:clap: Very well spoken :clap: !... although you are wasting your time trying to reach this one...something is broken inside her heart and soul that would take years to fix even if she ever acknowledged that she has a problem, which she never will...she will ignore your simple straight forward logic, probably insult you some more, and then continue to blaspheme God, and in arrogant mock defiance, continue to make these ridiculous hateful threads saying the exact same thing again and again...into perpetuity.
Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemes they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" -- for they had said, "He has an unclean spirit."
Mark 3:28-30
Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemes they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" -- for they had said, "He has an unclean spirit."
Mark 3:28-30
Ah fuck it, I"ll multi task.
First off, the way you blanket all religious people and their beliefs together is astounding. Not ALL religious folks believe that illness/crime/poverty is Gods plan. In fact, most people know that its NOT. Gods plan was for us to not sin. But who fucked that up? We did. (of course, if you're going straight biblically, but since we're discussing religion and belief systems, I figure I"ll just say it like it is) We, human kind, is the most dangerous thing in the world. WE are the ones that cause poverty, that cause abuse...blaming God for these things is ridiculous. Over history, we've had the power to not fuck up, but still we did.
Secondly, I never said you DIDN'T donate to charity, or give back....I simply stated that its classless to put up images of starving children, while making oodles of posts about your travels and your food. You can't sit here and shit on others (religious folks) for the right to live their life, and have their beliefs (whether you disagree with them or not) ...what you are doing is the EXACT same thing as someone making rude and hateful posts towards the gay community, blacks, ANYONE....we all have the same rights, and we ALL deserve respect. I am not "coming at you", I am just saying that you are lacking class in the way you conduct yourself. I'm sure most people on here would agree.
And for the record, not that its any of your business, but I DO give back where I can. I've held 5 fundraisers on cam and have raised thousands for people in need. I donated $1000 worth of food and toys to the under-privileged last Christmas alone. I volunteer at a womens shelter because I've been fortunate enough to get out of an abusive relationship alive. I sponsor a child through World Vision. I don't own 78 websites or make enough money to travel, eat expensively, buy a boat...but I do what I can to give back.
And as for my "hypocritical" way of life, its not hypocritical at all. There is literally no way on earth I can live my life completely without sin. No one can. Thats the beauty of my faith...I know God accepts and loves me despite my flaws. I don't need to cower behind my bible and hope and pray that I"ll get accepted into heaven. I believe I'll get there simply for believing, and trying my best. Thats all anyone can do, is try their best. And I"m just saying that you making these hateful threads, is not you being YOUR best. And based off the rep I'm receiving for my speaking up, most of this forum agrees with me.