Seraphim’s Signature of The Week (S.O.T.W)

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Member, you member...
analfan said:
I want to nominate jod0565. I love how his name flashes on it now.
Thank you kind sir - The good Dr. Death spiced it for me.


Retired Moderator
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I put my vote in for Jod0565
My vote is for jod0565's sig.

I'm shocked to see he changed it....and used animation and everything! LOL
The bags are classic as well :thumbsup:


Retired Moderator
My vote goes to accessspecialex, there's just something about that boob tube :D
Jod0565 has my vote. He had the sig when i first started to post and its fun to see that he changed it a bit
Since my nomination for Pitino didn't go through, I'm gonna vote for qwertyuiopas....Dancing pussy is awesome!!!!!
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