Progressive liberal and media hypocrisy over Rush Limbaugh slut Sandra Fluke comment
This faux feminism by far left nuts and their usurper media hacks is quite hilarious. I haven’t really followed the whole Rush Limbaugh / Sandra Fluke “controversy.” While name calling is a left wing tactic, there’s also something in America called freedom of speech. Or at least there used to be. I guess Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” or something on one of his radio broadcasts. As usual, the hypocritical leftists have gone batsh*t crazy, taking the media along with them. Calls to boycott Limbaugh’s advertisers from Marxist leftists have so far claimed five Limbaugh sponsors: Quicken Loans, Legal Zoom, Sleep Train, Sleep Number and Carbonite. Limbaugh even apologized for the “slut” remark.These are private companies, they can do what they want, but they better be prepared to suffer the consequences from conservatives who use or used their products. Now I will ask the following question. If Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut was so terrible, then where was the same outrage against idiots like Bill Maher, David Letterman, Ed Schultz or Montel Williams? These four leftists are just a small sample of leftists who have called conservative woman sluts “or worse.” Yet, there was no media outrage, no advertisers pulling ads, and crickets from leftists who support “women’s rights.” Lets review some examples. Ed Schultz on his radio show called Laura Ingraham a “right wing slut” and a “talk slut.” Not a peep out of the lame stream media, no crowing from so called “feminists,” no advertisers targeted and pulled from his radio or MSNBC show or anything. All Schultz got was a few days “suspension” from MSNBC, which basically turned out to be a little vacation for Schultz. Then you have David Letterman and his lame Late Night show is on CBS. In 2009 he said Sarah Palin had that “slutty flight attendant look.” Letterman then went on to say Sarah Palin got “confused” during the 7th inning stretch, because Willow Palin got “knocked up” by Alex Rodriquez. Willow Palin was fourteen years old at the time. Crickets from leftists, media, no ads pulled, or anything.
Then of course you have pig Bill Maher. He’s a treasure trove of insults at conservative women. Leftists of course don’t seem to care. One of his most “famous” moments was calling Sarah Palin a “cunt.” Maher claims he’s allowed to make comments like that because he doesn’t have any sponsors on HBO. Pig Maher also gave one million dollars to Obama’s Super Pac. Then of course you have Montel Williams. He failed in his daytime TV show, so he tried his hairy palms at left wing radio with Air America. He said in 2009 that Michele Bachmann should just “kill herself.” Of course, there’s no advertisers to boycott with him as Air America is as dead as Osama Bin Laden. And finally, who can forget immy Fallon introducing Michele Bachmann with the song Lyin’ ass Bitch with drummer Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson. Again, silence from leftists, no media outrage, no advertisers targeted, etc.
If I wanted to, I could find hundreds of other examples of leftists spewing their vile crap towards conservative women, but it’s not worth the effort. You can find plenty on Google and Youtube. So to all leftists, feminists and media hacks, spare me your faux outrage over Rush Limbaugh. You’re little game of bullsh*t may have worked before the Internet existed, but not anymore. You are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.