So i leave for 10 years and ...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Unfortunately the days of very strong disagreements in the political section happened after 2008. People were lambasted with the mainstream medias praising and covering Obama. It rejoiced some members and infuriated others members. Politics were and are never a clean thing. In politics there is no in between, you are either from the right or either from the left. For some people, it is complicated to accept it but not for me. Also some maturity is to be had when people talk about some serious subjects and not being dreamers or childish. Some people will try to have a debate with you in a constructive way whereas others will always reject the fault on the opposite party. Talking politics is never easy but always complicated, always.

Everyone has a personal life and is not always 24h/24h on forums. I also miss some old timers but that is life. I can't agree with everyone on every thing but there are many members that I appreciate despite our opposed views and beliefs.

What I highlighted in red is the problem that I see. People in general have become MUCH too willing to put themselves in boxes on the left or the right, and they become sheep. They develop a herd mentality. This is a train of thought that I wholeheartedly reject. But we only have ourselves to blame for joining and following the herd. If my belief system is skewed to the right, do I have some sort of obligation to disagree with everything said by people who may be to the left of me? And the same holds true if my beliefs are skewed to the left. Must I disagree with everyone who is on the right? IMO, that became part of the problem with the Politics and Religion section. You ended up with these little left vs. right cliques, as was spoken about above. And as that got worse, we went from childish playground cliques to downright insanity (people threatening each other with physical violence and what not). But that's not just a FreeOnes issue. At least in the U.S., it's become a societal problem on college campuses, in the workplace and now even in restaurants.

It's a minor inconvenience not to be able to have an adult conversation or debate on a porn board. But whether you're on the left or the right, when you can't have a civil discussion with coworkers or classmates, you can't even eat a meal... that's just sadder than sad and speaks to a devolving society.

But with all that said, here's why I initially came here. :)



Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Simplest explanation: Echo chambers. People who used to be the 'dickhead crackpot at the end of the street' are now militant believers in the various organizations they have instant access to.
Left seeks more left. Right wants to hear more right. The politicians and corporations are to blame, moreso than the citizen. IMO.

While it speaks of a special breed of fool, especially to call out the average citizen as one of the 'sheeple'... I am a firm believer that no matter the intelligence, age or slant on ethics/politics... people want to be told what to do. People want to be charged. People will, as a whole.. flock to anyone who offers answers.
Logical assumption: It is absolutely terrifying to be a human ~ we have no idea what to do and what life is about. (Insert point that working, fucking, procreating and having enough steaks in the fridge is TOTALLY enough reason to continue drawing breath, except marketing has made the populace believe that there is more to life. You are unique. You DESERVE more. Yada yada, not a hidden agenda when everyone can see it.)

While, perhaps, sad.. it is just the state of things to seek out more agreeable people. The rise and ease of communications just highlights that people should not always have a voice. People should not feel comfortable. People should be forced into situations which challenge them and jostles them from their... 'home opinion'. One should be forced to deal with all the levels of society on a regular basis ~ to make you have a fair, educated opinion on the state of things.

If, on the way to the supermarket... which is only 3 blocks walking from my doorstep in this, the 15th biggest city in the united states.. I find the entire gamut of my city every 15 steps.. then that is a good thing. I have the perfectly pressed suit that owns a law degree, I have the homeless guy asking me for a cigarette and threatening violence because I didnt give him one, I have the starbucks and the hipsters, the trendy gay district right next to the hidden music studio next to the overstuffed homeless mission right next to the city/county building with the investigators right next to the market with legit foreign cooks serving legit foreign amazingness.
This, I think people need to see. Living in your own world, even if it is facebook groups and your circle of friends and political favorites.. is equally as harmful as being a true recluse. You have to hear opposing views. You have to know what is around you. You have to know what is going on in the world. The entire world.

But that is just my two cents. I am wrong and right and trying to stay at odds with my world. :)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Because love knows no bounds! Also Will E been missing. Did he OD on cupcake heroin?

When Will E Worm is here, I am gone. When I am here, Will E Worm is gone. When we're both gone, Briana Lee is here. That's all I'm allowed to say. :suspicious:
Well I do "miss" his gay type of postings. They brought in some rainbow in this board.

It's nothing but cloudy nowadays with a chance of political drunk posters, angry eaters and amateur porn directors.
Yup. :yesyes:

But there is still some redeeming qualities here... I think.
What I highlighted in red is the problem that I see. People in general have become MUCH too willing to put themselves in boxes on the left or the right, and they become sheep. They develop a herd mentality. This is a train of thought that I wholeheartedly reject. But we only have ourselves to blame for joining and following the herd. If my belief system is skewed to the right, do I have some sort of obligation to disagree with everything said by people who may be to the left of me? And the same holds true if my beliefs are skewed to the left. Must I disagree with everyone who is on the right? IMO, that became part of the problem with the Politics and Religion section. You ended up with these little left vs. right cliques, as was spoken about above. And as that got worse, we went from childish playground cliques to downright insanity (people threatening each other with physical violence and what not). But that's not just a FreeOnes issue. At least in the U.S., it's become a societal problem on college campuses, in the workplace and now even in restaurants.

It's a minor inconvenience not to be able to have an adult conversation or debate on a porn board. But whether you're on the left or the right, when you can't have a civil discussion with coworkers or classmates, you can't even eat a meal... that's just sadder than sad and speaks to a devolving society.

But with all that said, here's why I initially came here. :)

Not me. Straight Shooter here respected on all sides ;)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It all works out okay in the end.
Good part is that this ISNT the end, just a middling, mediocre part... like the calm before the bomb.


temp ban
I will say this: the climate on this forum has been a lot less toxic than it was six years ago. A few of the contributors have either closed their accounts or left--this would be a good thing. Dr. B was always insulting people without any provocation whatsoever so good riddance this idiot closed his account. Andronicus was acting like he was the boss of this forum. When there's disagreement it's met with civility nowadays, not with childish name-calling like it was six years ago. So welcome back. And, hopefully, you'll have a fruitful stay this time around.