Shaving Your Balls?


Member, you member...
Use a tweezer and pluck each little curly - they will not grow as fast.
no don't do it, looks man enough to me now, only if a hot woman would ask me to do it, then i would consider it :)
veet, just make sure you don't fall asleep while its still on. Will give a nice smooth finish, but for fook sake make sure you rinse the sack well afterwards. Or head down one of those beauty salons for a BSC, most of those waxing chicks are hot young students or MILF's. Plus you could always try your luck for a nosh off if you get a lazy lobb on! LOL
NO to the Nair idea. Tried that once an it felt like it was boiling my skin.

I guess the old straight razor will have to do. I will go slow. Afterwards I will post some pics.............just kidding.

Dont forget your Anal hairs and while your at it, why dont you get a bleeching?.... Just an idea!!.... ;)
The label on Nair says to not use on that area, I'd listen.

Clippers, have to be careful how you use em. Only use em if you're running a jungle down there and need to trim it down so that a razor isn't an hour of work.

Other than that, take a razor, go slow and don't worry about cutting. If you are scared, don't run it along the skin just slightly above it.
I just use a razor and shaving cream.

Easy does it.
I prefer shaving my nut sack with the sharpened edge of a clam shell. That way I can tell people I've had an encounter with the (de)bearded clam....
So I am looking for tips on how to shave your balls! I have been using an electric clipper thingy to do around but I am afraid to straight razor my balls for fear of cutting them. Any tips on how to do it safely?

Stop being a pussy and pull off your scrotum hairs one by one with a pair of tweezers like a real man would! :hatsoff:

And no razor bumps! :thumbsup:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
To quote Paton Oswalt "Shaving your balls shouldn't be boring, it should be a wild hair across your ass. When your whacked out on absinthe, and midgets are riding around on tricycles throwing heroin soaked grapes at you. And a couple of hookers in domino masks work your sack with a strop razor and scented lather."


cost me 50 bucks, but gets the job done! two trimmers plus an electric razor-like foil= smoothness in minutes. plus, it uses rechargeable batteries and is watertight.
i use it without the included combs (they are for adjusting length)


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Don't do it. It might sound cool at first but when the hair starts growing back in....Aye Chimama!!!! Gives a whole new meaning to the term "razor burn".


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Fuck no man.....those little bumps HURT. I did it years ago....never again but that's just me. Maybe y'all's pubes are different but mine seemed to grow back with a vengeance that definitely was NOT FUN. Let the locks flow from your scrotum I say! Besides....razor blades and balls are not a favorable combination in my book. I'd rather try to find that ex-girlfriend of LukeEl's who likes to lick guys' assholes when she's drunk. Sounds like whole lot more fun and a lot less work and worry.
I shave my private area every 6 weeks or so. Just grab a razor, some shaving form and jump into the shower. It's pretty fun, actually.

Dont be a wuss, a standard disposable razor from Bic is pretty safe. Use 2 blade variants if you are concerned.