Hiliary 2020
Should Syria be next on the list of Arab and African Countries to attack?
I write this because I believe there will be an attack by the US and Nato on Syria very soon.
This could clearly lead to a much bigger war with Iran, Russia, and China. In my opinion not exactly a good idea.
I know the people of Syria, Iran, Russia, China even israel or anywhere else don't want war. It seems our leaders are in the drivers seat and going 90mph towards a brick wall, with all of us in the back seat.
I could post many news links here but I won't. Here is one recent:
Many US politicians have been pushing for the removal of Syria's PREZ and it's GOV by force.
They have been pushing for this for years.
On 8/21/2013 while UN inspectors who were invited by Assad were there , there was a Saran Gas attack on the city of Ghouta which killed and seriously injured a lot of people, many children.
The US and it's media immediately accused PREZ Assad of killing his own people, as if he would really gas his own people 10 miles away from where the inspectors were. (if you believe that you must be amongst the dumbest of the dumb).
They immediately called for war but it didn't fly. But they haven't given up.
A month or so ago the US, against the wishes of the Syrian GOV sent troops into Syria. John Kerry said ther were only there in an advisory role.
A week later he demanded the Assad and his GOV leave Syria by August or else the US would "bring it to a new level".
So much for advising.
What I don't understand is if the Syrian military under Assad along with Russia are fighting ISIS in Syria
(keep in mind the US GOV admits it armed these ISIS mercenaries in the form of "moderate rebels".) , then why aren't we joining in the fight? Isn't ISIS supposed to be our enemy also?
Why are we demanding that the man fighting them, trying to drive them out of his country step down, go away, or else?
And knowing what will become of Syria and the Syrian people if this happens. Iraq and Libya being perfect examples.
BTW the Iraqi army took back Fallujah from ISIS this week, and all by their lonesome. See how things go when the US butts out?
To me this whole thing with Syria , The US GOV's entire approach on it proves to me without doubt just who's side they are really on. (One reason HC needed a private email, well that and the massive bribes).
I think you have to be either uninformed, misinformed, or in denial if you do not to see all this all clear as day.
I understand we Americans were raised from birth given books and beliefs giving us core beliefs that through our lives become a major part of out Identity. Breaking away from this can be very difficult, even traumatic. It takes a lot of will power to do this.
For example why for thousands of years did commoners fight for Kings and Queens? Was it really for the King and Queen?
I am an American. We are always on the side of good like Superman, Underdog, and Hulk Hogan. That's a tough chain to break.
I think the reason people are afraid to break it is because if they do then they are faced with a choice- Support something they know is wrong or do something about it. Most people don't want to deal with that so they dismiss it as tin foil hat stuff, then carry on texting, complaining about their job, and watching football.
It's fight or flight, and flight usually prevails.
So enough of my soap-boxing.
War with Syria? Yes? No? Maybe?
If not why, if so what do you see happening during and after?
Any thoughts on this because it's very serious and it looks to me like it will being happening soon.
I'm like Rocky in Rocky III. I'm afraid ok? Wanna hear me say it? I'm afraid.
We gotta act now, because there is no tomorrow.
I write this because I believe there will be an attack by the US and Nato on Syria very soon.
This could clearly lead to a much bigger war with Iran, Russia, and China. In my opinion not exactly a good idea.
I know the people of Syria, Iran, Russia, China even israel or anywhere else don't want war. It seems our leaders are in the drivers seat and going 90mph towards a brick wall, with all of us in the back seat.
I could post many news links here but I won't. Here is one recent:
Many US politicians have been pushing for the removal of Syria's PREZ and it's GOV by force.
They have been pushing for this for years.
On 8/21/2013 while UN inspectors who were invited by Assad were there , there was a Saran Gas attack on the city of Ghouta which killed and seriously injured a lot of people, many children.
The US and it's media immediately accused PREZ Assad of killing his own people, as if he would really gas his own people 10 miles away from where the inspectors were. (if you believe that you must be amongst the dumbest of the dumb).
They immediately called for war but it didn't fly. But they haven't given up.
A month or so ago the US, against the wishes of the Syrian GOV sent troops into Syria. John Kerry said ther were only there in an advisory role.
A week later he demanded the Assad and his GOV leave Syria by August or else the US would "bring it to a new level".
So much for advising.
What I don't understand is if the Syrian military under Assad along with Russia are fighting ISIS in Syria
(keep in mind the US GOV admits it armed these ISIS mercenaries in the form of "moderate rebels".) , then why aren't we joining in the fight? Isn't ISIS supposed to be our enemy also?
Why are we demanding that the man fighting them, trying to drive them out of his country step down, go away, or else?
And knowing what will become of Syria and the Syrian people if this happens. Iraq and Libya being perfect examples.
BTW the Iraqi army took back Fallujah from ISIS this week, and all by their lonesome. See how things go when the US butts out?
To me this whole thing with Syria , The US GOV's entire approach on it proves to me without doubt just who's side they are really on. (One reason HC needed a private email, well that and the massive bribes).
I think you have to be either uninformed, misinformed, or in denial if you do not to see all this all clear as day.
I understand we Americans were raised from birth given books and beliefs giving us core beliefs that through our lives become a major part of out Identity. Breaking away from this can be very difficult, even traumatic. It takes a lot of will power to do this.
For example why for thousands of years did commoners fight for Kings and Queens? Was it really for the King and Queen?
I am an American. We are always on the side of good like Superman, Underdog, and Hulk Hogan. That's a tough chain to break.
I think the reason people are afraid to break it is because if they do then they are faced with a choice- Support something they know is wrong or do something about it. Most people don't want to deal with that so they dismiss it as tin foil hat stuff, then carry on texting, complaining about their job, and watching football.
It's fight or flight, and flight usually prevails.
So enough of my soap-boxing.
War with Syria? Yes? No? Maybe?
If not why, if so what do you see happening during and after?
Any thoughts on this because it's very serious and it looks to me like it will being happening soon.
I'm like Rocky in Rocky III. I'm afraid ok? Wanna hear me say it? I'm afraid.
We gotta act now, because there is no tomorrow.