Seraphim’s Signature of The Week (S.O.T.W)

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Congratulations Deeeze

(I'm kind of glad I didn't win in a way. Now I can change my sig. It was starting to freak me out looking at it after every one of my posts and there is only so far even I will go down the rabbit hole of craziness) :1orglaugh
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It's good to be the king...
Belated congrats, Deeeze :thumbsup:


D-rock said:
Congratulations Deeeze

(I'm kind of glad I didn't win in a way. Now I can change my sig. It was starting to freak me out looking at it after every one of my posts and there is only so far even I will go down the rabbit hole of craziness) :1orglaugh

Yeah, I was going to ask you about your sig.......:D
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Retired Moderator
I'm a few hours early,

and I have a busy day ahead of me.

So lets get some nomination in for S.O.T.W. :thumbsup:
dang, I was gonna nominate Underatker...

I guess I'll nominate Poggy1 and D-Rock (we can nominate 2, right?)
I would like to nominate Pussy Poppa and Pitino.


Member, you member...
What the hell? Undertaker's sig has gone the way of the dodo bird! Damn ImageShack!
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