Should Syria Be Next?


Hiliary 2020
Should Syria be next on the list of Arab and African Countries to attack?
I write this because I believe there will be an attack by the US and Nato on Syria very soon.
This could clearly lead to a much bigger war with Iran, Russia, and China. In my opinion not exactly a good idea.
I know the people of Syria, Iran, Russia, China even israel or anywhere else don't want war. It seems our leaders are in the drivers seat and going 90mph towards a brick wall, with all of us in the back seat.
I could post many news links here but I won't. Here is one recent:

Many US politicians have been pushing for the removal of Syria's PREZ and it's GOV by force.
They have been pushing for this for years.
On 8/21/2013 while UN inspectors who were invited by Assad were there , there was a Saran Gas attack on the city of Ghouta which killed and seriously injured a lot of people, many children.
The US and it's media immediately accused PREZ Assad of killing his own people, as if he would really gas his own people 10 miles away from where the inspectors were. (if you believe that you must be amongst the dumbest of the dumb).
They immediately called for war but it didn't fly. But they haven't given up.
A month or so ago the US, against the wishes of the Syrian GOV sent troops into Syria. John Kerry said ther were only there in an advisory role.
A week later he demanded the Assad and his GOV leave Syria by August or else the US would "bring it to a new level".

So much for advising.

What I don't understand is if the Syrian military under Assad along with Russia are fighting ISIS in Syria
(keep in mind the US GOV admits it armed these ISIS mercenaries in the form of "moderate rebels".) , then why aren't we joining in the fight? Isn't ISIS supposed to be our enemy also?
Why are we demanding that the man fighting them, trying to drive them out of his country step down, go away, or else?
And knowing what will become of Syria and the Syrian people if this happens. Iraq and Libya being perfect examples.
BTW the Iraqi army took back Fallujah from ISIS this week, and all by their lonesome. See how things go when the US butts out?

To me this whole thing with Syria , The US GOV's entire approach on it proves to me without doubt just who's side they are really on. (One reason HC needed a private email, well that and the massive bribes).

I think you have to be either uninformed, misinformed, or in denial if you do not to see all this all clear as day.
I understand we Americans were raised from birth given books and beliefs giving us core beliefs that through our lives become a major part of out Identity. Breaking away from this can be very difficult, even traumatic. It takes a lot of will power to do this.
For example why for thousands of years did commoners fight for Kings and Queens? Was it really for the King and Queen?
I am an American. We are always on the side of good like Superman, Underdog, and Hulk Hogan. That's a tough chain to break.
I think the reason people are afraid to break it is because if they do then they are faced with a choice- Support something they know is wrong or do something about it. Most people don't want to deal with that so they dismiss it as tin foil hat stuff, then carry on texting, complaining about their job, and watching football.
It's fight or flight, and flight usually prevails.

So enough of my soap-boxing.
War with Syria? Yes? No? Maybe?
If not why, if so what do you see happening during and after?
Any thoughts on this because it's very serious and it looks to me like it will being happening soon.
I'm like Rocky in Rocky III. I'm afraid ok? Wanna hear me say it? I'm afraid.
We gotta act now, because there is no tomorrow.
Regime changed has been planned there for some time, but Russia won't allow it, so yeah, it's a big war if the US try to go ahead and do this. ISIS seems to be mostly propaganda
BTW the Iraqi army took back Fallujah from ISIS this week, and all by their lonesome. See how things go when the US butts out?

by their lonesome? U.S. air support played no role? Nor did the American combat controllers calling in those air strikes or other special forces on the ground?

And how did the Iraqi army lose Fallujah or Mosul or all the other territory to begin with? all by their lonesome.


Hiliary 2020
by their lonesome? U.S. air support played no role? Nor did the American combat controllers calling in those air strikes or other special forces on the ground?

And how did the Iraqi army lose Fallujah or Mosul or all the other territory to begin with? all by their lonesome.

So they had help from the US in retaking the city?
Yeah I just read that in May the US bombed the shit out of the city.
I supposed that helped.

How did the Army lose the city in the first place?
Well it all began on a nice day in late Summer 2001.
Then in March 2003 The USA decided to invade Iraq and many people died.
Then radical extremist mercenaries took over most of the country.
I think you know the rest of the story.
Yeah, get some US and Nato boots on Syria's ground, bring some more mayhem to the country, that's exactly what we need. Remove Assad, so that ISIS could take over Damas and acquire Syria's air forces. Genius move.


Hiliary 2020
Yeah, get some US and Nato boots on Syria's ground, bring some more mayhem to the country, that's exactly what we need. Remove Assad, so that ISIS could take over Damas and acquire Syria's air forces. Genius move.

Johan just when I thought you couldn't say anything stupider you go and say something like that.......AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!!!!!
Kidding, I never thought you were stupid. Good post. Ok I'm going swimming now.
by their lonesome? U.S. air support played no role? Nor did the American combat controllers calling in those air strikes or other special forces on the ground?

Exactly. No way this happens without U.S. support.

PS: As I understand it it's not a completely done deal yet - that fighting is still going on in parts of the city - but that Iraqi forces have retaken the main government compound and appear on their way to broader control.
What I don't understand is if the Syrian military under Assad along with Russia are fighting ISIS in Syria

As I understood it they were mostly fighting the anti Assad rebels; not so much ISIS.
And if I recall correctly Russia withdrew its troops from Syria back in March.

then why aren't we joining in the fight? Isn't ISIS supposed to be our enemy also?

We have been, and we still are.
Why we shouldn't go to war against the Assad Govt:
1) Russia is backing them. They'll veto any UN invasion so any action would be individual countries.
2) Aside from Iraq, they're the one country that has the biggest war against ISIS. Hell, it's in their name: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Why fight them, since fighting Assad is helping ISIS?
3) Not enough oil to justify an invasion for corporate US
Why we shouldn't go to war against the Assad Govt:
1) Russia is backing them. They'll veto any UN invasion so any action would be individual countries.
2) Aside from Iraq, they're the one country that has the biggest war against ISIS. Hell, it's in their name: Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Why fight them, since fighting Assad is helping ISIS?
3) Not enough oil to justify an invasion for corporate US

We need to leave ALL operations inside Syria to the Russians period.
Let the people who fight Islamic State continue fighting Islamic State without interference. Our US policies and actions are so confused I'm not sure if we're for or against Islamic State.


Hiliary 2020
US and Russian planes almost start shooting at each other over Syria.
Keep in mind Russia is in Syria by invitation of the Syrian GOV.
The United States is not.
Here is just one article.
So why is the US military trying to prevent Russia from attacking ISIS?
And what do you think would have happened, how do you think the US GOV and the media had spun it if the Russians fired a shot?


Hiliary 2020
Well more news in Syria today.
But 1st a breif recap:
A few months ago The US sent a few hundred advisors into Syria against the will of the Syrian GOV.
Advisors is street talk for highly trained soldiers with very powerful high tech weapons including war planes and tanks.
The Syrian Gov said, " oh that's cool bro but you don't have to. We already have the Russian military here helping out because we invited them".
And after all not only are you training, arming and funding the enemy we're fighting you've also been talking about killing our PREZ the past few years". " oh and lets not forget that village full of women and children you gassed to death while the weapons inspectors were here then blamed on us" .
"Theres the door, don't let it hit you in the ass".

In which the US replied, " Dude, That was the past. Forgive and forget, water under the bridge huh huh". "We are here to help. Honest baby".

In which Syria replied, " Well ok, but no funny stuff".

But then just 2 weeks later John Kerry said this on behalf of the US GOV aka israel, " President Assad. President Assad ,Elected by the people and with a higher approval rate than any US PREZ since the Victorian Era. Leave your country by August or we will kill you. We will kill you, your family and everyone in your GOV". "We will then take your money and your resources and put your country under control of a Central Bank, and we'll hand you country over to ISIS like we did in Libya and let them rape your women and children and kill your men, children and old people". " You have until sometime in August or else".

Well its sometime in August now. And the USA, always being a country you can trust has proceeded to the "or else" level.

So we took a peice of their land in area perfect for bringing in more war machines and we are telling the Syrians and the Russians, "Don't come near here or we will shoot you".
So much for "Just trying to help".
Sounds like an invasion to me.
What do you think will happen if the US shoots down a Russian plane in Syria? It won't be good that's for sure.
Gotta get WWIII going before the Election in November.
So let me get this straight. Syria and Russia are fighting ISIS and winning, and the USA is threatening to kill them?
Who still believes that ISIS isn't a proxy army for the USA?


Hiliary 2020
More death and destruction in Yemen.

Seems the people of Yemen don't like their current US puppet leadership.
I guess bombing and gassing them to death should shut them up for a while.
Reminds me of how When Saddam was our buddy and we were arming and he gassed those Iranians.

Suadi Arabia is our friend, our ally.
In fact we just sold them 90 billion $ in weapons. Weapons to kill children in Yemen it seems.
I wonder if any deadly gas was included in that package. And I wonder where that 90 billion went.
Were gonna sell them 100+ billion more in the near future too unless congress does something.

More examples of how the good ol' red white and blue uses proxys to do their dirty work.
I'm not bashing the USA, just the criminal mafia regime that has taken it over.
Maybe if they put HC in office this stuff will stop.
Suadi Arabia is our friend, our ally.
In fact we just sold them 90 billion $ in weapons. Weapons to kill children in Yemen it seems.
I wonder if any deadly gas was included in that package. And I wonder where that 90 billion went.
Were gonna sell them 100+ billion more in the near future too unless congress does something.
A friend who funds ISIS, who funds and export extremism and terrorism

A friend who' partly responsible for 9/11

More examples of how the good ol' red white and blue uses proxys to do their dirty work.
I'm not bashing the USA, just the criminal mafia regime that has taken it over.
Maybe if they put HC in office this stuff will stop.

Who initiated the US version "proxy-war strategy" ? Cotdam American treasure Ronald Reagan


Hiliary 2020
Well Johan if the Saudis are responsible for funding ISIS and 9/11 then the USA sure has a funny way to deal with them.
I know they aren't the ones behind ISIS and I've researched 9/11 a lot. Suadi intelligence and some very big Sheiks knew about it beforehand and may have been involved on a low level but they didn't do it.
They had nothing to gain. And if they did why didn't we come down on them instead of Iraq and Afhanistan?
The 28 pages is just a distraction.
Only 2 countries had something to gain from 9/11. Means, motives, opportunity and the ability to cover it up through government and media.
Only two.

I'm just hoping this thing in Syria doesn't get out of hand.
History tells us it doesn't take much to spark a war.
I'm trying to figure out what kind of psychopaths are running things by threatening Russia.

Reagan? Iran Contra? That wasn't the first by no means but yes, Reagan, Bush and the lot should have been put in jail for that.
High Treason. But remember also BushI was the real PREZ from the day Reagan got shot until 92.
If you think about it that's 1981 until the present with basically the same leadership in the US. Now they want until at least 2020.
And their already grooming Chelsea Hubbel to be PREZ in a few years.
These people need to die already.

Will E Worm

No, come back to America guard the border and build the wall.

America first.



Hiliary 2020
And he said that right before Pearl Harbor.
He's talking about how the US told The People that we were building up our defenses but in reality they were preparing for war and sending most of the war machines to England the whole time.
And all they needed was a good excuse like Pearl Harbor. Very convenient.
Just like the Lusitania got us into WWI.
It's something how Lindbergh at one time was the most loved and famous person in the world but when he started speaking out against going to war he was attacked from all fronts and blacklisted.
All those dead and maimed young men. Orphans and widows, families destroyed.
Even back then had the media and the GOV backed him all that could have been avoided.
But they had other plans.
Nothing has changed.

On a lighter note the civilian bodies are piling up in Yemen thanks to our Saudi friends.
And as always the bullets and bombs are on us.
All because the people of Yemem want to choose their own leaders who just might put the people of Yemen first.


I gotta say MP, you definitely have your own way of looking at things. But you know what? I read everything you write.

Let's be clear about Lindbergh though. He was beloved for flying a plane. But that was a day when hearing famous people speak was in its infancy. And I don't recall him being blacklisted by anyone that mattered.

But if you're saying that we should have avoided WWII at all costs, that's where you and I part company pilgrim. It was going to happen and it should have happened. There was no preventing it. And putting an end to the Nazi and Japanese empires saved more lives than it cost.