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Should there just be a "Mass shooting in the US" sticky thread?

Ok, so we have a crazy gunman killing kids in one of the states with the loosest gun legislation. Where was the "good guy with a gun" the Right always talks us about ?


FO Admin / "rude, unnecessary attitude" (he/they)
Staff member
Presented without comment.


For anybody to own a gun in Great Britain, they need a licence that is granted by local police forces and must undergo a rigorous process to obtain one. The majority of civilian gun certificates are issued to people for sport, wildlife management and pest control.


The most recent data suggests that there were 30 homicides committed by shooting in the year ending 31 March 2020 – 4% of all homicides. Of these 30 victims, 20% were female and 80% were male.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Ok, so we have a crazy gunman killing kids in one of the states with the loosest gun legislation. Where was the "good guy with a gun" the Right always talks us about ?
Especially in Texas:
Not necessarily blaming the libs, but I am inclined to blame whoever is in charge:
Well, some people were quick to draw conclusions:


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Take a page out of trump's playbook and go nuclear, the way he went against Muslims, refugees and literally anyone who went against him.
Say outright "I don't give a shit if I lose the vote of every NRA member or gun owner in the country for the next 10 elections, I'm going to fuck with the system so much that no one will be able to blame US gun laws if this happens again".
That ain’t happening. In fact, certain elements will cozy up to the NRA.

It reminds me of the time the NRA visited Denver right after Columbine. Now, they are off to Houston for the weekend:

What did the NRA think back in 1999?
3 days.
277 miles
That's what separates the 2nd deadliest school shooting that in US History from the annual NRA meeting opeing this Friday in Houston, Texas...

Let's just hope they won't use it to pretend Biden and the Democrats are coming for their guns. But, knowing Trump is gonna speak, I have extremely little hope it won't happen...
3 days.
277 miles
That's what separates the 2nd deadliest school shooting that in US History from the annual NRA meeting opeing this Friday in Houston, Texas...

Let's just hope they won't use it to pretend Biden and the Democrats are coming for their guns. But, knowing Trump is gonna speak, I have extremely little hope it won't happen...
why are you so hellbent on taking people's rights away

how would you feel if they tried to take away porn next, stating the reason as linking it to rape etc. and even murder etc. I don't think you'd like that very much


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I still want a machine gun.
No you don't. They cost a fortune, they appreciate very slowly, and the ATF is on your radar, and up your ass, and by the way you would have to notify any time you transported it, and you would have to, because there aren't many places you can legally shoot one. And I know it was sarcasm.

The thing is, illegal guns aren't hard to find, and gangs, cartels, and M.C's already have a market, and they will expand it, just like drugs. I would really, REALLY, like to see that first. All illegal guns off the streets, all gun runners locked up, or gunned down, doesn't matter to me. Then again, I remember a story a while back, where a few soldiers were arrested and going to trial for stealing from a military armory. Anybody, can get anything, if they have the cash, and the wear with all to hunt it down.
why are you so hellbent on taking people's rights away

how would you feel if they tried to take away porn next, stating the reason as linking it to rape etc. and even murder etc. I don't think you'd like that very much
1) I didn't even mention gun control yet you claim I'm hellbent on taking away your 2nd amendment rights. But because I said gun-enthusiast like you are going ot use this tragic event to claim democrats are coming for your guns you think they actually are coming for your guns, so ironic, such a perfect illustration of my point...

2) Actually some of the very same conservatives who oppose the slightest gun-control legislation would gladly ban porn so I find pretty amusing that you go with equating control to baning porn.
Imagine if the shooting in Buffalo and the shooting in Uvalde were perpetrated by Islamic terrorists. What do you think the response would be from our political leaders? Me thinks it would be a lot different.

That fact is that as long as we have one party that is bought and paid for by the NRA these massacres will continue to happen. Nothing is going to be done in Congress because the GOP is scared shitless of the NRA.
why are you so hellbent on taking people's rights away
Where's my nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, and cruise missiles? Why are so many of you trying to take away my rights? Next thing people are also going to start telling me I'm not allowed to yell "fire" in a crowded theater when there isn't one. Just look at the US Constitution for crying out loud. It doesn't list any of those things as prohibited. It's like some jerkasses decided that there is no such things as unlimited rights no matter what, and even fundamental rights can have common sense restrictions. What kind of horror is this?
Imagine if the shooting in Buffalo and the shooting in Uvalde were perpetrated by Islamic terrorists. What do you think the response would be from our political leaders? Me thinks it would be a lot different.

That fact is that as long as we have one party that is bought and paid for by the NRA these massacres will continue to happen. Nothing is going to be done in Congress because the GOP is scared shitless of the NRA.

What if... the 19 hijackers of 9/11 legally bought assault rifles, body armor and anything else you need for a mass shooting, and went out to attack multiple schools, churches, supermarkets etc across the US? Even better if they all were NRA members.

Those guys fundamentally changed air travel and the entire way security is viewed literally overnight. You have to wonder if a similar paradigm shift could occur with gun control.

Theopolis Q. Hossenffer

Every Nation Needs a God-Emperor!
No you don't. They cost a fortune, they appreciate very slowly, and the ATF is on your radar, and up your ass, and by the way you would have to notify any time you transported it, and you would have to, because there aren't many places you can legally shoot one. And I know it was sarcasm.

The thing is, illegal guns aren't hard to find, and gangs, cartels, and M.C's already have a market, and they will expand it, just like drugs. I would really, REALLY, like to see that first. All illegal guns off the streets, all gun runners locked up, or gunned down, doesn't matter to me. Then again, I remember a story a while back, where a few soldiers were arrested and going to trial for stealing from a military armory. Anybody, can get anything, if they have the cash, and the wear with all to hunt it down.
Yes I do. When everyone has one the prices will come down. And i want to carry it around too. No sense hiding in the house. I could be one of the proverbial "Good Guys with a Gun"(A BIG GUN) No legal reason for me personally not to have one. No arrests, no convictions, never have I done a crime of any kind other than once stealing a piece of candy from the corner store. when I was about 10. Don't you trust me? No mental health issues except ma strong interest in neeked womans. If everybody has one we will all be safer. Where is the NRA when you need them. Oh, that's right, Texas.
That ain’t happening. In fact, certain elements will cozy up to the NRA.
I totally agree, and that's what really annoys me. Joe & other dems can't act all sad/angry when they're not willing to stake their political fortunes on the issue.

Say what you will about trump, but he got shit done. All the wrong shit, but he pushed through laws and orders on stuff he wanted done, regardless of the pushback, from exiting Paris, getting a (watered down) Muslim ban, Immigration enforcement and a lot of others. Why can't a POTUS be just as passionate and militant on gun control?

Joe has made executive orders on gun control (e.g. the stabilizers), so we know he has the means. In his speech today, he said he was going to make more E.Orders. Let's see if they are anything substantive, or just more of the same old, same old.


FO Admin / "rude, unnecessary attitude" (he/they)
Staff member
Why can't a POTUS be just as passionate and militant on gun control?
Because America has made a rod for its own back. Allowing any arsehole to own guns, and guns that nobody should ever need to own under any circumstances outside of military service, if he suddenly turns around and says, "Right, no more guns, you fucking nutjobs" then suddenly you have a few million angry gun-wielding turds to have to deal with. Not that he will do this anyway because he's a useless twat. What a putrid country, and I'm saying this as someone who has lived his whole life in England.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Because America has made a rod for its own back. Allowing any arsehole to own guns, and guns that nobody should ever need to own under any circumstances outside of military service, if he suddenly turns around and says, "Right, no more guns, you fucking nutjobs" then suddenly you have a few million angry gun-wielding turds to have to deal with. Not that he will do this anyway because he's a useless twat. What a putrid country, and I'm saying this as someone who has lived his whole life in England.
It's not called the bill of "NEEDS". it's called the bill of RIGHTS", and we won it, from your country, after YOUR king chose to oppress, and abuse it's SUBJECTS, which is what you currently are, while I am a citizen. the 2nd was installed, as the second most important right, after your king refused to listen to reason, making freedom of speech, the first most important thing. The 2nd was by design, intended to allow the "people", to fight a tyrannical "militia" (the U.S. military), so it is reasonable, that they be allowed to posses the necessary tools to do so.

If the president is going to use a pen, to usurp due processes, then he needs to do a great many things, before he starts stripping the law abiding of their rights.

#1) ALL illegal guns, and criminals off the streets. Even if it violates any Constitutional laws of the criminal. That means ALL gangs, clubs, cartels, or organized crime syndicates will be rounded up, and imprisoned. All gun buybacks, will now note, record and run the numbers on EVERY gun they get, and will arrest as needed.
#2) ALL criminals connected to any violent crime, especially with a gun, will be severely punished, up to and including execution. No more plea bargains, no more coddling, no more excuse of a poor misunderstood, dis advantaged youth from the inner city. They NEVER leave prison, or they are eradicated in some fashion.
#3) ALL borders are shut down. No one in or out, unless they apply FIRST, and are thoroughly vetted. Anyone here illegally is immediately deported, unless they are suspected, or linked to a gang, cartel, or any crime. Then they get to sit without bail until they are tried, and the result carried out. We can reopen Gitmo to store them for awhile, maybe build a couple of huge prisons near the border to house the filth, and give welfare recipients an opportunity to earn their money. We can also renovate Alcatraz. Also, all ports will be staffed with ATF agents, that will check to make sure not ONE single illegal gun gets in. Anyone caught red handed running guns, will be shot on site.
#4) The country needs to reduce violent crime by a minimum of 75% first, and maintain it for at least 2 years, to insure the murder by gun rate will go down, and of that 75%, 90% of gun violence must go down. Suicide statistics must be removed from gun violence statistics, as a suicidal person will find another way.
#5) The money for this will come from diverted funds. The aid we give to many countries will now be used for the good of THIS country, not theirs, and since the extra effort, will require extra people, some of that welfare money, will now become payroll money.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
It is time to live in the 21st century. Jefferson believed constitutions should be rewritten every 19 years. I disagree with the details of his thought here, but the sentiment is spot on. The dead should not rule the living.

At this point the 2nd Amendment is used to obtain “NEEDS” and wants. No 18-year old (or regular citizen of any age) needs what that murderer had or the one in Buffalo, or the ones in Columbine, or Sandy Hook. Sadly, I could go on.

Leave it to Sky News to piss off Cruz

Reporter: "Why only in America? Why is this American exceptionalism (school shootings) so awful?"

Cruz: "You know, I'm sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful. You've got your political agenda. God love you…"

Seriously? Is Cruz proud of American exceptionalism when it comes to school shootings?