Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World had bits and pieces which dealt with our visions as we lay between the dream world and being awake - mainly that many religious visions have been replaced by alien visitations, but both being mistaken for a reality while the visionare has been still asleep.
Never experienced it myself - I seem to wake up too quickly. I do find myself sometimes waking up suddenly when I am just falling asleep because it feels like I am falling or because of a "sleep paralysis", but this is a more natural occurrence that happens when the mind "panics" when the body becomes totally relaxed just before sleep, mistaking that total relaxation for falling.
This has happened to me a few times
The 1st time it happened I thought something was trying to pull me out of my bed & I couldnt move or say anything , I was pretty scared , I didnt have a clue what was happening
Now if it happens , I just chill & go back to sleep
So you didn't feel the unwelcome sensation of my engorged cock nudging at your unwilling anus?Things I've experienced in this state(no joke):
--Floating above my body, looking down at it in bed.
--Ghosts, including an old woman in a rocking chair, with a little girl standing beside her.
--Intense acceleration, being pulled backwise.
--Hellish figures and sounds, as if I was being pulled into the abyss.
--People coming upstairs, turning on the lights and starting a party, music included.
--Something getting into bed with me and touching or caressing me.
--Acceleration, followed by being placed into towns, shopping malls, etc. that I have never been to.
--Songs playing that I have never heard.
So you didn't feel the unwelcome sensation of my engorged cock nudging at your unwilling anus?
Good. :thumbsup: