Congrats Dro50 Top Job:bowdown:
SeraphiM Retired Moderator Nov 20, 2006 #1,902 It's Monday so lets get those Nominations in :thumbsup:
sandee's_fun Copyright © by SF . All rights reserved. Nov 20, 2006 #1,904 My nomination - Baal:thumbsup:
pussypoppa Nov 21, 2006 #1,908 my second nomination goes to deeeze because i used that Melyssa Ford pic for my next sig...but he got there first
my second nomination goes to deeeze because i used that Melyssa Ford pic for my next sig...but he got there first
Calm Nov 21, 2006 #1,909 i nominate Seraphim. i would nominate pussypoppa and deeze but i've been beaten to it
poggy Nov 21, 2006 #1,910 I'm going to nominate Nedbuck, really good choice of picture and the writing effect fits perfectly.
Deeeze Tig Ol' Bitty Expert Nov 22, 2006 #1,911 pussypoppa said: my second nomination goes to deeeze because i used that melyssa ford pic for my next sig...but he got there first Click to expand... Thats funny cause I had a feelin you might be using that pic soon thats why I wanted to hurry up and use it:1orglaugh And I can probably guess what you are gonna use for christmas Thanks anyway
pussypoppa said: my second nomination goes to deeeze because i used that melyssa ford pic for my next sig...but he got there first Click to expand... Thats funny cause I had a feelin you might be using that pic soon thats why I wanted to hurry up and use it:1orglaugh And I can probably guess what you are gonna use for christmas Thanks anyway
icerfan Nikkala made me do it! Nov 22, 2006 #1,912 I'll put a nomination for poggy1 - Lucy's looking especially nice this week And another for BNF and Gisele (but the interview she did in that dress is even better - it's in her thread)
I'll put a nomination for poggy1 - Lucy's looking especially nice this week And another for BNF and Gisele (but the interview she did in that dress is even better - it's in her thread)
poggy Nov 23, 2006 #1,914 icerfan said: I'll put a nomination for poggy1 - Lucy's looking especially nice this week Click to expand... Thank you Icerfan :thumbsup: It's a picture not on her thread or I don't think I've seen it on the web either. But soon it will be one of my bonus pictures, so keep a eye out for the full size version.
icerfan said: I'll put a nomination for poggy1 - Lucy's looking especially nice this week Click to expand... Thank you Icerfan :thumbsup: It's a picture not on her thread or I don't think I've seen it on the web either. But soon it will be one of my bonus pictures, so keep a eye out for the full size version.
Krista38DD Nov 23, 2006 #1,916 Nice signature from poggy, the woman who is hot is scaled nicely. I also like the font used.
poggy Nov 24, 2006 #1,919 Since it looks like Seraphim is still a little busy with his house moving and DrDeaths on holiday, I'll open up the voting for him. Here are the nominations... Calm Baal Seraphim Pussypoppa Undertaker Deeeze NedBuck Poggy1 BNF Aegis Good luck everyone nominated! ________________________________________________________________________ I'll go with my nomination NedBuck
Since it looks like Seraphim is still a little busy with his house moving and DrDeaths on holiday, I'll open up the voting for him. Here are the nominations... Calm Baal Seraphim Pussypoppa Undertaker Deeeze NedBuck Poggy1 BNF Aegis Good luck everyone nominated! ________________________________________________________________________ I'll go with my nomination NedBuck
D D-rock Nov 24, 2006 #1,920 I vote for Pussypoppa's sig...although I have no idea what all the cake batter in it is for.