Sad day for me...John Edwards is a sham--Affair?

Breaking News on ABC...John Edwards, former presidential candidate and "good guy"..turned out to be another political cad:mad::weeping:

John Edwards is a fraud

I won't bother posting pictures of his mistress, Rielle Hunter, a 44yr old filmmaker, because, shockingly...she's NOT THAT HOT!:rolleyes: If you're going to step out of your marriage, my gawd man, make it worthwhile...

How could this guy do this? Let's not forget about his wife's cancer battles...I am publically SHAMED for thinking so highly of this clown.

Good bye John Edwards, you are the biggist douchebag on the planet.
Breaking News on ABC...John Edwards, former presidential candidate and "good guy"..turned out to be another political cad:mad::weeping:

John Edwards is a fraud

I won't bother posting pictures of his mistress, Rielle Hunter, a 44yr old filmmaker, because, shockingly...she's NOT THAT HOT!:rolleyes: If you're going to step out of your marriage, my gawd man, make it worthwhile...

How could this guy do this? Let's not forget about his wife's cancer battles...I am publically SHAMED for thinking so highly of this clown.

Good bye John Edwards, you are the biggist douchebag on the planet.

Just be glad it wasn't a guy...:D
I could care less about these peoples personal private lifes and who they have sex with.Europeans are so much mature about such things,they laughed at the reaction in the US over Bill and Monica.They were like what else is new,who cares.
You care if Obama gets some on the side?:nanner:
Good bye John Edwards, you are the biggist douchebag on the planet.

You really think HE is the biggest douchebag on the planet? I mean, come on, there are so many, and there are a lot of people who have done things a LOT worse than having an affair.

Disappointing? Angering? Yes- especially for all those that supported him. But "Biggest" douchebag- I'm not so certain about that.



knows petras secret: she farted.
ohhh i thought this was about that "psychic" guy. i was about to say, DUH he's fucking phony!
He was a phony from a day one.

I mean ... this is a guy who was essentially a "personal injury" lawyer - that's how he made his fortune. An obscenely rich dude who hawked class warfare socialism to become popular.

Seriously - I'm not surprised by this at all.
You really think HE is the biggest douchebag on the planet? I mean, come on, there are so many, and there are a lot of people who have done things a LOT worse than having an affair.

Disappointing? Angering? Yes- especially for all those that supported him. But "Biggest" douchebag- I'm not so certain about that.


That would be Howard Dean. :1orglaugh
I could care less about these peoples personal private lifes and who they have sex with.Europeans are so much mature about such things,they laughed at the reaction in the US over Bill and Monica.They were like what else is new,who cares.
You care if Obama gets some on the side?:nanner:

The President is supposed to be "the greatest example" of an American. He/She is our royalty. It's not asking too much for a President or a Presidential candidate to be the shining example of an American--smart, mannered, well-spoken, charismatic, etc...

John Edwards's case is different...his wife has terminal cancer. She was the #1 cheerleader and worked her ass off on getting him elected, all while he's banging this other bim...:mad: C'mon Friday. This is much more sleazier than Bill and the Intern. Hell, I was primed for that scandal because of all the other uglies Bill popped along his way to the office.

I admit that I was hoodwinked by this slickster douchebag. :anonymous
You really think HE is the biggest douchebag on the planet? I mean, come on, there are so many, and there are a lot of people who have done things a LOT worse than having an affair.

Disappointing? Angering? Yes- especially for all those that supported him. But "Biggest" douchebag- I'm not so certain about that.


It's not like this was a tryst from 20 years ago that is irrelevent today...this fucker was climbing out of bed with his mistress and then heading off on the campaign trail!!!!
What does him sticking his dick in another woman have to do with the issues? WHo cares who he sleeps with. Concentrate on what matters, America, such as the $70 that I just put into the tank of my honda accord. This is the same reason why reality shows are so popular.
Everything looks different to me after today...the things I used to think smell good--a steak on a grill, Chanel No5 on a hot chick, a nice rose, the head of a hoppy IPA beer--it all reeks to me today...:weeping:

John Edwards you are a scoundrel! I DEMAND YOU LEAVE THIS COUNTRY!!!:mad:
What does him sticking his dick in another woman have to do with the issues?

It probably has something to do with trust, commitment and telling the truth to people...or the penchant not to do those an effective President one who lies?:dunno:
I could care less about these peoples personal private lifes and who they have sex with.Europeans are so much mature about such things,they laughed at the reaction in the US over Bill and Monica.They were like what else is new,who cares.
You care if Obama gets some on the side?:nanner:

I can agree with this for the most part but ...

Thing is ... the US still isn't Europe - that's just a fact and the politicians here have to deal with that. You have to think here - here's a guy that decides to run for Prez while he's having an extramarital affair - even knowing that Presidential candidates have NO personal life and there's a 99% chance he'll get caught.

And add to that ... he knows that when he DOES get caught - he's going to be branded the worst kind of philanderer - because his wife is dying of terminal cancer.

Knowing all that - he proceded with the affair ... then he initially LIED about it when he was busted by ... of all people ... the folks at National Enquirer.

Soooo ... I have nothing against his morals (hell who am I to judge? I'm surfing a porn site ... LOL) ... but I do say this guy was an idiot not worthy of leading a nation. And he has some kind of psychological problem - not the first Democratic Presidential nominee to afflicted with that by the way. We now know Gore and Kerry are pretty much whackjobs in the psych department too. Problem is ... the press never tells us about their "issues" until they've lost the race!
^^^Everything except the last paragraph is true....

The Democratic Party...time to trot out the John McCain and Lobbyist PornPlane "story" which broke a couple months ago....let's use today's bad news as "gentle reminders" that John McCain might be popping on Cindy's watch too :thefinger
What does him sticking his dick in another woman have to do with the issues?

It shows he lacks character, and I don't want yet another someone who lacks character making decisions that will impact my life.

If he can't be considerate towards his terminally ill wife he also lacks humanity.

I'm with Titsrock on this one. The guy's a son of a bitch.
^The good ones (like FDR, JFK, Carter, H.W. Bush) don't lie. The bad ones (Dubya, Nixon)do.

Titsrock,ever heard of the actor James Mason? He brought his wife to an event at the white house while JFK was prez.JFK and her slipped off into a room and did you know what.:nannerf1:.And lets not forget he was banging Marilyn Monroe along with his brother Bobby.They all lie to some degree but there are different kinds of lies and some matter more than others.