Go to Charlie's or the Lion's Head.. you CANNOT fail in those dumps.
haha. Those places are something else. I have a story about the Lions Head.
While taking a piss at a urinal, this guy walked up and grabbed my buddies underwear and felt it like he was determining the quality of the fabric. I didn't believe my friend when he told me, but when the other guy came out, he sat with us and told us that my friend wore good quality underwear. He then challenged us to arm wrestling matches and if he beat us we all had to go back to his place and drink and do coke with him.

I wasn't sure if I should feel bad for this lonely soul just trying to make friends, or call the police. The bartender told us not to worry about him, he's gay and harmless. I assumed he was a regular there and never went back.
Charlies on the other hand is a great place to get loaded, pick up, maybe get in a fight with a biker and probably lose an eye. Maybe even unwillingly O.D on heroin. Besides, it is a little out of my way. I stick to the pubs around my place. Cramdons, Tom Fooleries and Brews and Cues. :glugglug: