September 11, 1973


Staff member
mcrocket said:
I don't use profanity in my posts (as far as I am aware). But why is everyone so touchy about profanity?
Are we ten year olds? Is this church? (not that I go to church - that's a laugh) This is a porn chat forum. Do people think we are going to not swear? Swearing is a perfectly fine way of communicating to me. It's what the swear word means to me that matters. Not whether it is used or not.

I mean no disrespect to anyone here. But if I insult someone badly without swearing, it is okay? But if I just say 'f_ck off', then I might be banned?
If someone wants to tell me to f off. Fine. I can take it. Why can many others seemingly not? That to me is very slight censorship.

To me, anyone can say anything to anyone in anyway they want to as long as it is what they truly feel. Others are then entitled to say they don't like that. But to ban someone simply because they express themselves in a more colourful way? I do not agree.
And like it or not - that is a form of mild censorship. And I HATE censorship in ANY form.

I will now step down off my soap bax. Good day all.

Just a little precision, words can be weapons. Caricaturizing or trying to make a joke especially knowing that it can lead to confusion and/or disruption and/or fight is a proof of acting irresponsible. You don't do what you want on a board or in a firm or at your friend's house, you have rules everywhere and you have to abide them whether you like them or not. People expressing themselves in a so called "colourful" way by using slang, aggriviating and disruptive tone that can hurt people is definitely not a "colourful" way of expressing themselves, it is a proof of a lack of tact and respect of the other.
I think admins and mods want rules respected that is very understandable.
Abiding the rules is not censorship, it is a proof of being a responsible person as well as acting in a responsible way.

just my two cents worth :2 cents:


georges said:
Just a little precision, words can be weapons. Caricaturizing or trying to make a joke especially knowing that it can lead to confusion and/or disruption and/or fight is a proof of acting irresponsible. You don't do what you want on a board or in a firm or at your friend's house, you have rules everywhere and you have to abide them whether you like them or not. People expressing themselves in a so called "colourful" way by using slang, aggriviating and disruptive tone that can hurt people is definitely not a "colourful" way of expressing themselves, it is a proof of a lack of tact and respect of the other.
I think admins and mods want rules respected that is very understandable.
Abiding the rules is not censorship, it is a proof of being a responsible person as well as acting in a responsible way.

just my two cents worth :2 cents:



I agree georges. Well said. :thumbsup:


georges said:
Just a little precision, words can be weapons. Caricaturizing or trying to make a joke especially knowing that it can lead to confusion and/or disruption and/or fight is a proof of acting irresponsible. You don't do what you want on a board or in a firm or at your friend's house, you have rules everywhere and you have to abide them whether you like them or not. People expressing themselves in a so called "colourful" way by using slang, aggriviating and disruptive tone that can hurt people is definitely not a "colourful" way of expressing themselves, it is a proof of a lack of tact and respect of the other.
I think admins and mods want rules respected that is very understandable.
Abiding the rules is not censorship, it is a proof of being a responsible person as well as acting in a responsible way.

just my two cents worth :2 cents:



Well, you have a f*cking interesting point there Georges. But, I sure as sh*t don't agree with it. But each to their own f*cking opinion. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I just couldn't resist. Like I said; If it is the way someone truly feels - I am all for it. No matter how colourful - within reason.

Truth should come before everything. Always. No matter how much it hurts or 'disrupts'.
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mcrocket said:
Well, you have a f*cking interesting point there Georges. But, I sure as sh*t don't agree with it. But each to their own f*cking opinion. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I just couldn't resist. Like I said; If it is the way someone truly feels - I am all for it. No matter how colourful - within reason.

Truth should come before everything. Always. No matter how much it hurts or 'disrupts'.

I agree mcrocket. Well said. :thumbsup: :D


Staff member
mcrocket said:
Well, you have a f*cking interesting point there Georges. But, I sure as sh*t don't agree with it. But each to their own f*cking opinion. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh

I just couldn't resist. Like I said; If it is the way someone truly feels - I am all for it. No matter how colourful - within reason.

Truth should come before everything. Always. No matter how much it hurts or 'disrupts'.

Hope you don't use that so called colourful tone with your boss, your collegues, your family and even with policemen. Insulting a cop or your boss or your collegue can cost you your place at work or being given a penalty by the cop if not a beating (depending of which state you are living in the us or which area you are living in Canada). It is better not to try some people's patience because for them when you use a certain language you agress them and even insult them. You can be a disciplined and courteous person who use strong words (not slang words or insults in any case) in order to express her own feelings.

just my two cents worth :2 cents:
mcrocket and Georges -- PLEASE stop fucking bickering with each other. You two are always at each other's throats. PM each other with your arguments and leave the threads clear of the pissing contests, please. This is silly. :fight: :( :( :fight:


Staff member
Nightfly said:
mcrocket and Georges -- PLEASE stop fucking bickering with each other. You two are always at each other's throats. PM each other with your arguments and leave the threads clear of the pissing contests, please. This is silly. :fight: :( :( :fight:
Did you read who started the discussion about the colourful tone?
As far as I know, I am not bickering.The pm is used if I have something personal and private to say to someone, here that wasn't the case.
I am sure you did. Am I not entitled to express my views in the freeones talk thread? lol. Let's be serious.
Some people hate discipline, I was just pointing out the consequences of what could happen in case of unappropried behaviour.
Pissing contests? I never did that. But I remember of some severe disagreements and one thread in particular, but I have better things to do than fight.


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Georges, it just never stops -- as long as you and mcrocket are posting in a thread together, you end up contesting each other's EVERY SINGLE word. Plus, you quote each other's ENTIRE post, ending up with HUGE, redundant posts of material that we've already read.

You are certainly entitled to speak your mind here, Georges. My point is that you and mcrocket seem to enjoy a mutual DISLIKE of each other, and you BOTH need to take it PM level and keep the threads clear of your constant, incessant, undying disagreements with each other. lol

Cheers. :hatsoff: :)


Although Georges and I have had disagreements in the past. And we disagree with this one sort of. I have no problem with what he is saying or how he is saying it. And I don't think he said anything wrong so far on this thread.

Now Nightfly, you are right in that he and I really can get into it. And if we are quoting each other, that can be annoying, I imagine. But these are public forums. And we are free to discuss and argue if we so choose. If we step out of line, the moderators will deal with us.

I sense you like everything to be nice and calm. And that is a good thing. But sometimes people argue. And that can be a good thing too. And I hope that any disagreements I get into with Georges or anybody else does not disrupt the enjoyment level of others on this site. But if I feel the need to express myself - I am going to do so. This is, after all, a public forum. And I feel that some of the arguements Georges and I have are useful. Just like this thread. I learn a little bit. Yes, they can get out of hand. But I feel that overall, they are a positive thing. As long as nobody gets vicious.
But, having typed all that; I hope our disagreements don't get TOO much in the way of your enjoying Freeones (my gosh - I sound like an advertisement :D )

BTW Welcome back Georges. It's good your computer is up again. You make some good points - at least to me. One should not be rude to people if one can help it. It is just some of us are not as disciplined as you may be. And I am one of those people that cherishes honesty above all else. Even if it comes in 'colourful' forms. But it is not always appropriate - that is true.
And, once again, congradulations on 10,000 posts.


Staff member
An interesting post especially the last part. Yes we are all different, we are not machines thank God. BTW thanks for the welcome back. From what concerns me I avoid flames and fights by all means.
I think you can't agree with everyone, it is impossible. Everyone has his own answer to a question.


georges :georges:
Every American should know and recognize that we have fucked, repeatedly, with South America since the Monroe Doctrine. It won't stop anytime soon, although now that we are a superpower with no corresponding foe (at least not currently), such history is becoming less and less transparent.
Every American should know and recognize that we have fucked, repeatedly, with South America since the Monroe Doctrine. It won't stop anytime soon, although now that we are a superpower with no corresponding foe (at least not currently), such history is becoming less and less transparent.
I tend to agree except with the "should know and recognize" part.

The list is long - I for one would be a little happier if people started discussing the 'Spanish American War' for what it truly stood for. Or even the endless 'Banana Wars' - we all know the inspiration to the term 'Banana Republic', don't we? :)

We've struggled with 'interventionism' as a foreign policy since the inception of our republic.
