I almost have to agree,but I think that the NFL should adopt a modified version of the O.T. rules used by NCAA,where each team gets a chance to score,except I wouldn't have them just start on the 20 yard line.
I would start with a coin toss to see who get's the ball first and which goal to defend like usual.I would have them kick the ball off just like normal,then it would come down to the last team that's able to score wins.
So if the the first receiving team goes down and scores just a field goal,then the second team can either try to score a field goal to continue the o.t. or go for the t.d. to win it.But if the first receiving team goes down and scores a t.d. then the second team MUST score a t.d. to force the o.t. to continue,or lose the game.
I think that this could be a very exciting way to do things because of the strategy that it would be involved.
The other overtime option is to eliminate sudden death and just to let them play a 5th full quarter and whoever has the most points after that either wins or goes down as a tie.
:2 cents: