Schwarzenegger's proposal to end welfare

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol


knows petras secret: she farted.
all i have to say is that he doesn't know when to stop with all this, does he? he just keeps pushing my buttons!
You know, if this was before the economic problems then I could probably see it but the fact that we are going through a huge economic problem this has got to be the stupidest decision ever made.

The Paulinator

Spreading the seed
Well, the voters had their say by denying all the proposed tax-hikes.
Now it is time for the politico to frighten them back into submission.
This is a time of impasse when the people won't do what those who represent them want them to do.....wait, what?

I hope it is just a scare tactic :2 cents:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
There has to be other places they can find money to cut, instead they go after the people who need the help the most.
Granted some people sponge of the system, but with the correct measures that can be stopped.
It is always the little guy.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Sounds to me like it's Ahhhhnold throwing his hands up since the last revenue referendum basically told the politicians to use the money they already have. Guess he doesn't want to expend the time or energy to figure out how that might be done. The big budget cuts need to come from somewhere! Oh well, they're poor people anyway so who the fuck cares, right?

No matter what your agenda is, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about achieving it. This is the wrong way....
When is California just going to legalize marijuana and sell it? We could:

1. Sell it for profit
2. Tax the heck out of it
3. Release non-violent minor drug offenders from jail (who cost the state ~44K/yr each)


Hiliary 2020
basic math.
there just aint enough money in california.
so either tax the working even more or cut "cash" handouts to millions.
Millions of people are on welfare in California?
Just doesn't sound like the America I pictured as a kid.

So maybe by stopping "cash" handouts to these people it will force them to search for a job, finish school, get an education and stop squirting out kids left and right, in turn creating less taxes for everyone and creating a better quality of life for most.

Or just keep giving them free cash, that seems to be working well right?

And remember if you think Arnolds proposal is so terrible you can always adopt a family.
Work 2 jobs, maybe three, eat ramen noodles or even move into a smaller place.
Just think of the reward of the feeling of making a difference in someones life.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
People take advantage of welfare all of the time. Personally, I've known A LOT of people who rape the system and molest the free money for all it's worth, so I can agree with cutting back funding for welfare. But, if you are going to try and do it the RIGHT way, you'd have to dish out a ton of additional funding just to provide some way of sorting out the good from the bad, which would ultimately make the budget cut completely pointless.
Has anyone ever looked at a 1Bdr or Studio apartment rent in San Jose? If CalWORKS is eliminated, Los Angeles might become America's Bombay...maybe everyone should go watch Slumdog Millionaire to see what LA will look like?

Arnold is a charismatic actor who has no business being the Governor of the most important state in the Union. California has a multi-Billion dollar budget deficit and the most efficient way to close this budget deficit is to rip up Prop 13, thereby actually creating a *real* real estate market in California.

Eliminating CalWORKS is basically a drop in the bucket and an attention-getter, but it does only directly effect the working poor. Wait till he takes the budget axe to things that affect the residents of Orange County, San Diego County, Sacramento and San Fran...

California might be another on the list of "too big to fail" but unless California residents don't grow up financially...some kook in the state will float a ballot initiative to sell the state to the Grand Caymens?

Maybe Facetious is right and we'll be seeing the Rich fire up their Lear Jets and leave the state forever?

Imagine California without a California Highway Patrol, without the Cal State/UC system and with half the fire and police dept...Draconian cuts like these are going to happen....

Things Arnie should look at
--rip up Prop 13
--assess a "use fee" for boat ownership. There are millions of boats in the state.
--tack on another Hotel and Car Rental fee
--petition the Military to close MCRD and Camp Pendleton, sell off the land for development or erect wind farms on these lands
--put in 3 Nuke power plants (1 in SoCal, 1 in Central Cal, 1 in NorCal) and create a reverse ENRON energy market
Good job Arnold! Get all of these "needy" people off of government money, and help them out by making them work for a living. Hopefully the rest of the country will follow in stride when they see how much this helps.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
--petition the Military to close MCRD and Camp Pendleton, sell off the land for development or erect wind farms on these lands

Whaaaat? Where'd that come from. The MCRD is good for San Diego and Pendleton is good for Oceanside. I went through both in 1989 and just looking around the area of both installations I could see how the local population relies on the Marines for a good percentage of their income. People have been after the MCRD, hell, the entire Corps for years but then when the need arises for a rapid reaction to some Godforsaken shithole, there we went.

People think it might be an anachronism and that the Army can fill the role that Marines serve competently but the USMC is an institution that evokes fear in our enemies and pride in its veterans.

The Army closed Fort Ord near Monterray several years ago and the only good to come of all that land, as far as I can tell, is that they were able to develop some really nice golf courses. That is a little simplistic, I know. They're focusing on education, environment and economic development there.

That is not the legacy I want for my beloved Corps and shame on you for postulating this idea.
It will never happen, I'm just saying that Arnold should leave no option off the table. Military bases closing are normally a Military-directed action, but with all the Navy and Air Force installations in California....MCRD is on prime real estate in San Diego that could earn the State a pretty penny.

Simply taking the the first swing directly at the working poor is a cheap shot...pun intended.
Your solution to get people off welfare is to tell them to get a job? That's the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in awhile. Are you seriously retarded?

I guess you haven't seen a newspaper in about a year.

How much money will it cost to perform the lifesaving operation on some of these FOs members to remove their heads from their rectums?


Hiliary 2020
Your solution to get people off welfare is to tell them to get a job? That's the stupidest fucking thing I've heard in awhile. Are you seriously retarded?

I guess you haven't seen a newspaper in about a year.

How much money will it cost to perform the lifesaving operation on some of these FOs members to remove their heads from their rectums?

ok cal then keep giving them free money with the criteria being more babies, more money.
hell they can't succeed anyway, they will just be discriminated against i suppose.
but maybe, just maybe if the free cash was to stop coming in, they just might do what millions before them did.
Go find work and take care of themselves and not rely on somebody elses hard work and sacrifice.

The only thing we got from welfare in the last 45 years is more people on welfare.
Now the camels back has been broken.

Have you ever considered adopting a family?