This is a very old article (was published in 2001). Unfortunately, in the 6 years since ,nothing has changed! On the contrary, it has only gotten worse!
It is a very long article - but it is a must read. I'm an old man now, and only getting older. And as a healthcare professional, frankly the prospect of injury or serious illness requiring hospitalization scares the living shit out of me.
If I, as a healthcare worker, feel this way - I don't know how or what the lay public is going to feel...
It is a very long article - but it is a must read. I'm an old man now, and only getting older. And as a healthcare professional, frankly the prospect of injury or serious illness requiring hospitalization scares the living shit out of me.
If I, as a healthcare worker, feel this way - I don't know how or what the lay public is going to feel...
To be continued...The Sad State of Healthcare Staffing
Night after night, registered nurse Julie Ginther finds herself at ground zero in the national nursing shortage. One recent evening, Ginther was responsible for six patients recovering on the postoperative floor at Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park, Kan. The patient load was two more than Ginther deemed safe, and she was worried she wouldn't be able to keep up.
Her concerns proved justified. A few minutes into the shift-as Ginther helped an 80-year-old man to a bedside commode-she was informed that a patient in her 70s, confused by anesthesia, had climbed out of bed. Ginther rushed to help the woman but was unable to respond to a concurrent call from another elderly man recovering from abdominal surgery. Meanwhile, the patient she'd helped to the commode was dutifully waiting for assistance in getting back into his bed, a task Ginther couldn't accomplish without help.
Finding her co-workers equally stressed, Ginther raced off the floor to get a supervisor to help her lift the man up. Only then was she able to respond to the third patient who'd rung for help some 15 minutes earlier. By that time, the man had relieved himself in bed.
"How would you like it if that was your father, or husband or grandpa, sitting in his own urine and waste?" Ginther says. "Because he had an abdominal incision, it was a major infection concern. But if I hadn't gotten to the woman who climbed out of bed in time, she could have fallen and broken a hip or opened her incision. You run from fire to fire all night long."
By all accounts, Ginther's precarious work environment is increasingly the rule nationwide, as nursing's thin white line buckles under the combined weight of long hours, low pay and little respect. Yet as serious as the problem is, experts warn that the nursing shortage is only the most visible piece in a broader healthcare staffing crisis that, if left unchecked, threatens to implode the country's delivery system in the coming years.
Hospital and health plan executives say worsening shortages are being felt at nearly all points along the continuum of care. Nurse's aides, nurse anesthetists, radiology and nuclear medicine technologists, lab techs and respiratory therapists-not to mention food service and maintenance help-are all in short supply. So too are pharmacists, who are abandoning careers in acute care for other opportunities, as well as anesthesiologists and other specialists, whose importance was mistakenly de-emphasized during the healthcare reform upheaval of the mid-1990s.
In a recent survey of nearly 500 acute-care hospitals conducted on behalf of the American Hospital Association, 62 percent of respondents said that personnel shortages had increased either somewhat or dramatically from a year earlier. Another AHA study showed 126,000 nursing vacancies at hospitals nationwide. The problem is being similarly felt in home health and nursing home care. But while the industry as a whole is mobilizing in search of solutions, few observers expect the overall employment crisis to pass anytime soon in a sector that employs nearly 14.6 million people, or slightly more than 10 percent of the U.S. workforce.
Grim Outlook
His is going to get worse," predicts Greta Sherman, senior partner with the Healthcare Group of Louisville, Ky.-based JWP Specialized Communications, an employment consulting firm. "I've been doing this for 25 years, I went through the nursing shortages of the '70s and '80s, and I've never seen anything even come close to what we're facing now. I'm 49 years old and I don't want to get sick. It scares me to death."
In the broadest sense, the staffing shortage is the latest side effect of healthcare's awkward transformation from a somewhat insular cottage industry into one that's increasingly susceptible to the market forces that impact nearly every other business sector. But now the competition is not only among providers themselves but with other industries as well, and the prize is not new business but employees. After profiting for generations from a steady supply of female employees with few other avenues of employment, hospitals and other healthcare organizations now find themselves unable to compete with a wide-open universe of work opportunities for women.
The situation is worsened by a complex web of cultural, economic and demographic factors. Relentless financial pressure at the provider level is not only containing salaries but increasing the workload for a broad range of clinicians. The resulting turmoil has made it harder to recruit new workers and has triggered an exodus of the veteran staffers who've carried the industry for years, a situation that further increases the burden on those who remain.
"It's a pretty pathetic situation," says Michael Morrissey, a veteran respiratory therapist at St. Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco. "We're very short-staffed. Nobody wants to become a respiratory therapist anymore, basically, because you can make more money going into computers or some other line of work where you don't get coughed on or spat on. It's just a dirty job and nobody wants to do it."
Making matters worse is the steady shift from inpatient to outpatient treatment, which means that only the sickest of the sick are now cared for in the hospital setting. This, too, increases the responsibilities and stress on a clinician pool that is already approaching its limits.
Finally, the worker shortfall comes as upwards of 80 million baby boomers inch toward old age, ill health and infirmity. And because the shortages stretch far backward into the educational pipeline-and thus will take years to rectify-the problem extends over the horizon and beyond.
"The demands for higher acuity healthcare will intensify significantly over the next decade," says John Leifer, CEO of the Leifer Group, an Overland Park, Kan.-based healthcare consulting firm. "At the same time, we're at a point of unparalleled cost restraint within healthcare, and a resulting decline in the economic health of the nation's provider organizations.
"Add to that an increased demand for quality healthcare by payors, businesses and consumers, along with the recognition that medical error is an enormous problem that needs to be rapidly mitigated," Leifer declares, "and all in all, I'd say you've got a pretty ugly situation."
Delays, diversions, low pay
Just how ugly can be seen in New York, one of the states hardest hit by the worker shortage. Daniel Sisto, president of the Healthcare Association of New York State, says he's increasingly hearing of surgeries postponed or delayed and hospitals sending ambulances away due to the worker shortage (see sidebar).
"Between 80 and 90 percent of our members are reporting significant vacancies, whether it's RNs, LPNs, nurse's aides or technicians," Sisto says. "The fact is, I don't believe any hospital CEO in New York state can assure the public that optimum quality of care is being delivered now. And that's not something I'm proud to say."
Staffing vacancy rates-particularly for nursing positions-are exceeding 20 percent in some areas, up from traditional levels of less than 10 percent, notes Peter W. Butler, CEO of Methodist Health Care System in Houston and chairman of an American Hospital Association initiative charged with addressing the problem.
"Unlike previous shortages, where you could anticipate a recession and those that were on the sidelines would come back, there really aren't any on the sidelines now," Butler says, noting that a wide range of alternative employment opportunities exists not just in healthcare, but in any number of more lucrative and less-stressful fields. As for money, most providers don't have enough to compete effectively in the still-powerful economy. In 2000, nurse salaries averaged $46,782, up from $42,071 in 1996. When measured against inflation, however, salaries for nurses have remained nearly flat for 20 years, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Bureau of Health Professionals.
Yet for the 60 percent of the nation's 2.6 million RNs who work in acute-care settings, the money is apparently less important than the arduous conditions of the job itself.
"I've left work sometimes and my feet hurt so bad they don't stop hurting for two days," says Leslie Remington, a Kansas City, Mo., nurse. "Twenty-year-old nurses are getting back injuries, and people are going for 12 hours without even being able to go to the bathroom. It's the slave labor conditions that are the real problem."
According to a recent survey of 700 current and former nurses conducted by the Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals, an AFL-CIO-affiliated union, 84 percent of those surveyed said they believe there is a moderate or severe nursing shortage. Half of the currently employed nurses said they've considered leaving the patient-care field, and 20 percent said they plan to quit soon. The primary reason cited for leaving, or contemplating it, is the desire for a lower pressure and less physically demanding job. Of the respondents, 56 percent gave job conditions as the biggest problem, versus 18 percent who cited compensation.