Seven Years Later: Are people starting to forget?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yes people are forgetting. I recall at least 2 separate instances today where people said "Oh, thats right, it is september 11th"

We're forgetting, but not because we don't care, we just don't think about it as much as we used to.
I wonder if you edited your post because of what I was gonna pick up on? Humans werent to blame for the Tsunami... Natural disasters are a bit different from death and destruction caused by man.

That is one of the reasons I edited it. But my point was that all preventable deaths matter. I am not sure if the Tsunami deaths were preventable.

I will give another example instead: 800,000 Rwandans were massacred. 3,000 in 9/11. So 9/11 means about 1/264th to me as the Rwandan massacre.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
As I did state in my post, I was just talking about paying your own personal respects for what happened ON THIS DATE, not every day.

I also stated that I'm not talking about the actual attacks itself, because I know no one will ever forget. I'm just talking about remembering it today. I was also trying to find out if peoples works/schools/families ETC held a one minute silence or not, because like I said, I don't know anyone who was envolved in one today.

Oh, I know. You have to remember that 9/11 is no different than any other sort of anniversary. Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, even birthdays...after a while, nobody really cares anymore. Sure, we all know what day it is, we just don't care to make it a big deal.
And yet, there are many more illegal immigrants here in the US than before 9/11/01. So, what you are saying is that the Feds have failed in their quest to be Nazis? They aren't efficient or ruthless enough? :rofl:

what are you talking about? you asked me to name some observations and I did so. I don't care about illegal immigrants, I care about harassment of US citizens. my mention of nazism was merely in regards to fervent and sensational nationalism. if you want to partake in absurdity and ignore what I was actually saying, then I guess I can't do much about it.
Considering that 9/11 knocked this country onto a course of unilateral military action against other nations in the name of promoting democracy around the world through pre-emptive war especially in the middle east (see the Bush Doctrine) while at the same time adopting a "whatever it takes" attitude when it comes to combating whatever the US government wants to label as "terrorism" by infringing upon individuals basic civil liberties by suspending habeas corpus, advocating torture, spying illegally and holding prisoners indefinately without charge. I don't think anyone will forget anytime soon.

Although, I do think that the emotional "wounds" have healed and that most people don't give a fuck anymore.
all politics aside, whenever people encounter a tragedy, especially a very large one, it is really devastating in that it makes you realize just how out of control everything is for you. I think that everyone was really in a state of shock. Of course no one is going to, nor would they want to, keep feeling that same way. As time goes by memories fade and they get replaced by new experiences, for good and bad.


"Do you want to sit around and cry together? You know, because your parents are dead?"

We all know it happened. We all know how sad it was. Let's move on and stop trying to "hold on" to how we originally felt when it first happened.

How about a remembrance to help remind us that our defenses are essential ?

1993: World Trade Center bomb terrorises New York
[ . . . It left a gaping hole in the wall above the Path underground station. Most of those who died are believed to have been crushed by the station ceiling.

It ripped through three floors of concrete, scattering ash and debris and set off a fire that sent choking smoke and flames up through one of the 110-story "Twin Towers".

Total pandemonium

Thousands of office workers were trapped as smoke billowed up through the buildings.

With no working lifts or lighting there was total pandemonium.

People did not know whether to stay in their offices or brave the journey down via the smoke-filled stairwells.

"It felt like an airplane hit the building," said Bruce Pomper, a 34-year-old broker.

Desperate for air, some people smashed windows with office furniture.

Hundreds eventually poured out of the building gasping for air and covered in soot."

Full story

Here's what I would be in remembrance of -

√ The initial '93 attack was intended to knock one trade center building center tower into the other. (failed) (Thank whatever deity you like - Or Not)

√ The bastards came back on (9 - 11 - 01) to reassert themselves
i.e. - finish the job. (sucker punch II) (Now we really oughta be pissed !)

profiler ? me ? you bet ! ;)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
How about a remembrance to help remind us that our defenses are essential ?

I would be somewhat ok with that, but unfortunately, that's not what happens.

We are just constantly reminded of how sad it was and that's it. If you were at a baseball game today you wouldn't hear the announcer say "now, we're going to have a moment of silence so we can reflect on how important national defense is to our country and all of it's citizens", you would hear the announcer say "now, we're going to have a moment of silence as a tribute to all of the people who died on 9/11."

Personally, I think it's annoying and stupid. There is nothing wrong with it, but I'm not one of those people who sees the point in a meaningless, almost ritualistic event to help signify something that sucked. People have funerals and claim that it's to "pay respect to the dead", but the people are dead...they have no clue what's going on. People just "pay tribute" to tragic events (for the most part, IMO) to put on a show for the public. They feel like they have to sulk and mourn or else everyone will think they're a bad person. No, they're just adults who accept tragedy and move on with their lives.

If people want to feel sad and remember what happened, go ahead, but I hate when it's forced upon me.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If anything September 11th should be a day to remember and honour the brave firefighters who were involved in the attack
firefighters were responsible for 9/11? that's fucked up! and I thought I had some crazy theories.
I will never forget. Out of respect, all of the victims of 9-11 should be remembered with a moment of silence.


I'm alive, they are dead. If I spent my time mourning the dead, there's more than enough for every second of every day. millions of people die every year.

I feel for the people that lost family members, but I didn't know any of those people. Just because politics is supposed to dictate this as a greater tragedy than any other loss of life, honesty, it really has zero effect on me. you may call me a shithead for saying that, but I'm just being honest and I think everyone else is a hypocrite for validating one persons death above another's.

I find the death of individual liberty, the notion that people are supposed to bow down in conformity or be shunned to be much more disturbing. let people mourn in their own way if they feel the need, or not if they choose to.

You're an honest shithead...

For those that really get it...

For those who don' a porn vid and don't think about it.
I will never forget. Out of respect, all of the victims of 9-11 should be remembered with a moment of silence.

Fine, I agree.

Then so should all the victims of Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Hamburg, Tokyo, New Orleans, Andersonville, Rotterdam, My Lai, Battan, Auschwitz, etc...


Fine, I agree.

Then so should all the victims of Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Hamburg, Tokyo, New Orleans, Andersonville, Rotterdam, My Lai, Battan, Auschwitz, etc...

They are...just not by you.
Fine, I agree.

Then so should all the victims of Pearl Harbor, Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Hamburg, Tokyo, New Orleans, Andersonville, Rotterdam, My Lai, Bataan, Auschwitz, etc...

You're absolutely right Vern. We should petition the UN to pass a resolution for World Tragedy Day, so we can consolidate all historical events of human aggression and natural catastrophes in order to honor all of the victims in one big shebang. That leaves the rest of the 364 days to carry on with your meaningless life. . .



The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You're absolutely right Vern. We should petition the UN to pass a resolution for World Tragedy Day, so we can consolidate all historical events of human aggression and natural catastrophes in order to honor all of the victims in one big shebang. That leaves the rest of the 364 days to carry on with your meaningless life. . .


I'm assuming you were being sarcastic, but that's actually a good idea. Before you know it, every single day (at least here in the US) will be "in rememberence" for some bullshit that happened years ago that nobody wants to recall emotionally.


Calling calpoon a shithead for posting his thoughtfully expressed opinion. Well done philbert. Once again you show everyone what a nice guy you are.:rolleyes:

As a person who consistantly calls people rude names for expressing their thoughtly expressed opinions, you are in no position to whine about what someone else says; read carefully his post (something you rarely do); I was merely accepting his invitation.
Silly child...