time studying the brutal and oppressive commys. Most members here likely think that It's "Cool" :(

Obama is in love with himself and he has accomplished nothing. The American people are getting a short fuse with all of his scoldings of American policy as well as vigorous criticism of the American people in general. After all, don't we "embarrass" him ? :thefinger

If he had a oz. of integrity he would have backed away as a candidate a year ago stating "I'm not worthy of being your president" "the media has made me to appear somebody I am not" "maybe 2012".
"Good bye for now" -

McCane is unelectable as well ! This 2008 "elec" reeks of a set up

This link again!:rofl:

The 1963 ramblings of some Joe McCarthy wanna be congressman has what relevance to anything now and to Obama?

And besides read that list,it's funny looking at it now.A lot of the things on it happened and thank something they did.What is the "red manace" still gonna get us?:1orglaugh

Actually this kind of stuff I guess is to be expected as the extreme right gets crazier and more strident as we get closer to the election about going after Obama.But I bet they don't use something from before he was born to attack him on.Obama could only wish all the attacks were as inept as that.:tongue:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
As a Canadian that really doesn't care who wins, I think Obama would be better for president. I think America having an African-American president will do wonders for the country overseas in places like Pakistan. Instead of some old white guy, as the past presidents have all been, there is something different. Having Obama as president would really help the profile of Americans worldwide.

But, of course, Stephen Colbert likes McCain. What a challenge. I'm glad I'm not American.