Security Threat Begins This Weekend


The DOT and NTSB bureaucracies couldn't possibly monitor all these trucks !

What if a Mexican driver has logged 8 hours of driving in Mexico . . . enters the former United States of America and decides to continue for another 10 hours . . . falls asleep at the wheel and kills one of your family members ! :mad:

Do you see where this is going ! And spare me the usual "racist crap". America is being annihilated by "1,000 Slashes" . . . c/o, yet another "Worst President In American History"
I find it illuminating that the comments section for this vid as well as other longer version on Youtube has been disabled.I guess they were getting some controversial comments being left and felt it neccesary to disable them.I'm sure this program goes the other way too, American trucks could cross into Mexico and Canada after having been driving the same long hours.The real reason this is controversial is spoken about at the end of the Lou Dobbs piece,some American truck drivers may lose thier jobs due to the competetion from Mexican drivers.


Is it me or is there an anti-Mexican subtext to your threads?

√ No, just pro First World.

√ No, just interested in American's keeping their employ . . . and here !

dvc said:
NAFTA is good! :D

Perhaps for your social & economic interests . . .

not ours.

I just like to see American's fully employed . . . to the greatest of their
potential. Free from the incursion of those from abroad who would
do such, cheaper.

NAFTA / GATT - IMO - The merger of multi nat. S&P 500 types with the new world govt(s).

Then, the governance, and outcome thereof, solely becomes determined in the realm of economics . . . their economics . . as they see fit.

That is not representative
That is not democratic

To each their own :dunno:
√ No, just pro First World.

√ No, just interested in American's keeping their employ . . . and here !

Perhaps for your social & economic interests . . .

not ours.

I just like to see American's fully employed . . . to the greatest of their
potential. Free from the incursion of those from abroad who would
do such, cheaper.

NAFTA / GATT - IMO - The merger of multi nat. S&P 500 types with the new world govt(s).

Then, the governance, and outcome thereof, solely becomes determined in the realm of economics . . . their economics . . as they see fit.

That is not representative
That is not democratic

To each their own :dunno:

A lot of people no longer believe the US is more than a developing 3rd world economy now, with a minority of rich folks getting richer.

As far as US jobs are concerned, manufacturing and tech are all overseas now. According to your President, it's good that, "all the boring jobs are going overseas and we'll keep the good jobs here". I suppose the good jobs he talks about are politicians, lobbyists, CEO's, because I know damn sure, unlike past leaders, he isn't talking about American workers, or even American skilled labor like radiologists, MD's and dentists.


My family came from poor starving Ireland and got jobs because they would work for less, so fuck them right?

One of my Great-Grandmothers was Mingo (an American Indian tribe) she had to work for almost nothing to support her family after her husband died. She was as pure-blooded American as you can get, but nobody would hire a dirty redskin. So fuck her right?
My take on all this is that I think the communists had the right attitude.Workers of the world need to unite.Americans should not feel someone who is just struggling to earn a living anywhere is there enemy.The wealthy of the world expoit everyone to some degree.What we need is to try to insure more workers are empowered to demand fair wages and benefits and rights everywhere.As long as some are expolited anywhere all workers will suffer.We can not just stick our heads in the sand and think we can just ignore the competetion of the poorer nations.Some of our wealth will be moving elsewhere and we will have to live with less.The only question is if only the working class will be forced to suffer loss of living standard or will we do everything we can to insure that those most able pay more in taxes do so and if we re-prioritize our national budget to make the transistion less painfull on those at the bottom and middle of the economic ladder.Some in the US have done extremely well while the majority have barely kept pace or are actually slipping in buying power and income growth.Those who argue against unions are other worker groups are just laying the groundwork for workers to be exploited here and to be exploited by cheap labor imported here or by jobs being exported to cheaper labor countries.We need to make our unions strong too demand that our employers and govt work towards the rasing of everyone here,mexico and everywhere else,instead of just standing by and watching our living standards be eroded with almost all the benefit of that going to the wealthy of our country and other countries.Its not the poor Mexican workers I am angry with its the employers who love the system that allows them to pay these people sub-standard wages hurting all workers.My:2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
My take on all this is that I think the communists had the right attitude.Workers of the world need to unite.Americans should not feel someone who is just struggling to earn a living anywhere is there enemy.QUOTE]
That was quite a complex post Fomm, Addressing only the first thing you stated, actually the 2nd, I don't feel most U.S. citizens consider one or even alot of people entering the country illegally is such a big threat.
But when there are tens of millions coming and going at will then many like me get concerned.
I don't care what is the color of there skin or where they come from but when millions enter a country illegally and use the services and resources of that country it is an invasion.
It should be addressed now because in a few years it will be too late, if its not already.


Bravo, Mr. Perfecto !

Has anybody ever dealt with a Mexican Insurance Company ? :confused:

Kiddin' aside here -

There are reported to be 100 Independent Trucking outfits that will be given the green light, come this Thurs.
IIRC - There is currently a stay on the matter.

What we don't know is that these are all Mexican trucks !
Chide me later if I'm wrong, but the word is - a percentage of said trucks are from C H I N E S E owned firms ! . . . and I am certain that the PRC wants America for lunch . . . without firing uno shot.

We're witnessing the literal submission / transfer of North America,
here :(

Astonishing ! . . the ambient oblivion :dunno: . . . Oh well.

Be Well ~
That was quite a complex post Fomm, Addressing only the first thing you stated, actually the 2nd, I don't feel most U.S. citizens consider one or even alot of people entering the country illegally is such a big threat.
But when there are tens of millions coming and going at will then many like me get concerned.
I don't care what is the color of there skin or where they come from but when millions enter a country illegally and use the services and resources of that country it is an invasion.
It should be addressed now because in a few years it will be too late, if its not already.

Well in this case they are not entering the US illegally and I would imagine they fully intend to return to Mexico with their trucks after making the delivery of their load.But on the larger issue of the relationship of the US and Mexico I think it will be very difficult if not impossible for the US to be such a wealthy nation bordered by such a poorer one without there being some effects,we got away with it for a long time but the world is changing.Plus there is no doubt that many of these workers are needed by our economy.If you really want mexicans to stay in mexico it might not be such a bad thing that the workers there get more opportunitys and are allowed to cross the border do their buisness and then return to mexico.
Bravo, Mr. Perfecto !

Has anybody ever dealt with a Mexican Insurance Company ? :confused:

Yeah it's not really a problem, as long as you take the 5 minutes to find out what the laws and requirements of drivers are in Mexico

This piece is basically a scare tactic, and total crap news reporting. Listen carefully and you'll see what I mean.

1. They lead off with this lady that lost her dad who "in a collision with a tractor trailer" to draw you in. Sob story, but not really relevent (would have been better to hear she was involved in the trcuking industry or owned a trucking company, but that doesn't tug at the heart and cloud the mind as much.

2. This program will open the door for "hundreds of trucks" to enter the US. Not hundreds of trucking firms or corporations. Just trucks. Even if you assume the maximum number of trucks that's 999, that is still nothing compared to the vast number of trucking and shipping trucks in one state, let alone the entire nation. It will never compete economically, unless it was openned to all trucks, not just these select ones.

3. The politician mentions that these trucks could come in with "10's of millions of illegal drugs." 2 things wrong with that, first it assumes that mexico's major import to the U.S. is illegal drugs......bzzzzzt, wrong, we make plenty of drugs on our own, and mexico has plenty of legit stuff (crappy quality or not) to import. And second NO DRUG DEALER CAPABLE OF CREATING THAT MUCH PRODUCT IS THAT DUMB!!!!!! For anyone that has gone throught the border of mexico, they know that every car rolls past the equivalent of an x-ray machine that looks in your car. It's VERY easy to see through a large truck since there aren't odd shapes placed cloesly together as in a van or passenger vehicle. If someone is attempting to ship drugs in a large container truck, then they deserve to get caught.

4. The politician also mentions that we don't have access to information as to whether the person in the truck has been caught for drugs 4 or 5 times in Mexico. Only drug kingpins get away with being caught that many times, it doesn't matter what country you are in. And if the person had attempted it in the U.S. already they would infact have a record. Even more so, someone suspected of something like that would be pretty easy for the U.S. to acquire information about, they'd simply ask the mexican government for info and chances are Mexico would give it to them.

Think of that guy that runs to mexico to escape his crime in the U.S. (possibly holding his own child at knife point, ie. cops) Know what happens? the mexican border patrol meet him 10 feet within Mexico, arrest him and hand him back to the U.S. The only way to "escape" to Mexico is to disappear from the map, not just simply cross the borderline.

Finally, this doesn't seem very different from what already goes on now. Goods are brought in from Mexico, and trucks are going back and forth across the Mexican-American border all the time, legitimately, and with minimal problems.

This program may have more to it, but the reporting is so terrible it really doesn't give a person any kind of idea what this program/legislation (sp?) is about. Boo this video.......who knows about the program.