Should ESPN Fire Jamele Hill?

No, she shouldn't be fired. Or I should say, ESPN should make that call and face the consequences. It's their bottom line.

haven't watched them in years.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No, she shouldn't be fired. Or I should say, ESPN should make that call and face the consequences. It's their bottom line.

haven't watched them in years.

I'd say Curt Schilling might have a potential lawsuit to file if they don't. Hell, maybe even ol' Bocephus will sue them too. I'm no lawyer though so just a layman's guess.
I'd say Curt Schilling might have a potential lawsuit to file if they don't. Hell, maybe even ol' Bocephus will sue them too. I'm no lawyer though so just a layman's guess.

ESPN is a private company. I'm not sure if Connecticut is an at-will state, but if so, they can fire anyone without cause. I don't agree with Jamele Hill obviously, but that was her personal tweet. She didn't call for violence just her personal opinon of President Trump. She shouldn't be fired based on that.

And if those offended want to boycott ESPN and their advertisers, more power to them.
Jamele Hill just exercised her First Amendement right to free-speech. A lot of conservatives felt offended by what she said and you know why ? Because truth hurts. Now if you're offended there's a words for yo, a word conservatives love to use toward progressives : SNOWFLAKE

Trump can say hatever he wants, call for her to be fired as much as he wants, it's not up to him to decide. And Jamele is protected by the First Amendment which forbid government to sanction people for what they say.
Now if ESPN think her tweets hurt the company enough for them to decide that it justifies that she's be fired, fine.

A lot of conservative like to compare Jemel Hill with Curt Schilling. Curt Schilling was fired after that :

But this was the 3rd or 4th time he posted or said inflammatory stuff. He had already been warned but he still posted this. He has it coming
Trump can say hatever he wants, call for her to be fired as much as he wants, it's not up to him to decide. And Jamele is protected by the First Amendment which forbid government to sanction people for what they say.
Now if ESPN think her tweets hurt the company enough for them to decide that it justifies that she's be fired, fine.

that in bold. God bless America. Can you say the same for those in the EU?
1) The EU is very diverse. 27 countries (28 if you count the UK), which each its own set of laws

2) In France, we have free speech but there are limitations to that. It is forbidden to make racist/homophobic/anti-semitics speech in public, you can't pretend the Holocaust is a myth in public.
You may say that isn't free speech, I'll answer yoiu that these laws are a consequences of somezthing France experienced and th US never did : nazi occupation. For four years we has nazi soldiers in ours street, we had a government who was doing everything it could to please the nazis, even trying to do more than they asked
2) In France, we have free speech but there are limitations to that. It is forbidden to make racist/homophobic/anti-semitics speech in public, you can't pretend the Holocaust is a myth in public.

You may say that isn't free speech, I'll answer yoiu that these laws are a consequences of somezthing France experienced and th US never did : nazi occupation. For four years we has nazi soldiers in ours street, we had a government who was doing everything it could to please the nazis, even trying to do more than they asked

but then that isn't actually free speech then, is it?

and yes, france gave up their jews without even being asked to.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Jamele Hill just exercised her First Amendement right to free-speech.

OK. Why weren't these gentlemen granted the same right if this were true then? if you're warned 3 times they can take your freedom of speech away then?

A lot of conservative like to compare Jemel Hill with Curt Schilling. Curt Schilling was fired after that :

But this was the 3rd or 4th time he posted or said inflammatory stuff. He had already been warned but he still posted this. He has it coming
So....private companies can take away your first amendment rights then? I thought Hill was free to speak her mind. Which way is it?

by definition, a private company cannot take away your first amendment rights. the first amendment covers the federal government limiting or prohibiting speech. that doesn't cover a private entity.

Private companies can fire you for not liking what you say, but again ...

what does this have to do with the First Amendment?

what clever catch are you about to spring upon us?


There needs to be a clear line between when you are you and when you are your job.

I've said what I've said and I've revealed where I work. Why hasn't my boss, who is a huge Republican donor, fired me?

Will E Worm

Yes, fire her now. :hammer:
As stated, ESPN is a private company and can fire Jamele Hill and that wouldn't be in violation of any First Amendment protection she has from the government. ESPN has sponsors and viewers and should do whatever they feel is in their best interests in regard to Jamele Hill's employment as a private company.
1) The EU is very diverse. 27 countries (28 if you count the UK), which each its own set of laws

2) In France, we have free speech but there are limitations to that. It is forbidden to make racist/homophobic/anti-semitics speech in public, you can't pretend the Holocaust is a myth in public.
You may say that isn't free speech, I'll answer yoiu that these laws are a consequences of somezthing France experienced and th US never did : nazi occupation. For four years we has nazi soldiers in ours street, we had a government who was doing everything it could to please the nazis, even trying to do more than they asked

Hey Johan, how free are people in France to discuss the Holocaust in public? As long as they don't deny that there was a Holocaust are they allowed to differ on how many people were killed by the Nazis?

Do you think we in America should be able to have different theories on 9/11 even ones that blame the government claiming "inside job" without facing consequences from the government?


Hiliary 2020
For her tweets that called President Trump a "white supremacist"? I say "yes" she should....and so does the White House.

ESPN apparently disagrees.

What say ye? :dunno: :confused: :dunno:

I don't know.
I say fire all of them. Then try them for treason against their country and crimes against humanity.

The level of propaganda that they perpetuate on the people of the USA is probably greater than ever before in history anywhere on the planet.

Funny you should mention this Jag because I was thinking about it just today.
Many months ago I turned on AM talk radio. These are Ney York City stations WABC and another big one, the only two I get in here.
And for about a half hour all I heard on both stations was Trump bashing. Really ridiculous stuff too.
A few months later...the same.
Then today I hit that button one more time and they were making fun of his clothes.
These are major news networks and this is how they behave?


Hiliary 2020
I've tried to explain this before so excuse me for repeating.

This is why I feel Trump was chosen not by the people but by those who choose our Presidents:

In the year or so before and during the 2016 election many many people were beginning to wake up to the fact that our GOVERNMENT is completey corrupt and comprimised.
They were sick of the wars and the waste. Sick of getting fucked everyday.
Basically they were waking up. Waking up to the massive propaganda and lies. Waking up to reality.

Then when they fucked over all those Sanders voters even more .....many more people began to awake from their lifelong slumber.
When reality hits it can be a pretty powerful thing.

Well ask yourselves what a Hiliary Clitnon would have gotten us.
More of the same......even worse.
And more and more people would become aware, disillusioned, then angry.
The powers that shouldn't be would have lost control before her term was up.
Mass awareness.

So they went with Trump. ( This is also why I think Hiliary didnt seem to try very hard. Either she thought the fix was in her favor or she knew it was going to be given to Trump no matter what she did.).
Still more of the same but it was like putting a pacifier in our mouths. It put the brakes on the mass awareness of how dirty the US GOV is because it gave people hope. "Finally an outsider is gonna fix this mess".
Now instead of focusing on real things they focus on TRUMP BASHING.
That is where they are herding the sheep.
And that's what they will do for 4 years.
They had to go with Trump because with a Hiliary Clitnon Presidency more and more people would have woken up.....and once that scale tips and people realize how bad theyve been getting fucked and by whom it wont be pretty.