Signs you're getting old(er)


Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
Earlier this summer, I was referred to a physiotherapist for a chronic ache in my lower back that had been bothering me for over a year... at first, she was concerned and interested in determining the cause of the problem, until she asked my age, then it became "oh, well, these things happen as we get older... I recommend stretching more often" For crying out loud, I'm only 28! :suicide:


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Look at the bright side, Andi. Things could have been worse. The Physiotherapist could have told you that you had to get rid of your Dancing Pole and no more Nekkid Spaghetti preparation. Those would have been fightin' woids. :D


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Cynical-Obsession said:
Also, I think that everything I grew up listening to and watching is the best thing ever and anyone who argues is just plain wrong! Surely a sign that I'm getting ancient!
Alrighty then. Now that everyone is feeling all down ... let's all get together and sing Hey Jude and Shambala. :D Okay, so I was downloading some YouTubes this afternoon. Great music! :thumbsup:
I'm somebody that looks younger than my age, and have had people become shocked when I tell them how old I really am. That has caused me to realize for young woman that might come up to me and are interested in me I will be pretty much reduced to thanking them and saying, "I'm flattered, but have to decline. You wouldn't happen to have a much older sister available by chance." :1orglaugh

I mean I'm not old enough to be their father yet or anything like that, but I'm about 9 years past the point where it would creep me out to date somebody that young. You feel old when you get to the point where you know you don't need to be messing around with ladies that young anymore.
I'm basically in my mid-30's and I still get carded when I buy beer.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Once in a great while I will watch television on Saturday morning and one time I came to realize that Saturday morning cartoons no longer exist. What the hell is up with that?

Bugs Bunny had a big hand in making me the man that I am. Now kids watch that Sponge Pants freak and I think that's a big reason why they're so fucked up... unlike me. I'm totally normal.
the libido and the viewing and using of porn is going down.

it's not to where I'd rather be playing shuffleboard, but I've noticed it doesn't consume my time/thoughts like it used to.

to some, this would be a welcome/natural change but not for me, I love porn.

One thing that I noticed - after a workout when I'm all engorged, there's a boost of testosterone and I just want to pummel and/or fuck something. That's a good thing, right?

right now, porn and playing a really engaging rpg on the ps4 is about equal. And that shouldn't be.
My nephew is 17 and is doing great in school He's been playing football all his life and now schools are asking about him. I'm remember seeing him as a baby and now he's grown. I turn 25 in a couple of months. I feel old!!!!
I feel tired quicker than I used to be in the past and I rest a lot in the weekend compared to before. Music and TV series of today suck a lot compared to the ones of the 60's, 70's, 80's and early 90's but there are however some exceptions. I personally find a big number of generation Z and generation alpha people having not much culture, quite lazy and absolutely uninteresting (that is my personal opinion). When I see how some teenage girls dress themselves, I think that their parents have failed miserably to give them a proper education on all plans. Also since the death of someone who was very dear to me in december last year, my patience has a tendancy to be short with teenagers and I yell at them when they are blocking the road. The disparition of some values like respect of elder peers, vets, courteousy and morality has brought me sadness and gives me not much confidence in the younger generations. I wish that there was a wayback machine to travel back in time. But we have to adapt ouserlves to the modern times.
When you live in a college town and all the freshman girls come into town and you are checking out their moms. And then you realize that older than them by 5-6 years or more.