search function , why does it never work?!


Closed Account
thank you! only real reason i ask is cuz i got told a couple times ti use search first cuz it was a duplicte, but yet i did search first and that person didnt show me the duplicate..

Yeah, typical stuff: give people shit for making duplicate threads, and if someone asks for help to avoid duplicates give him shit for asking that question. Welcome to the interwebs... :D

But it's all in good fun. Usually.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Use the advanced search, it works fine, at least for me ;)
Regular search, indeed, "finds" me a bit everything, mostly unrelated.

Why don't you just shut up instead of attacking randomly other users? Your post is way more useless than his, so you probably don't even understand the concept you're attacking.

Oh yeah, because spamming shit all day is really better than just posting when its useful!
Encouraging spam must be the dumbest thing ever.
Some people have a life, some people don't spend all day on porn website, and some people don't spend their time aswering to each thread, especially to say dumb shit.

You guys have a real gift to make people run away. What a fucking shit community

Keyboard tuff guys and comedians dont scare me off none, i just laugh at how they think they are so cool when in reality they are only entertaining themselves

that's the right attitude to have. None of this stuff is worth getting upset over. Yeah, my reply wasn't at all helpful but it was made in jest and good-natured even if it didn't come across that way.

Seriously though, I've never had any problems with the search feature, granted I only used it to search for blondes with butt plugs but it was spot on. Ok, not serious.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Oh yeah, because spamming shit all day is really better than just posting when its useful! Encouraging spam must be the dumbest thing ever. Some people have a life, some people don't spend all day on porn website, and some people don't spend their time aswering to each thread, especially to say dumb shit. You guys have a real gift to make people run away. What a fucking shit community

Feel better now that you've let it all out? Some of us on here actually enjoy dialog with one another, I know, novel idea for a forum community. Two hundred posts in ten years tells me that he doesn't read the forums much, which if he read more he might already know that it's a known suck factor, which is basically what Mayhem told him. Honestly, I was merely trying to engage our longtime newbie friend stiffone, I think he would make a great contributing member, he's got the right attitude, doesn't take this shit too seriously, like most of us who "spam the board all day". If I really wanted to be a wanker I would just point out that this is a post best made in the Questions, Comments, and Suggestions Section, but hey, I enjoy the dialog, even with silly ass critics like you.

Will E Worm

I just put in stars names, but everytime I put anything in whatever it is, example squirt or gifs, the response has nothing related

First find the thread.

After that you can search within the thread.

Also, you can add keywords to threads.
I used the advanced search function and mostly search thread titles, and for the most part it works well enough for me. :dunno:
I use keyboard shortcut; Ctrl + F in my browser and write what I want to search. If no thread is found from the front page, then I'll just make one myself.

This works perfectly well for me, maybe you should try to update your browser or re-install windows.

No welcome... :thumbsup:
Try using the 'tag' search in addition as it sometimes brings exact results. It is also hit and miss as it is often not used at all or in the proper manner. As for thread searches you could addthe sections you wish to search for say 'redheads / redhead' in the 'talk' as well as 'title search' should yield those title searches or similar such threads. I often just use google 'freeones forums mary maccray'... leads to her thread. :2 cents:
Try using the 'tag' search in addition as it sometimes brings exact results. It is also hit and miss as it is often not used at all or in the proper manner. As for thread searches you could addthe sections you wish to search for say 'redheads / redhead' in the 'talk' as well as 'title search' should yield those title searches or similar such threads. I often just use google 'freeones forums mary maccray'... leads to her thread. :2 cents:
thank you