Scariest Game You've Ever Played?

What is it??

My good friend Whimsy has just reminded me how terrifying Silent Hill 4 was and it got me thinking, which game has scared me the most??

There is lots to choose from, but me personally it is either Silent Hill 1, 2 or 4.

Silent Hill 1 was the first game to ever make me genuinely scared to play, though it didn't stop me. Plus I was younger so I'm sure that had something to do with it.

Silent Hill 2 introduced what could be the most intimidating on screen character ever created. Pyramid Head. When he was chasing me through the corridors, I felt as if I was actually being chased.

Silent Hill 4 raised the whole psychological terror thing to a whole different level. The entire game creates a feeling of unrest, almost making me not want to continue, but I did. The part that really pushed the game over the edge, for me, was when the ghosts start appearing in your "safe" apartment. The game was basically telling you, you can't hide from me. I am everywhere now. I had to work up the nerve to finish the game, but it was well worth it.

And don't even get me started on the creatures in Silent Hill. The creators have to be really fucked up to think of this stuff.

So what games affect you deep in your soul? Hmmm??


My Penis Is Dancing!
Running into zombies for the first time in the crypts in Thief was pretty unnerving, as were the ghosts in various levels.
Thief: Deadly Shadows has puppet zombies with pans over their heads in an asylum. With more realistic ghosts.
Resident Evil 2 and 3 I guess for me. I remember having a dream where I was in my backyard and Nemesis just popped up chasing me. I just remember playing and thinking I am safe while on my way to some various point ingame and all of a sudden one of those monsters would pop up chasing you in RE 2. I am talking about those stalker like creatures when you are playing through it a second time as the other character. I do not remember what they were called.
The first Resident Evil game with Claire Redfield and Leon was quite scary.
I bought a game called kingdom under fire or something but I didn't like it because the plants creatures put me off it. Dead Space was quite scary as well.
I remember playing PS1 Resident Evil for first time ever and going down the infamous L-hallway to have a dog bust through the window.

I have to say Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly DC for Xbox is a game that gets me. It makes me walk slowly into the other room.

Clock Tower 3 was a pretty scary game in its own unique way. Fun, just makes you want to play it in spurts to save yourself a possible trip to the crazy house.

Silent Hill games provide a psychological effect rather the jump out and scare effect of Resident Evil. Adam Sessler said it best: Silent Hill is Resident Evil's older brother that spends all its time reading literature.

Condemned: CO for the 360 is a game that makes you want to stay in the dark rather be in the light just so you can know you are safe from being spotted by the crazed individuals in the game. When you see a beam of lighting spilling through the space of a boarded you hold your breath and run past it, hoping no one sees you.

Them games all hold a special place in that horror filled part of my mind. They each provided a thrill and a chill. What fun times.

By the way, happy Saturday STDiva ;)

I know only said one. However these are the games that left their marks on me. Especially Fatal Frame 2 CB! That game is still scary even today.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'd have to say Resident Evil 1 for PSX, since it was my first horror game, I watched my bigger sister playing it when I was about 8-10.


what the fuck you lookin at?
None, and honestly I'm disappointed. I keep hearing about all these "scary" games and I don't even jump.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And which "scary" games have you've been hearing about?

Member 1098

Closed Account
The scariest game for me:
Probably, it will be: Resident Evil.

Just because of the zombies, the missions you have to go through, some of them will scary you. It's a good game with good missions, I love the characters. I love Jill Valentine. :lovecoupl

I never played Silent Hill, I want to get it.
I just love Silent Hill Nurses. They might look creepy and scary looking, but they look hot and awesome. :lovecoupl


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
They're also hard to kill with the axe-.-
I have never truly been scared of a game,but the hallway in Resident Evil really set the bar for everything that followed.

I will say this though,one of the most disturbingly creepy games that I've ever played was The Suffering.As you were playing,there was a whole lot of quick,almost subliminal,disturbing images that would flash on the screen.That game was really good and I don't think it ever got the props it deserved.It would also make a great movie,if done right.


Postal Paranoiac
I once played Super Mario Bros. at Guantanamo!!:eek:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fatal Frame was probably the scariest. Everyone says Fatal Frame 2 was scarier, but after getting so many close-up shots of ghost's faces you get used to it.
Resident Evil 1. I was only in 6th or 7th grade when I played it and it scared the shite out of me. I had to have my older brother play instead and I just watched.

Silent Hill 2. The atmosphere in this game was amazingly creepy

Doom 3. I don't think I've ever screamed or jumped so much during a game than this one. This game will show whether you are a little bitch or a man. I'm the former, by the way.

Resident Evil 4. Not as scary as I would have liked but there were a couple parts that made me jump.

(honorable mention: Rebel Assault 2 for the PS1. The only game that I have ever returned on the same day I bought it)

That's all I can think of at the moment
The first siren creeped me out the first time I played it but now I love it, & the remake siren blood curse was very refreshing it brought back alot of memories of the first one. I think the siren series (at least the first game) is very under-rated any one who's a fan of the silent hill atmosphere well enjoy it so check it out if you haven't. Please no one say dead space that game isn't scary at all.
I once played a game of twister with Jeff Goldblum. Not that scary, you say? Dick Cheney, shotgun in hand, was the keeper of the rules. He added categories, and while I don't want to elucidate, let's just say "scrotum" and "in the pie hole" were included.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Right up your alley Lurky.