Roommates who aint shit.


Closed Account
Anyone want to share there story about roommates from hell story?

Some of you are that roomate, just sitting there jerking off on the internet letting your dirty dishes fester as it attracts insects of all species.
Some of you are that roomate, just sitting there jerking off on the internet letting your dirty dishes fester as it attracts insects of all species.

I was partially that roomate. I was jerking off on the internet all day, and the dishes did fester, but they weren't mine. I always cleaned my own stuff up before going to masturbate all day on Yahoo being sent photos from "Sarah" who said she was 23 and from Sweden.
I haven't had a 'roommate" in 25 years since I was in college.. But yeah they suck. I remember the washer/dryer room was near the kitchen and the dumb ass roommate would put his dirty clothes on the kitchen counter as he was throwing them in the washer and I would notice pubes that came off his clothes on the counter if I would go to get a drink of water or something. I am just OCD enough that I would never put a glass or a plate on that side of the counter again even after cleaning it with Clorox. I would never have a roommate again after that. There is a lot to be said for having a place all to yourself.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i already knew i couldnt live with anyone so i opted out of having roomates. i could never ever do it.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Back in college a buddy of mine became an RA in another dorm and got me into his suite. Little did we both realize who my roommate would be. It was this Long Island Guido we knew from the previous dorm we lived in. This disgusting slob lived in a suite that was the gathering place for noise and piles of food and garbage. Neither of us was happy about it but when the Guido asked me to switch rooms so his buddy could move into my spot shit hit the fan. I told him that I had a better idea. You pack your shit and move and get your buddy to convince his roommate to do the same. Well this never happened and I was going to be in for an uncomfortable semester.

Luckily things were not so bad. My friend the RA was prepared any shit from those 2. He got the word to both of them. After the first few weeks of discomfort with the chill of us being in the same room I didn't see him much. We avoided each other and his buddy never came down to hang out in our room. Sure he was a slob but he kept his mess on his side and didn't fuck with my shit. Only lasted 1 semester Guido moved out to be with his buddy.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
When I worked at juvenile facility in Florida, one of the benefits (if you could look at it that way) was that staff got free housing.

Well, the company that runs the facilities through the US has a exchange program with Europe and Jamaica, so ocassionally we'd get some foreigners in. Let me tell you about the Jamaicans...WORST HOUSEMATES EVER!

I'm not so sure what it was that bothered me the most. The noise because they were off and the rest of us just dragged our asses in after a 16 hour shift where we were running through the fucking swamp after runaways. Or perhaps the hogging the bathroom all the time? Or the kitchen...

I think it was the kitchen. They would marinate chicken and just leave it on the kitchen for 2-3 days. Mind, this is in Florida. The A/C was usually off too (because they got too cold). And it stunk because the chicken would start rotting...

After about a year we got moved to this trailer house on the facility's property. At that time not only did we have the Jamaicans...but someone brought her 2 cats and they'd piss and shit everywhere.

I think after about 5 months of that BS a friend and I bailed and got an apartment together in town. That was bliss.....and she didn't yell at me for turning every light in the house on after I watched a scary movie. LOL


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
When I worked at juvenile facility in Florida, one of the benefits (if you could look at it that way) was that staff got free housing.

Well, the company that runs the facilities through the US has a exchange program with Europe and Jamaica, so ocassionally we'd get some foreigners in. Let me tell you about the Jamaicans...WORST HOUSEMATES EVER!

I'm not so sure what it was that bothered me the most. The noise because they were off and the rest of us just dragged our asses in after a 16 hour shift where we were running through the fucking swamp after runaways. Or perhaps the hogging the bathroom all the time? Or the kitchen...

I think it was the kitchen. They would marinate chicken and just leave it on the kitchen for 2-3 days. Mind, this is in Florida. The A/C was usually off too (because they got too cold). And it stunk because the chicken would start rotting...

After about a year we got moved to this trailer house on the facility's property. At that time not only did we have the Jamaicans...but someone brought her 2 cats and they'd piss and shit everywhere.

I think after about 5 months of that BS a friend and I bailed and got an apartment together in town. That was bliss.....and she didn't yell at me for turning every light in the house on after I watched a scary movie. LOL

End of thread. No more calls folks, we have a winner.
I've only had two roommates, one was a cool. The cool one stayed with me while I was in college and helped me with math, I passed. I didn't charge him any rent because when the first of the month came up and he asked me what he owed me I always remembered a B in math and he cooked for me and kept me in smoke... the weed alone made it worth it. We're still friends, he proposed to his wife at my house and we still get together and knock back some cold ones once in a while. The other guy was a total zero, I let him stay with me after he told me some crap about his lady dumping him because he was about to be deployed and I figured it would be ok as it would only be a couple of months and I was working pretty steadily. He on the other hand did not, he bummed around my house all day while I was gone and was usually asleep on my couch when I got home. He ate all my food and never went shopping, left the bathroom(shared) a mess and didn't get the hint when the girls I party with didn't want to talk to him... that resulted in a few awkward situations that I still to this day can't believe bewildered him. Then he quit paying rent, so I went out and changed the locks and his response was to bring the police over to collect his things. I left all of his stuff outside and he tried to say he needed in to get his drums. I have a drum set and he was telling the cops they were his, lucky for me I'm diligent with paperwork and was able to provide proof of ownership. That alone made his two months of no rent totally worth it as once I showed the officer my receipt, he was arrested for attempted grand larceny.

Haven't had a roommate since and will not ever again, no matter how sad the sob story.
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[B][URL=" said:
Petra[/URL][/B], post: 7578534, member: 114093"]After about a year we got moved to this trailer house on the facility's property.

Is that your way of telling us that you're trailer trash? :tongue:
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Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Is that your way of telling us that you're trailer trash? :tongue:

Yea, I suppose I was at the time. Sure as hell felt like it anyways. It was bad with the rotting chicken smell all the time but got 100% worse with the damned cats.
I have a problem with that right now, and they're my family members. I stated on another thread that although I love them my brothers have turned into what I can only describe as being inconsiderate assholes. I hate saying that about them, but the situation is what it is. I think I'm the only one that lives where I do that isn't a slob or even thinks about the other people besides themselves in the house.

One of my brothers, who very recently lived out of state and has screwed up his life very very badly through making blatantly idiotic decisions (Which I won't go into here, but he hasn't made a good reasonable major decision in his life in five years since our father died.), basically unilaterally decided he was going to move back into our house (that is jointly owned between him, my sister, and me),...with his wife whom he recently left for somebody else and got back together with but still has a contentious relationship with and his infant kid. There wasn't the slightest bit of discussion of this or asking my permission which technically he legally needs let alone any moral or ethical obligation on his part

I found out this was going to happen third hand a couple of days before they moved, and only managed to talk to him personally about it after they had packed up and right before they were about to drive here, and even then that was because I forced the issue. If it was his way I wouldn't have known until he showed up. They are both crappy parents that don't watch their kid well, and as kid unfriendly as my house is I'm going to be shocked if the kid doesn't get seriously hurt sometime in the future. They trash up my house. His wife I was once neutral one before, but I'm starting to actively dislike for a variety of reasons. My brother will soon be out of money and won't be able to help pay for himself baring him now finding a job quickly in one of the most economically repressed areas in the country. Oh, and he already owes me thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars as it is. Sooner or later I have a feeling his relationship with his wife is going to go downhill again and now everybody here will be front and center for the drama and unable to avoid it.

My other brother thrashes up the house. He smells. He hasn't helped pay a bill in about a year and half now. He has tried to sneak garbage onto the property of my neighbor, somebody I get along with and like. He has sneaked drugs into the house despite it being against one of the very few rules I have for him. His son, my nephew, that he gets visitation on the weekend ends up trashing the house even more. I've had my carpet ruined by them. I have multiple doors that are broken because of them. This brother without any asking basically took it upon himself to commandeered the garage, a place I once extensively used for myself for working out and other things, for himself and his friends, moved his own things into it, and uses it as a smoking den because I adamantly refuse to let anybody smoke inside. That is one thing that will make me snap and they know it. Still I can no longer use it for my own use without having a constant cigarette smell while doing it and he still seem to track the smoke in.

They have both leeched off of me for years, either now or in the past. They both don't have a problem inviting whomever they want into the house. More than a few times I have walked out of my room to just see some strange person standing in my home. Worse of all is that I can't really do anything about the entire situation, without going the nuclear option and destroying the relationship I have with not only them but other people in my family, maybe forever. I don't have anywhere else to go, and I don't see the situation getting better anytime soon. I can only sit back and be dumbfounded by their total lack of basic consideration for anybody but themselves. None of this is even mentioning the numerous other smaller things that they do that added up completely irritate me. There is a difference between somebody helping others out because it’s the right thing to do, and being taken advantage of and used. As time goes on they are pushing ever farther into the latter category.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
D-rock, plan a date with your sister for a closing and cut those ties off. Clean up the place and sell the house. Take your cut and get a rental. Living alone costs more than sharing expense but it if so much worth it for the value of peace in your home. Peace in the home. That is something that I cherish. Stick the key in the door and know exactly what to expect. My own mess just where I left it. Take my shit off and flop it where I want. Make it as nice as what effort I decide to make it this week. Everything in there is mine. Work as hard as I can to keep it that way. Take the step. Live smaller and have it all for your own.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
My roommate fucks me good, cooks awesome meals for me and takes good care of me. Yes, he farts now and then, but since he'll be the father of my kids i decided i can cope with it.
Didn't I already tell you that porn stars can't have kids?
The only year I lived in a college dorm was the worst. It was a townhouse kind of dorm. Four bedrooms, eight guys. Our own kitchen, living room, and all that. Not one of the other guys had ever cooked a single meal. Not one had ever done a load of laundry (what the fuck is wrong with parents not preparing male children to live on their own?). Every one of them was a jock, and they were huge. Now, I'm a pretty good sized guy - 1.86 meters (6'1"), around 190 pounds, not fat. I was the smallest guy in the dorm, and I was in the arts. They decided, without reason, that I was a pussy cry baby. Every time I came in and any of them were eating, they threw whatever food they had at me. Any time they came home at night, they came in my room and punched my shoulder when I was sleeping. They didn't flush the toilets, and I'm the only person that ever did dishes in the dorm. I kept my own dishes in my room, which they found and broke into shards in my bed probably 10 times over the course of the first semester. They made it their goal in life to try to make me cry, who the hell knows why, so they'd constantly insult me, punch me, and try to feed me inedible things.

After one semester, I came back after Christmas holiday, and I had had enough. Even though I had paid for the remainder of the school year in that dorm, I had secured other lodgings. One morning, around 10 AM (while they were all still sleeping of course), I tied all their doors shut. Very well. After they were tied shut, I put 8 or 10 drywall screws through the doors into the frames. They were not going to be able to open the doors from the inside. They were trapped very effectively. I used that time to move out - if I had done it while they were around, they would have tripped me, and broken my stuff (they had smashed a computer monitor once, already).

They all finally woke up, couldn't get out of their rooms, and panicked. They were all on the second floor, they couldn't get out. I know for fact at least two of them ended up shitting in their rooms before someone came and rescued them.

For the rest of that academic year, I went to their house around 8 AM a few times a week and stole all their food out of their fridge. They never figured out who was doing it. The last week of classes that year, I actually make a stud frame, drywalled it, and one night when I knew they were all passed out drunk, I went in, and drywalled over the opening to their kitchen and main floor bathroom. I had matching paint. You couldn't tell there had ever been a doorway there.

To this day, I feel I still owe them. I lived with 7 complete douches for a semester.