I'm very protective of my Musketeers. There are things you do and don't do with a given franchise. I'm not saying don't make the movie. I'm saying leave Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d'Artagnan out of it and make up your own characters.
I'm really not as up-in-arms about this as I may be coming off, but what the hell, I'll rant for a while. :cussing:
There is an underlying premise to the original 3 Musketeers. It was loyalty and fidelity to your comrades. "One For All and All For One" means something to these characters. The king may be a dolt, the queen a spoiled simpleton, the Cardinal (see Charlton Heston) may be evil incarnate, the wars/campaigns fought - pointless to the point of absurdity. But as long as you got your boys backing you up, it's never as bad as it can be. As long as you're working as a team, nothing is impossible. When they throw in all this bombast, they tend to lose sight of why the story is there for the sake of special effects. Everything to do with the 3 Musketeers since 1974 has been crap, and I resent it.
It's the same thing with Robin Hood. At the end of the day, Robin is supposed to be a happy warrior. This latest film with Russell Crowe (and Kevin Costner didn't do it for me either), it wasn't fun. It was dark and violent. Robin Hood is supposed to be fun, and Robin himself should be a swashbuckler, a rogue and a buccaneer (see Errol Flynn). Hollywood keeps getting further and further away from what made these stories what they are.
Anyway, I had the time and I thought I'd get that off me chest. Maybe one day I'll tell you (in great detail) how I feel about "Tombstone". :nono: