The only thing I agree with on "Reagonomics" is reduction of taxes, which actually increases revenue.

Increase in revenue is not the same as paying for themself. Revenue also goes up when a tax increase occurs or even when the tax rates stay the same. Within reason it could be a tax increase or decrease is just that and nothing more.

Anyway, here is some solid analysis of this issue. The empirical evidence is in and tax cuts do not pay for themselves. And if they are going to increase spending for say a war, then that's all the more reason not to cut taxes. Nobody who knows anything about economics believe Reagononomics anymore except for the politically motivated.
Revenue also goes up when a tax increase occurs or even when the tax rates stay the same.
Not always. There is a "point of diminishing returns." If you're below that point, increasing taxes increases revenue. If you're above that point, then decreasing taxes increases revenue. People utter forget that reality.

Anyway, here is some solid analysis of this issue. The empirical evidence is in and tax cuts do not pay for themselves. And if they are going to increase spending for say a war, then that's all the more reason not to cut taxes.
The problem right now is that the US federal government spends way too much. Ironically, social programs were gutted, and rather heavily 1994-1998, and that helped. Unfortunately our industry was also gutted during those years (as well as some prior and after), and we only survived on "false wealth" and "false reportings" (although the US federal government made out well on taxes).

Nobody who knows anything about economics believe Reagononomics anymore except for the politically motivated.
I would argue the same for those who believe raising taxes always increases revenue and wanting to increase spending on social services.

Everything is politically motivated. Political science is not economics. ;)

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
SARAH PALIN would have a very alarming impact upon the citizens of the USA for that matter the rest of the world!! she would be successfully responsible for having administered or TALLIED a STAGGERING 400 million + BLOWJOBS if she happens too be the next Vice President of the US OF AMERICA!! that would be a landslide WORLD RECORD of epic proportions and that dubious record would UNDOUBTEDLY never be matched!! just some cum for thought!! :rolleyes: :hatsoff:
SARAH PALIN would have a very alarming impact upon the citizens of the USA for that matter the rest of the world!! she would be successfully responsible for having administered or TALLIED a STAGGERING 400 million + BLOWJOBS if she happens too be the next Vice President of the US OF AMERICA!! that would be a landslide WORLD RECORD of epic proportions and that dubious record would UNDOUBTEDLY never be matched!! just some cum for thought!! :rolleyes: :hatsoff:

I'd vote for her if she would give me a blowjob. It's not like my vote matters anyway.
I just watched Charlie Gibbons interview of Sarah Palin. She did not have any idea what the Bush Doctrine was and rambled on with platitudes. This is a simply and important question and she draw a blank. She is not ready to be VP or, God Forbid, President. :2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I just watched Charlie Gibbons interview of Sarah Palin. She did not have any idea what the Bush Doctrine was and rambled on with platitudes. This is a simply and important question and she draw a blank. She is not ready to be VP or, God Forbid, President. :2 cents:

Here's a quote from the interview when Charlie asked her about her belief in creationism and the existence of things like the dinosaurs:

"God made dinosaurs 4,000 years ago as ultimately flawed creatures, lizards of Satan really, so when they died and became petroleum products we, made in his perfect image, could use them in our pickup trucks, snow machines and fishing boats."

Of course this is one of the erroneous quotes allegedly attributed to her on certain websites but it carries about as much actual credibility as some of the shit that has been slung on this board about Obama recently.
I believe John McCain's choice for vice president is excellent! This strong willed. moral person demonstrates all the positive attributes for vice president, she has even more experience than Obama.
I believe this is a slam dunk and game over in victory for the Republicans. Thank you.

How the fuck can you support Sarah Palin and Republicans while surfing a porn site? This is why people hate Republicans. You're all hypocrites.


Jeezuz...could you please try to be an even bigger jerk?
Nowhere in any credo or political platform of any party is it declared absolutely imperitive NOT TO SURF PORN SITES!
Since you feel surfing a porn site is a bad thing, along with porn itself (per your comment), here you are wearing the proverbial "shoe that fits" are an assumptive hypocrite, and all Republicans are no more hypocritites than all Dems, Libertarians, Independents, etc...some are, most are sincere.
If this move will earn him the presidency then Americans have got to be the strangest and stupidest people on the planet. 8 years of Bush bashing and then to elect McCain, which means another 4 years of Bush, is a move only the most gullable will make.

i agree

mccain choosing her was a total gamble, which seems to have worked pretty well for him
in my opinion,
it shows all his "i would make the choices that are best for america" rhetoric to be clear bullshit
he picked a running mate who could give him a boost and the best chance to be prez
not the one who would be best suited to helping him run the country or, god forbid;), take over the top job if he dies (which we all know has gotta be more likely with mccain that other recent candidates - as he's 72 or whatever and has had cancer 3 or 4 times)

- as for her,

come on -
she's a evangelical gun nut, who is so inspirational she can't inspire her 17 year old daughter to get her boyfriend to wear a rubber,
who says "i'm totally against pork barrel spending" but is on the record backing the bridge to nowhere already referred to above,
she wants creationism taught in schools
she denies climate change
doesn't want abortion - even in cases of rape or incest

she hadn't had a passport or been outside the us till 2 years ago or something like that

then there's "trooper gate" to consider

and she describes herself as like a pit bull with lipstick - i'm not sure if that is the best self image for the potential leader of the free world to have

- anyway, that's just my opinion,
(as i put on my helmet and prepare to be attacked for giving it :D)

just a view from the uk

Vote Obama!

absolutely :glugglug:
How the fuck can you support Sarah Palin and Republicans while surfing a porn site? This is why people hate Republicans. You're all hypocrites.


They always have been hypocrites....intolerant cynical hypocrites.

Responsable for deregulating every industry they can get their greedy paws on and no oversight whatsoever.

Obama For President...good bad or indifferent at least he has an education and isnt running as a maverick what a fucking joke

They always have been hypocrites....intolerant cynical hypocrites.

Responsable for deregulating every industry they can get their greedy paws on and no oversight whatsoever.

Obama For President...good bad or indifferent at least he has an education and isnt running as a maverick what a fucking joke

the way some people talk about obama it's like the fact that he has a lot of brains, was president of the Harvard Law Review etc is a bad thing

- surely better to have someone with some smarts
rather than another george w who, whatever anyone says about him, i don't reckon to be too "intellectual"

oh, but i forgot
obama's an "elitist"
- who was brought up by a single mother,

rather than mccain, whos father and grandfather were both admirals

Member 1098

Closed Account
I like her. I think she's smart, elegant and beautiful. It's things that she said was right, like Barack Obama made a mistake of not choosing Hillary Clinton as his Vice President. I think he did made a mistake of not choosing Hillary Clinton as his VP, why in the heck would you get Joe Biden ? I just think Hillary is better than Joe Biden. I'm starting to be a big fan of Sarah Palin.... Actually, have her as my screensaver photo in my cellphone! She's cool :thumbsup:

I'm tired that some people just want to hate her, because of her experience in politics, and the things she had done in her past...
I like her. I think she's smart, elegant and beautiful. It's things that she said was right, like Barack Obama made a mistake of not choosing Hillary Clinton as his Vice President. I think he did made a mistake of not choosing Hillary Clinton as his VP, why in the heck would you get Joe Biden ? I just think Hillary is better than Joe Biden. I'm starting to be a big fan of Sarah Palin.... Actually, have her as my screensaver photo in my cellphone! She's cool :thumbsup:

I'm tired that some people just want to hate her, because of her experience in politics, and the things she had done in her past...

You tell em Nikki!
I think he did made a mistake of not choosing Hillary Clinton as his VP

How do you know he didn't offer her the position?
He may very well have, only to have her reject it.
Either way Hillary never at any time exhibited any interest whatsover in being VP.

why in the heck would you get Joe Biden ?

Well, Biden has tons more experience than Hillary, particularly in the arena of foreign relations, an arena where an Obama/Clinton ticket would have been attacked as being weak. He's been a U.S. senator for 35 years. He's a long time member and the current chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He has also served as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Furthermore, it's a dicey enough proposition trying to get a black man elected president in America. A ticket with a black man and a liberal woman would be all the dicier.

I'm tired that some people just want to hate her, because of her experience in politics, and the things she had done in her past...

:confused: How are voters supposed to appraise her if not by her experience (or lack of) and the things she has done in her past??

You tell em Nikki!

Fresno, the next time I see you disagree with anything any woman has ever had to say about anything on this board will be the first.