Sequals that shouldve never been made

I'm shocked that no one mentioned Matrix Reloaded and Revolution.

Put Final Destination 3-5 on the list,as well as all of the Wild Things sequels.
I'm shocked that no one mentioned Matrix Reloaded and Revolution.

Put Final Destination 3-5 on the list,as well as all of the Wild Things sequels.

one person said the Matrix sequals, and i agree, those were quite bad and really didnt need to be made. i want to throw in the Alvin and the Chipmunks 'squeakual' :facepalm:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Frank [B][URL=" said:
Grimes[/URL][/B], post: 5996253, member: 31739"]The sequels all blew goats for quarters.

They usually do.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
All Jaws sequel.


Hiliary 2020
All Jaws sequel.

Jaws 2 was ok, especially the part where Peter Brady banged that slut on the boat then got eaten for lunch.
"Swim Peter Swim!".
I guess thats what broke up the Brady Six, I mean he was the cute one.

Man, Bobby was so high during that session.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Major Donkeyballs.
Predator and anything following Aliens
28 Weeks Later
Back To The Future
Blade Trinity
The Cell 2
The Chronicles Of Riddick
Deuce Bigalow
From Dusk till Dawn 2/3
Home Alone
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
Lost Boys: The Thirst

Predator 2 was good. At least I thought so.
It was ok in a way but not the hunter/survival horror theme set by the original, one of those films which would have been great as a one off as a bit of mystery would always remain concerning the predator, now they've been dissected to death with the various sequels and I prefered it when Aliens had nothing to do with Predators


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Revenge of the Nerds #" 2 and 3. #3 in my altime worst movies ever list.