Rey C.
Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Not as familiar with Kucinich (he's the one with the hot, young, ginger ale wife, right?), but from what little I know of him, yeah. Also a yeah on Ron Paul. And probably the guy that I pick that shocks those who know me (in real life): Pat Buchanan. I don't agree with anyone (even myself) 100% of the time. But when I get the feeling that someone is being sincere and going out on a limb by doing it, even if I'm not totally on board with all of their views, I give them props. And that's why I pick Buchanan. I also stole Pat's description of neo-cons: "they show up for the party late, don't bring anything with them, eat all the food, dirty up the dishes, claim they helped cook the food and then leave while everybody else is cleaning up." Damn skippy, Pat! :yesyes: