Silent Hill v.s. Resident Evil

Silent Hill or Resident Evil

  • Silent Hill

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • Resident Evil

    Votes: 21 56.8%

  • Total voters
Adam Sessler said it best about these two games: "Silent Hill is like Resident Evil's older brother that spends his time reading literature instead of playing Duck Hunt."

I love both, but Silent Hill has a sophisticated scare/horror to it. While Resident Evil scares you in thrills and chills. B-Movie style, if you will. It is action scare. Silent Hill is elegant scare.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I suppose I'm your younger cyber brother :p
I always thought you were a huge Silent Hill fan though. You know, given the nature of your signature and all. :hatsoff:



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Ha ha ha ha.
Well I'm glad I broke this tie. Resident Evil blows compared to Silent Hill. RE may have started the survival/horror genre, but Silent Hill perfected it. I'll take the worst Silent Hill, (Homecoming) over the best RE (4), any day.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'll take Silent Hill simply because I think the psychological stuff is scarier than zombies, but I will admit that RE4 is just as good as SH2.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
RE4 being a good Survival Horror game? Yeah right!
I buy every sequel that comes out for both franchises. I can't wait for the remake of Silent Hill for the Wii. But, I'm going to go with RE simply because I still remember playing the original when it first came out for PS1. It was the most awesome game I had ever played up to the point......ah memories.
I like both but have played far more Resident Evil titles and enjoyed them more but RE isn't about survival horror anymore which I wish it would go back to (and bring back zombies and let's just pretend RE5 never existed). Silent Hill though has maintained the survival aspect of the genre which I love and it makes it more tense throughout because the games in this genre aren't suppose to be about how cool a kill can look or how many creatures you can kill but it is just about trying to make it.

I chose RE because they started the genre and I overall had more scares but after RE5, I'm just hoping they decide to rethink their formula once again. I hear that RE5 will in fact be the last of this kind of RE so I'll just have to wait and see.
Well I'm glad I broke this tie. Resident Evil blows compared to Silent Hill. RE may have started the survival/horror genre, but Silent Hill perfected it. I'll take the worst Silent Hill, (Homecoming) over the best RE (4), any day.

I'm pretty sure clock tower started the survival horror genre but I could be wrong, maybe sweet home did but I know for a fact resident evil didn't start it they just popularize it. No offence
I chose RE because they started the genre and I overall had more scares but after RE5, I'm just hoping they decide to rethink their formula once again. I hear that RE5 will in fact be the last of this kind of RE so I'll just have to wait and see.

I'm pretty sure clock tower started the survival horror genre but I could be wrong, maybe sweet home did but I know for a fact resident evil didn't start it they just popularize it. No offence


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Actually, truth be told, Alone In The Dark was made before RE, but RE was the first true Survival Horror.
Actually, truth be told, Alone In The Dark was made before RE, but RE was the first true Survival Horror.

Actually Sweet Home was made before all of them, and is considered to be the first survival horror game. It so be no surprise that capcom made it I guess it was a stepping stone for RE.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I know Sweet Home was made before Them, but it wasn't a true Survival Horror, or so I've heard.
Resident Evil is the first game to coin the genre Survival Horror term.

Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil both did well to help horror games. Though, sadly, Alone in the Dark is often in the shadow due to many odds and ends. Resident Evil became dominant. Then Silent Hill came out.

Ah, so many deliciously fun horror games! :hatsoff:
I have always heard that Alone in the Dark was the first survival horror but RE pretty much perfected it and brought it into the mainstream of gaming


Both of them are excellent. But I'm gonna have to go with resident evil on the basis that it seems to have a more linear plot well I mean a plot that to me personally makes sense besides the odd exception of course in the series. Whereas I played the first silent hill understood that ok but then I tuned in again I think it was four or something....Ya know where you used tunnels and stuff to get around and was like wtf.
A very tough choice. Silent Hill was remarkable for its eerieness and the tension it created, while Resident Evil had terror scaryness too. I think i would have to choose Resi just for the pure fact that ive played all of them, and i haven't played all of the SH series (still need to get round to playing the one on PS3 yet). Both games are at the forefront in their genre. Top class games.