So this buzzfeed story was just an excuse to report fake news without consequences?

This "story" was being reported on all the news channels, but they were careful to put the disclaimer "according to buzzfeed..."
Basically it was an excuse/loophole for news networks to report the fake story as if it were true, but skirt responsibility for it being false.
Since when was regurgitating a sensationalist story on a clickbait website considered "breaking news"? Hell, since when was buzzfeed a reliable source for facts?

It's stuff like this that gives twump credibility from his base when he calls the media "fake news".
Every time Jim Acosta and Rachel Maddow clip on a microphone it gives credibility to the fake news claim. But BwuzzFweed didn’t help matters any. This is just another attempt to drive Trump’s numbers down. You snowflakes are the media’s fools.

You must be heartbroken Elmer Fudd.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
When Buzzfeed first came out I clicked through a sample run of one of their clicky baity stories and knew I was better served elsewhere. It's embarrassing that credible news agencies reported a Buzzfeed story in the same self-fellating manner that is the daily practice of the far right echo chamber; Fox News, Brietbart, The Daily Caller, Newsmax, The Blaze, Western Journal (looking @georges), Red State, Infowars, Wingnut Youtube Channels, Talk Radio, The Far Right Blogosphere, 4chan, certain Reddits, and on and on and on and on and on. I'm not particularly upset that it happened, and anyone that complains about it is a far right troll that's just butthurt that their daily operations were imitated by others.
When Buzzfeed first came out I clicked through a sample run of one of their clicky baity stories and knew I was better served elsewhere. It's embarrassing that credible news agencies reported a Buzzfeed story in the same self-fellating manner that is the daily practice of the far right echo chamber; Fox News, Brietbart, The Daily Caller, Newsmax, The Blaze, Western Journal (looking @georges), Red State, Infowars, Wingnut Youtube Channels, Talk Radio, The Far Right Blogosphere, 4chan, certain Reddits, and on and on and on and on and on. I'm not particularly upset that it happened, and anyone that complains about it is a far right troll that's just butthurt that their daily operations were imitated by others.
from the moron that believed the treason reports by the Flynn judge.
Yeah, you’re a regular sifter of genuine news.


It isn’t right wing outlets that are having to retract their stories, it’s all left wing outlets saying what they have to to keep their mind numbed drones stirred in a frenzy.
You can’t even distinguish between a friendly dog or a vicious one. Much less a real or fake story. But keep telling yourself that , scoop.