Saludos a la banda que en español habla

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si es que hay varios que hablan el español me presento soy el Höek de COAPA donde la mujer es guapa seria bueno ver de vez en cuando post en español no lo creen? yo si...¿hey y cuales son sus nenas favoritas? las mias son Katie fey y Mindy Vega si conocen mas que no sean güeras maden vinculos va
se despide

El Höek

ok im no offensse
but my english it´s no good , yes i understand english but no in 100% and in the official
board rules contenned the next inscription

International Board:

The Freeones message board is an international board and not everybody speaks or writes English fluently. Please respect that and do not make fun of it.

por cierto ""saludos a la banda que habla cualquier lengua""


el Höek
jod0565 said:
Si Senor Jod, but I'll give that thread a little more credit because the thread title is in english and it was basically set up in such a way that all the french posters could participate and get some sort of satisfaction from it. My knowledge of spanish is limited so for all I know Ren Hoek could have been El Spamming.

Ren, if you want to start a spanish thread at least post the title in english so people know what this is about.

Welcome to the board BTW :wave:
Estaria chido iniciar un tema en español, pero de ahi a ver post seguido o con palabras en español, pos no.

Si algo me molesta de paginas de otras partes del mundo es que no tengan su version natal, y si pueden su pagina en ingles, ingles malisimo, pero ingles, hay que aceptar que el imperio nos deja entender a mucha gente del mundo con la influencia del idioma.

Hay que mantener este foro calmado en ese asunto, toma en cuenta que aqui entra gente de todas partes del mundo, ya ves que hay alemanes, franceses, de todas partes del mundo. Si es medio chocante. Un tema si, pero de ahi a que cada mundo hable en su idioma o dialecto, esta canijo para los demas.

Yo que tu mejor me la llevaba calmado, luego se prende el tema.


Translation: just talking.
About maintaining the “neutrality” of the forum in a language everyone could understand.

I agree on taking the title in English as a warning, like the French post. Or do whatever with the thread, I don’t want any troubles


Staff member
hi and welcome and board.;) :)
yeah even though this is a international board plz try to speak english so we can all understand. no habla espanol here. didnt follow through on the courses. and your english seems to be good enough to post. the only way you will get better is to keep using it.


Closed Account
SBTNW, this is an English only board, it's right there in the rules.

Why bump a thread just to break a rule :dunno:
SBTNW, this is an English only board, it's right there in the rules.

Dave, no disrespect but he is right, these threads are currently open. If they violated the board rules, then they would of been locked-up by any of the mods.
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