Seduce my sister in law

Can somebody give me ideas to seduce (and fuck, of course) my sister in law?
Im married with a 38 years old woman, and her older sister (47 yo), my sister in law, makes me crazy. How can i do to try to seduce with no risk of she tell my wife if seduce failed? I accept all your brainstorm ideas. i know my sister in her had a lover about 8 years ago. It´s all that i can say about her by moment, if you want ask me about her.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I can't wait to see the end result of this on Springer.
Find a hard wall (preferably concrete), remove any objects that are prone to breaking, place a big plastic sheet under your feet, but also make sure that the surrounding area is also covered and start banging your head against said wall, preferably very hard!

I've got nothing against people having multiple fuck buddies, I've got nothing against people in an open relationship, I've got nothing against people who break up every 2 months because they want someone 'fresh', but I do have something against people breaking their vows just for some sex!

You should have thought of this BEFORE you made your wedding vows (or simply shouldn't have married at all). Since you're married you'll just have to live with it and don't touch anyone else, or get a divorce first!
Discreet and elegant, hmm... Go up to her and say, "Do you like chicken ?" She'll probably say "yes" then you say, "Then suck my dick, It's really FOWL!!!"


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm not of the mind that everyone else is.. save to say my usual response to these topics: If you dont give some F@!KING DETAILS THEN NOONE COULD EVEN TRY TO HELP YOU! Is there an attraction, already? Is the marriage safe? Is.. aw, forget about it. If you're asking on a BB how to seduce somebody, dude... you've got no chance, already. Just.. buy a fleshlight and paint her name on it, already. Cmon. Throw in the towel, blow the whistle, turn the Xbox off..

I'm not of the mind that everyone else is.. save to say my usual response to these topics: If you dont give some F@!KING DETAILS THEN NOONE COULD EVEN TRY TO HELP YOU! Is there an attraction, already? Is the marriage safe? Is.. aw, forget about it. If you're asking on a BB how to seduce somebody, dude... you've got no chance, already. Just.. buy a fleshlight and paint her name on it, already. Cmon. Throw in the towel, blow the whistle, turn the Xbox off..


Ha ha! He's right. You couldn't ruin your marriage if you tried! :rofl2:
Ask what are her real feelings don't must I say never cheat on your wife/girlfriend.
just whip it out in the middle of dinner... from the sounds of things, it should go over very well with your family
We all have one woman (at least) that we've all lusted after and dreamed do what most of us have done...fantasize, jerk off if you have to, and leave it at that.

Go any farther and you risk it all. Once that idea is put out, you're in deep shit unless she also feels the same way. It's not worth it.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yea my ex future sister inlaw was sexy as hell. I'd always had a thing for her. So when me and the ex broke up. I was down for a few days then I realized I was free to nail her sister. Would be fun as I always wanted her sister, plus as a bonus it would piss her off to no end! But it didn't work out. Was an excellent thought though! Still you gotta ask yourself if it's really worth risking your marriage for a piece of ass?
i do not condone cheating in any way, shape, or form.

having said that, if you are going to cheat on your wife, do not do it with her family. one member mentioned springer. thats a good analogy of what will happen if you get caught by your wife.
Why are you still married, in the first place?

Does commitment and fidelity mean nothing anymore?
When one entertains such thoughts of banging sisters, whores, the family dog... in short anyone but their spouse and solicits advice for commission of the same- it's time to call the marriage quits.

It's what a proper gentleman would do...
When you make a contract - be a man and honour it.
If you can't - let her know and dissolve the contract.

Cheating is for cowards.
