If this move will earn him the presidency then Americans have got to be the strangest and stupidest people on the planet. 8 years of Bush bashing and then to elect McCain, which means another 4 years of Bush, is a move only the most gullable will make.
i agree
mccain choosing her was a total gamble, which seems to have worked pretty well for him
in my opinion,
it shows all his "i would make the choices that are best for america" rhetoric to be clear bullshit
he picked a running mate who could give him a boost and the best chance to be prez
not the one who would be best suited to helping him run the country or, god forbid

, take over the top job if he dies (which we all know has gotta be more likely with mccain that other recent candidates - as he's 72 or whatever and has had cancer 3 or 4 times)
- as for her,
come on -
she's a evangelical gun nut, who is so inspirational she can't inspire her 17 year old daughter to get her boyfriend to wear a rubber,
who says "i'm totally against pork barrel spending" but is on the record backing the bridge to nowhere already referred to above,
she wants creationism taught in schools
she denies climate change
doesn't want abortion - even in cases of rape or incest
she hadn't had a passport or been outside the us till 2 years ago or something like that
then there's "trooper gate" to consider
and she describes herself as like a pit bull with lipstick - i'm not sure if that is the best self image for the potential leader of the free world to have
- anyway, that's just my opinion,
(as i put on my helmet and prepare to be attacked for giving it

just a view from the uk
absolutely :glugglug: