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Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Now you have already called me a fool, so no need to go over old ground, how about you just give me a straight answer to a pretty simple question?

There's a good lad
Someone's done us all a solid and banned the inflammatory fool.

...but if it wasn't permanent I'm sure he'll be back to spew nonsensical bile all over your question in due time.
^ah shame, I was looking forward to another non committal, vague, insult filled rant.

I'm sure eric will be along soon to flood the thread with pictures of celebrities in his 'throw enough shit and some will stick attempt to validate his beliefs without feeling the need to address key holes in his doctrine
As I said, this thread is primarily about exposing the snares of the devil and speaking the name of God and spiritual goodness in a positive light. More than enough attention has been paid to the former, so now is a time to devote attention to the latter.

R.I.P. Mickey Rooney !

Celebrity Ghost Stories - Mickey Rooney

[video]http://www.***********/player/1980633/Celebrity_Ghost_Stories/season_3/episode_14/Mickey_Rooney,_Brande_Roderick,_Eric_Mabius,_Kim_C oles/[/video]

Mickey Talks About Religion And Being an Actor



OK, ya cretin, I'm gonna show you just the once how dumb your post was, and you bring a bit less than stupid to a discussion.
I will show you step by step how lame your posts are.
So...first you need to quote the actual post, in it's entirety , where I say

As a christian do you think that god would be happy with you telling fellow human beings to kill themselves because they happen to have a different opinion to you?

AS an aside to that, also show where I have EVER claimed to be a Christian. Or any religion.

I looked, just in case, for any post where I said this, and I didn't see it. your court.

Then, I'll show you what a dumb asshat you really are, with the greatest of pleasure. Just this once, Bozo. After that, you're on your, FruityRyan, that 0ther God obsessed idiot BirdsNest6, and various other sublevel types can carry on inane and twisted-logic threads all about how God let you down, etc.


OK, ya cretin, I'm gonna show you just the once how dumb your post was, and you bring a bit less than stupid to a discussion.
I will show you step by step how lame your posts are.
So...first you need to quote the actual post, in it's entirety , where I say

AS an aside to that, also show where I have EVER claimed to be a Christian. Or any religion.

I looked, just in case, for any post where I said this, and I didn't see it. your court.

Then, I'll show you what a dumb asshat you really are, with the greatest of pleasure. Just this once, Bozo. After that, you're on your, FruityRyan, that 0ther God obsessed idiot BirdsNest6, and various other sublevel types can carry on inane and twisted-logic threads all about how God let you down, etc.

crickets crickets crickets crickets crickets crickets crickets crickets crickets

I expected as much, the really lame posts usually contain lies and BS statements that the asshats can't even begin to back up...
Dumb_Posts_Lover is so classic an idiot, he doesn't even think about using the truth to troll with...and here we are, silence.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I drove by the Scottish Rites building earlier today and I could swear I saw a statue of a hand making the devil's horns sign in one of the windows. It would be very disconcerting if I were a cunt who believes bullshit. I'll take a picture of it tomorrow if I remember.
Day 160: Weather Channel: Twisted Believers


The final segment was about a young girl named Ari who lost her parents, grandparents and a baby cousin during an April 2011 tornado in Ruth, Alabama. For six months before the storm, Ari had dreams of losing her family. Everyone assured her that they were only dreams, and yet, Ari’s premonition came true. When Ari’s grandparents’ house was hit, Ari was picked up by the tornado and carried 200 yards. She later told the story of going to heaven while she was inside the tornado. She spoke of seeing a staircase rise to two huge doors with diamond doorknobs. An angel who called her by name and held her hand led her through the doors, where she saw her family who had just passed during the tornado. The baby was held in the arms of Jesus. Ari was led back down the staircase, and awoke in a field. She was 6 years old at the time. Ari has since written and illustrated a book about her experience, titled, “To Heaven After the Storm”.

Day 160: Weather Channel: Twisted Believers


The final segment was about a young girl named Ari who lost her parents, grandparents and a baby cousin during an April 2011 tornado in Ruth, Alabama. For six months before the storm, Ari had dreams of losing her family. Everyone assured her that they were only dreams, and yet, Ari’s premonition came true. When Ari’s grandparents’ house was hit, Ari was picked up by the tornado and carried 200 yards. She later told the story of going to heaven while she was inside the tornado. She spoke of seeing a staircase rise to two huge doors with diamond doorknobs. An angel who called her by name and held her hand led her through the doors, where she saw her family who had just passed during the tornado. The baby was held in the arms of Jesus. Ari was led back down the staircase, and awoke in a field. She was 6 years old at the time. Ari has since written and illustrated a book about her experience, titled, “To Heaven After the Storm”.

well that's settled then, there is a heaven because a terrified 6 year old girl said so.

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